It's that time of year: Lefties and blacks bitching bc NFL/college teams hire white coaches.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
It's January. Which coaches are being fired and hired. WHICH means we get our annual round of bitching from the same folks about why few black coaches are hired. Saw on ESPN Numbers Never Lie today that they blamed white coaches for hiring their white friends and creating the cycle.

Hmmm. They sure don't see racism in the majority black rosters they hire.

I either believe in God or don't. Which means.....

1A) God created one race with the skills to play the game better than other how can we assume he didn't also create one with skills to coach it better?
1B) There no random chance one race has better genes to play football...thus....couldn't another race have better genes to lead and organize a team?


2A) God created us all equal. No race is better.'s racist that so many blacks play while so few whites and other races do.
2B) There's no God...and all races are equal in physical and mental ability. Obvious racism is why rosters are mostly black and coaches mostly white.
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Woke up this morning.....sports media are still talking about the lack of black coaches. Haven't heard them talk much about how there are almost no white, Asian or Hispanic defensive backs or running backs.
Isnt it funny when people constantly scream about "race is manufactured" or "color doesn't matter" yet color is all that matters to them?
Isnt it funny when people constantly scream about "race is manufactured" or "color doesn't matter" yet color is all that matters to them?

The irony is there isn't a place in America where race matters less than in football. The sport liberals are trying to destroy.

Football is glorious in that ALL that matters is "can you win?". A black quarterback named Michael Vick committed mass slaughter of dogs....and got resigned and still plays. Yet...they want us to think the same owners who hired Vick...won't give a black coach a chance???

Just win. Mike at Pittsburgh. It's why he's still the coach. Tyrone Willingham lost at Notre Dame. He was fired. Turner Gill lost at Kansas. Fired. Charlie Strong won big at Louisville....he thrived and got hired at the wealthiest college football program in America...the Texas Longhorns.

Libs....sorry....we aren't buying your bullshit.

By the way....the Cleveland Browns just hired a black guy as head coach. He better win. Or he'll be fired too.

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