It's Official. We can expect colder warmer winters!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (the CRU of Germany) has finally had to admit they got their winter predictions all wrong. Private forecasters and meteorologists Joe Bastardi and Piers Corbyn had all been warning that the upcoming winter would be very hard but the PIK, like the UK's Met Office pooh pooed those predictions and said the winter would be mild.

Boy were they wrong! Now the PIK is backpedalling big time and has gone so far as to trot out yet another climate model that shows oh yes harsh winters are indeed a sign of GW.

The best was yet to come though! In an effort to make sure they had all bases covered Prof. Stephan Rahmstorf made the point that the “cold“ winters have gotten warmer.”

You couldn't write a comedy with this much ineptitude! They are the Keystone Cops of the science world!

Potsdam Climate Institute Now Says To Expect “Warmer Colder” Winters!
Seems that this is not at all a surprise. This is from an article dated 2007.

Global warming may make Ireland colder

The likely cause is more fresh water flowing into the ocean from rivers, rain and melting ice, and this is thought to be linked to global warming. But climate modellers are worried that the resulting weakening of ocean currents could ultimately lead to substantial cooling of the North Atlantic.
Scientists, from the National Oceanography Center in Britain, measured sea temperature, currents and other conditions across the Atlantic from the Bahamas to Africa last year and found a 30 percent drop in the flow of warming waters since a similar set of measurements were taken in 1957.

The team, led by Harry L. Bryden, write in the current issue of Nature, that even though they had measurements from only 5 years out of the last 50, the pattern of change seen at various depths supported the idea that the shift was a significant trend and not random variability
Seems that this is not at all a surprise. This is from an article dated 2007.

Global warming may make Ireland colder

The likely cause is more fresh water flowing into the ocean from rivers, rain and melting ice, and this is thought to be linked to global warming. But climate modellers are worried that the resulting weakening of ocean currents could ultimately lead to substantial cooling of the North Atlantic.
Scientists, from the National Oceanography Center in Britain, measured sea temperature, currents and other conditions across the Atlantic from the Bahamas to Africa last year and found a 30 percent drop in the flow of warming waters since a similar set of measurements were taken in 1957.

The team, led by Harry L. Bryden, write in the current issue of Nature, that even though they had measurements from only 5 years out of the last 50, the pattern of change seen at various depths supported the idea that the shift was a significant trend and not random variability

Except this don't have anything to do with the ocean currents, but instead the open ocean that should otherwise be covered by ice causing a blocking pattern and forcing cold air into europe. Makes perfect sense.

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