It's Amazing How Little Some White People Really Know About American History

Now do any of you understand the implications this policy had until the 114th Amendment? Or do you want to pretend that this law meant nothing, and everybody had the exact same rights regardless of race?

Gonna be a damn long time before we pass the 114th Amendment. ;)

The 14th Amendment was passed almost 160 years ago. Thats more than sufficient time for folks to find some hemorrhoid cream to soothe their injured backsides. Simple as that.
Gonna be a damn long time before we pass the 114th Amendment. ;)

The 14th Amendment was passed almost 160 years ago. Thats more than sufficient time for folks to find some hemorrhoid cream to soothe their injured backsides. Simple as that.
Wrong. Especially when the 14th Amendment was not followed, and Plessy v Ferguson came along to insure it would not be followed. It's amazing how much American history whites don't know.
what do you think about it …. if you know about it?

Wrong. Especially when the 14th Amendment was not followed, and Plessy v Ferguson came along to insure it would not be followed.
TOO FUCKING BAD. Suck it up and work through it. That’s what most of us with disabilities do every day of our lives.
It's amazing how much some white people don't know. Don't tell me how America has changed. Not when I read the shit from people like you in this forum.
This is the result of you picking a fight with whites in the first place.
You are not living under 1790 laws today.
If we were, someone would have challenged IM2 to back up his lies and insults with either pistols at twenty paces, or blades at sunrise. Things were much simpler dealing with offensive people in those days.
OK, let's break things down about our history because it's clear that a lot of whites in this forum, specifically on the right do not seem to understand the implications of things that have occurred during our history. So let's start at the very beginning. I'll be merciful and not include colonial laws.

On March 26,1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. The Naturalization Act of 1790 states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as they lived in the United States for at least two years and in the state where the application was filed for at least one year. Please notice the first seven words. Only whites were entitled to be citizens of this country.
The Founding Fathers were indeed White nationalists. So anyone saying that White nationalism is un-American is historically ignorant.
Now do any of you understand the implications this policy had until the 114th Amendment? Or do you want to pretend that this law meant nothing, and everybody had the exact same rights regardless of race? Do not try that stale ass that was in the past bs, because July 4th, 1776, was even farther past than 1790 and you can recognize the impact of the signing of that document on us as citizens today.
The 14th Amendment was a horrible mistake. The freed slaves should have all been deported back to Africa. Republicans doubled down on this mistake in 1965 with the passage of the Hart-Cellar Act. White demographics has been in free fall ever since with the resulting shitholeification of the US.
White people created the greatest civilization in history. Your bitch assed culture is just jealous.
Wrong. Especially when the 14th Amendment was not followed, and Plessy v Ferguson came along to insure it would not be followed. It's amazing how much American history whites don't know.
14th Amendment Not followed? Another IM2-ism. Not followed by whom? When? For what cases? Be specific.
The Founding Fathers were indeed White nationalists. So anyone saying that White nationalism is un-American is historically ignorant.

The 14th Amendment was a horrible mistake. The freed slaves should have all been deported back to Africa. Republicans doubled down on this mistake in 1965 with the passage of the Hart-Cellar Act. White demographics has been in free fall ever since with the resulting shitholeification of the US.
White nationalism is unamerican. There was no mistake with the exception of the Native Americans trust of the white man. They tried proposing to blacks that we go back to Africa but backs refused since we had been born here and our labor made this country grow. Whites made this land a shithole because white racism has created the greatest waste of human resources maybe ever in history. Furthermore, the lost income created because whites were so stupid to think only, they deserve good pay made it so the US never has been able to reach its true potential and is in fact the cause of our deficits and current debt.
Since America apparently was not given by God to whites since nonwhites were already here, try explaining the implications of the 1790 Naturalization Act until the 14th Amendment instead of the usual white racist divert and dodge tactic. Because white Christian Identity is a false philosophy and anyone teaching it to you was a false prophet.
Recall that God gave the Israelites the inhabited land of Canaan. Many see America that same way.

It's Amazing How Little Some White People Really Know About American History​

It is NOT amazing, how deceitful and dishonest you are about Race/Racial issues and its NOT amazing how SPOOKED you are to comment on the way The Democratic Party is helping Black America celebrate its on funeral by moving yall out of the way to make room for White HISP illegal imms.

Make sure you are honest with you grandkids, one day, when they learn that you sat idly by like a coward/supporting the White-racist Democrats while they gentrified the entire Race of melanin Blacks.
No it doesn't.
God 'drove' the Israelites to 'the north country', the lands north of their middle eastern lands, Europe, and from there to the four corners of the earth: Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, and many colonized lands as well.
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