It's Happening! Minorities Beginning to Call the Democrats Prejudiced

kewlhand said:
as National Security Advisor what would you describe as a howling failure? She was part of the Big Lie of WMDs .

During the fabled summer of 2004, the old mainstream media shattered forever the illusion that they are anything but underhanded partisan hacks. Even the doddering old clown, Cronkite, got into the act - breaking what he undoubtedly assumed was a Bush-killing story about Russia spiriting weapons out of Iraq under cover of darkness. What he actually - and inadvertently - accomplished was as plausible an explanation for the missing WMDs I've heard to date. The investigation into the Oil-for-Food scandal is getting ready to go full boil, and more than one nation has a vested interest in no WMDs being found in Iraq. Stay tuned, kewlhand - this is going to get interesting!
musicman said:
During the fabled summer of 2004, the old mainstream media shattered forever the illusion that they are anything but underhanded partisan hacks. Even the doddering old clown, Cronkite, got into the act - breaking what he undoubtedly assumed was a Bush-killing story about Russia spiriting weapons out of Iraq under cover of darkness. What he actually - and inadvertently - accomplished was as plausible an explanation for the missing WMDs I've heard to date. The investigation into the Oil-for-Food scandal is getting ready to go full boil, and more than one nation has a vested interest in no WMDs being found in Iraq. Stay tuned, kewlhand - this is going to get interesting!

Think this might apply:

Spelling it out
Okay, look, I’ll put this as simply as I can:

1) Condi didn’t lie to anybody, and neither did Dubya. Lying implies both knowledge and intent, and neither has been remotely established, nor will they be, because they do not exist. We know that Saddam at one time had WMD’s; there is simply no argument possible on this. The fact of their existence was unquestioned by anybody, including the UN, after the first Gulf War, and we know he actually used them on more than one occasion. What we don’t know is where they all went, and if you on the Left were truly concerned about American security in the age of global terrorism you’d be a lot more worried about that than you are. You are not serious about defending this country. You are dead wrong, and you do not deserve to be taken seriously.

2) Bush acted on the best intelligence available in making the decision to remove Saddam from power; the same intelligence led President Clinton to make regime change the official goal of the USG back in ‘98. You on the Left did not denounce that policy change when Clinton made it; your interest in the matter begins and ends with your hatred of your fellow Americans who happen to be Republicans. You on the Left are not seriously concerned about the security of this nation. You are dead wrong, and you do not deserve to be taken seriously.

3) WMDs were by no means the only reason to remove Saddam. Saddam was an avowed enemy of this country. He called for our destruction many, many times. He aided and abetted Islamic terrorists of every warp and woof. He built the Salman Pak terrorist training camp. He provided safe harbor to terrorist killers like Abu Nidal and others. He encouraged the murderous depredations of Palestinian suicide bombers by rewarding their surviving family members with large cash payments which morally amounted to a bounty on the heads of innocent Israeli civilians. He attempted to assassinate a former US President, and just because it happened to be one you on the Left do not like does not mean that we as a nation can afford to ignore it. He attempted many, many times over the course of more than a decade to shoot down American aircraft engaged in a legitimate and UN-approved mission. Just because you on the Left don’t like the military any more than you like the aforementioned US President doesn’t mean that we as a nation can afford to ignore that. It’s one thing to ignore a ruthless, bloodthirsty, and out-of-control tyrant like Saddam on 9/10/01; it’s another thing entirely to do so on 9/12. You on the Left are not seriously concerned about the defense of this nation, its citizens, and its military personnel. You are dead wrong, and you do not deserve to be taken seriously.

4) The Iraq war, contrary to repeated and shrill accusations from the Left and the mainstream press, is part and parcel of the War on Terrorism and not a distraction from it. Saddam’s regime, as already noted, was a stalwart friend to Islamic terrorists, both in the Mideast and elsewhere. The Iraq war is part of a larger, bolder, and more comprehensive strategy, one spelled out explicitly by Bush many times but most recently and compellingly in his second inauguration speech. I won’t link to any specific support for these assertions; such links are scattered liberally throughout the archives here if you’re truly interested in looking them up. Anyone who thinks that Saddam was innocent of any connection to Islamic terrorism, or that Iraq had nothing whatever to do with the WoT, is either foolish, ill-informed, or disingenuously promoting an agenda different from the one they claim to be promoting. They are not serious about the security of this nation. They are dead wrong, and they do not deserve to be taken seriously.

