It’s official: America is now No. 2


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
It’s official: America is now No. 2
It s official America is now No. 2

By Brett Arends, MarketWatch 8 hrs ago

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it. We’re no longer No. 1. Today we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is no longer the leading economic power on the planet.

Obama will be remembered in history for shit like this.
1. Downgrading of our credit for the first time
2. All the race riots and hatred he helps spread
3. The fact that our nation is now number two after over 150 years of being the most powerful economy on earth.

There's no way in hell this piece of crap will be remembered favorably.
I believe America may be a number two.

To the point - you've been beaten by a better set of capitalists - live with it.
I'll take our economy over China's any day

Not even close
It’s official: America is now No. 2
It s official America is now No. 2

By Brett Arends, MarketWatch 8 hrs ago

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it. We’re no longer No. 1. Today we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is no longer the leading economic power on the planet.

Obama will be remembered in history for shit like this.
1. Downgrading of our credit for the first time
2. All the race riots and hatred he helps spread
3. The fact that our nation is now number two after over 150 years of being the most powerful economy on earth.

There's no way in hell this piece of crap will be remembered favorably.

With dregs like you in the voting booth it's only a matter of time before we become No. 3.
I'll take our economy over China's any day

Not even close

I'll take our air, internet, factory conditions, water quality, traffic and child welfare systems over China's any day. And that's the short list.
However, I really would like just ONE of their high speed trains.

What would China's economy be without child labor
It’s official: America is now No. 2
It s official America is now No. 2

By Brett Arends, MarketWatch 8 hrs ago
Hang on to your hats, America.
And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.
There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it. We’re no longer No. 1. Today we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is no longer the leading economic power on the planet.
Obama will be remembered in history for shit like this.
1. Downgrading of our credit for the first time
2. All the race riots and hatred he helps spread
3. The fact that our nation is now number two after over 150 years of being the most powerful economy on earth.
There's no way in hell this piece of crap will be remembered favorably.
I believe this "America has the number two economy" is in error or at worse a farce.

What I've read lately in the WSJ is the fact that America now has the second fastest growth, next to China, and that's all this is about.
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It’s official: America is now No. 2
It s official America is now No. 2

By Brett Arends, MarketWatch 8 hrs ago

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it. We’re no longer No. 1. Today we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is no longer the leading economic power on the planet.

Obama will be remembered in history for shit like this.
1. Downgrading of our credit for the first time
2. All the race riots and hatred he helps spread
3. The fact that our nation is now number two after over 150 years of being the most powerful economy on earth.

There's no way in hell this piece of crap will be remembered favorably.

With dregs like you in the voting booth it's only a matter of time before we become No. 3.
He must vote dimwit then.
I believe America may be a number two.

To the point - you've been beaten by a better set of capitalists - live with it.
Thanks to a socialist puke in the WH.

Imagine a toilet that hasn't been cleaned in about six years, but been well used by drug addicts.
Now you have a picture of my opinions on socialism.

However, this has been on the cards for many years, and well before Obama got anywhere near the white house.
China only has a billion more people than the US. This is more of an indictment on how shitty the Chinese economy was in the past.
I'll take our economy over China's any day

Not even close

I'll take our air, internet, factory conditions, water quality, traffic and child welfare systems over China's any day. And that's the short list.
However, I really would like just ONE of their high speed trains.
Oh yes, those high speed trains. sigh
Alas, the Right won't finance infrastructure.
What would our economy be like without ObamaCare and unnecessary government regulation?
Great idea. Pittsburgh can return to the days when the streetlights burned all day and more people can die without the healthcare to deal with lung diseases. Who are you to say what are unnecessary regulations? Coal has left my state with 5,500 miles of streams ruined with mine acid drainage and in most cases the mines have been closed for decades. Now you know something.

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