Italy: migrant sets bus full of children on fire as part of pro refugee protest


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Senegalese migrant set a bus full of children on fire in Italy as part of a pro-refugee protest

Italy: Migrant Sets Bus Full Of Children on Fire as Part of Pro-Refugee Protest

Oh they are showing the love for their new country aren't they wait until you dumbasses get a does of the same chit inn the US adn you are the MORONS who begged for it all. Wonder how much you idiots will feel that way when you putting your kid six foot under or your wife or husband. Gawd u leftist are fkn idiots.
Thank goodness no one was seriously hurt! If a 12 yr old hadn’t been able to get his tied hands free, it would have been catastrophic.

Driver sets schoolbus on fire ‘to avenge deaths at sea’: none seriously harmed

First, he had previous dwi and a sexual assault of a minor. How’d he get that job??
Then he states he did it due to their anti-immigrant policies. Geeesh.

The carabinieri were alerted by a 12-year-old boy who was able to free his hands and dial the 112 emergency number on his cell phone.

They were able to bring the bus to a halt at a junction and broke the vehicle's windows as Sy began pouring petrol over the floor and shouting that he wanted to avenge those who’d died at sea as a result of the Italian government’s anti-migrant policies, according to the La Stampa daily newspaper.
The drama did not go far this Wednesday in San Donato Milanese, on the outskirts of Milan (Italy). A 46-year-old man Ousseynou Sy was driving 51 middle school students to the Crema pool in the south of Milan when he decided to hijack the car.
He finally stopped the bus as he made his way to Linate Airport and yelled, "No one will go out alive".
"I want to finish, we must stop the dead in the Mediterranean"
He tied the students up with electric wire after picking up their mobile phones tells La Repubblica and held them hostage for 40 minutes. "I want to finish, we must stop the deaths in the Mediterranean" he also said, in relation to migrants trying to enter Europe.


Two cans of gasoline and a lighter
One of the children who had kept his phone was able to warn his parents, who called for help. Fortunately, the carabinieri (a military force tasked with policing and law enforcement) quickly managed to get all the children out, while the suspect had dumped two cans of gasoline into the vehicle.

On an amateur video in the link, we see the driver driving in several cars. The police put one of his vehicles in front of the bus to stop him, while the suspect burned him with a lighter. The latter, Ousseynou Sy, was later arrested.

Milan : Le conducteur incendie son bus où se trouve 51 enfants et évoque les migrants morts en mer
Is he a Muslim? So sad. :(

How can someone kill innocent children like that?

How can a municipality hire someone to be over children that's like that?

Was he suicidal and crazy or suicidal, crazy, and a Muslim?
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Is he a Muslim? So sad. :(

How can someone kill innocent children like that?

How can a municipality hire someone to be over children that's like that?

of course he's a muslim that kinda goes without saying doesnt it?
I don't think any of the kids were killed, saw a video of them running away screaming.
How could they hire him? Suicidal altruism.
Mar 20,2019
African Terrorizes Bus Full of Children in Italy
The Africanization of Europe promoted by progressive social engineers like France’s Emmanuel Macron is turning out as well as any sane person would expect. From Italy:

A bus full of school children was set on fire by its driver in the outskirts of Milan on Wednesday in an apparent protest against migrant drownings in the Mediterranean, Italian authorities said.


All the children managed to escape unhurt before the bus was engulfed in flames.

The driver is of Senegalese origin.

A video posted on Italian news sites showed the driver ramming the bus into cars on a provincial highway before the fire took hold. … One of the children told reporters that the driver had threatened to pour petrol on them and set them alight.

With every passing day, more Africans pour into Europe, making it a little more like Africa, where senseless savagery is the norm. Unless this is reversed, eventually a tipping point will be reached, and Europe will become an extension of Africa.

I would say worse ....and bloodier
The kids running and screaming in this video just caught a glimpse of their future:

Hello, we may wonder why he was in command of a school bus? he was known by the police services for sexual abuse on children now we live (in Europe) in a total laxity with regard to the security
Can you imagine what it is going to be like in Europe 30 years? Jesus. Those dumb MFers have let millions of those low IQ savages into their nations. demand open borders in Italy. Fortunately police got them all out. Report says he was a muslim from Senegal and did it to demand open borders. Crickets from the msm. See what happens when these monsters come?


ITALY: Sengalese Muslim migrant sets fire to bus full of Italian children in protest of Italy’s crackdown on illegal Muslim migration

Bus driver abducts 51 children in Italy, sets vehicle on fire

Italy: Bus driver abducts 51 children, sets vehicle on fire

My guess is people don't click on the article enough for it to have relevance.
Now you've done it. Given the muslims in this country new and exciting ideas.

The muslim that set the bus on fire is the driver of the bus. demand open borders in Italy. Fortunately police got them all out. Report says he was a muslim from Senegal and did it to demand open borders. Crickets from the msm. See what happens when these monsters come?


ITALY: Sengalese Muslim migrant sets fire to bus full of Italian children in protest of Italy’s crackdown on illegal Muslim migration

Bus driver abducts 51 children in Italy, sets vehicle on fire

Italy: Bus driver abducts 51 children, sets vehicle on fire

My guess is people don't click on the article enough for it to have relevance.
My guess is that if some white guy a gun a had done it it would be plastered all over the world.

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