5) There was no “rush to war,” and Bush did not ignore the Europeans. He spent a year and a half begging them for cooperation in enforcing 18 different UN resolutions that they themselves had voted for; they flatly refused, because they had crooked business deals (the Oil for Food scandal; see here for details) to protect and cover up and not for any moral reasons. If the Europeans hate us, it is because of their own corruption and/or cowardice and not because of anything we’ve done. Therefore, they are dead wrong, and do not deserve to be taken seriously. And if you’re all that worried about what people sniping at us from behind a defensive shield our tax dollars and military personnel provide for them think, neither do you.

6) The elections in Iraq—contrary to repeated shrill predictions from the Left and the mainstream press of disaster, postponement, cancellation, and subterfuge on the part of the US —will take place as scheduled this Sunday. It will be an historic first step on the road to self-determination for a people who have not known it in our lifetimes. Despite the Left’s overheated rhetoric accusing Bush of being a “despot,” a “tyrant,” a “dictator,” and so on, the real dictator is even now incarcerated, held by the people he so viciously wronged, and it’s directly due to Bush’s steadfastness and determination and not at all to the resistance to taking any action repeatedly and embarrassingly demonstrated by you on the Left. It’s a cliche, but it’s true: freedom is not free, and its cost is not measured in dollars but in blood. That blood has been shed by both Americans and Iraqis in pursuit of a dream of liberty and self-determination that you on the Left would deny them even now. You are not serious in your protestations of concern for the Iraqi people. You are dead wrong, and you do not deserve to be taken seriously.

That may seem overly didactic; it may seem oversimplified, and it may even seem harsh in places. But that’s the plain truth as I see it. Damn, I just pretty much summed up three and a half years of blogging right there.
kewlhand said:
were a bunch of rednecks. He thought he could control them, but, Surprise! the rednecks have taken over the Republican Party. Now the Party of Lincoln is the Party of Tricky Dick and George Wallace. There are some real Lincoln Republicans left like Olympia Snow, but you guys are the New Confederates.

I hope this is not in the nature of a reply to my post. If it is, I'm deeply saddened; you address none of my points, instead using my post as a point of departure for your continuing madness. Come on, man - let's talk. Back up your assertions - challenge mine - ANYTHING but this crap!
musicman said:
I hope this is not in the nature of a reply to my post. If it is, I'm deeply saddened; you address none of my points, instead using my post as a point of departure for your continuing madness. Come on, man - let's talk. Back up your assertions - challenge mine - ANYTHING but this crap!

Good evening MM. Face it, this guy could not argue his way out of a paper bag. I don't know how his mother kept herself from drowning him?
musicman said:
I hope this is not in the nature of a reply to my post. If it is, I'm deeply saddened; you address none of my points, instead using my post as a point of departure for your continuing madness. Come on, man - let's talk. Back up your assertions - challenge mine - ANYTHING but this crap!

You may be asking too much. I am not sure he is here for any reason discussion. He just wants to make unfounded accusastions.
Kathianne said:
Good evening MM. Face it, this guy could not argue his way out of a paper bag. I don't know how his mother kept herself from drowning him?

Thank you, thank you, thank you! That's the post of the day! Joz and I are ROFL our A's O!
Avatar4321 said:
You may be asking too much. I am not sure he is here for any reason discussion. He just wants to make unfounded accusastions.

Amen. There's a lot (too much, actually) of that going around.
kewlhand said:
Yes you are but that's not my problem. There was a man named George Wallace who ran for President once. Nixon probably had him shot and then suckered his followers into the Repub. party.

It's hard to have a discussion with an inventive character such as yourself who makes this crap us as you go.

There's a site for folks who think as you do. It's called the "undiscovered country". Check it out. Your kindred spirits await you there. You can share your idiotic conspiracy theories and they'll probably believe them.

The problem with this site is that we expect sources that are a little more credible than the garbage you pull out of your butt.
Yurt said:
Whoa. Great post. Great summation. This person knows their stuff.

Absolutely correct about the lying standard too.
Thanks. Like to share my favs with friends. :)

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