Its time to phase out S.S. and medicare


VIP Member
Oct 3, 2009
I generally feel that the left are going to point out that it seem 'hypocritical' to take on healthcare but not these other programs. We should just take that argument away from them and attempt to remove these from the public dole. Don't force politicians to take this on but work on the local level to convince people to knock these down. Stay in young urban areas where there are no old people who will naturally object. Even if we don't succeed at least we can say that it is them that stands in our way of taking these down and not our selective choice over which we hate more.
I agree.

I don't think we should take it away from the people who have already paid into it (IT IS THEIR MONEY); however, set up a certain phase out date like "If you were born after January 1, ####..." type of thing.
I agree.

I don't think we should take it away from the people who have already paid into it (IT IS THEIR MONEY); however, set up a certain phase out date like "If you were born after January 1, ####..." type of thing.

Yes. It would not seem humane or fair since a lot of retirees made plans on that but a phase out would be better. Perhaps the government can sell social security bonds that we buy voluntarily much like treasury bonds are sold. These can be backed up by gold or silver so that they don't lose their value in a stock market crash.
I generally feel that the left are going to point out that it seem 'hypocritical' to take on healthcare but not these other programs. We should just take that argument away from them and attempt to remove these from the public dole. Don't force politicians to take this on but work on the local level to convince people to knock these down. Stay in young urban areas where there are no old people who will naturally object. Even if we don't succeed at least we can say that it is them that stands in our way of taking these down and not our selective choice over which we hate more.
I see the rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated.

Why do you even bother to post? Your credibility is in the toilet.
The current folks aged 40 - 55 have allowed the government to commit these actions which have resulted in the deficit. Unless we are okay with passing it along to future generations, we need to take responsibility. Up the retirement age to 75. Pass a Constitutional amendment mandating this money (SS tax) be used for deficit reduction only. Once paid back, a much reduced payout can be reinstituted. Social Security funds may not be used for any other purpose than SS payouts after that point.
The current folks aged 40 - 55 have allowed the government to commit these actions which have resulted in the deficit. Unless we are okay with passing it along to future generations, we need to take responsibility. Up the retirement age to 75. Pass a Constitutional amendment mandating this money (SS tax) be used for deficit reduction only. Once paid back, a much reduced payout can be reinstituted. Social Security funds may not be used for any other purpose than SS payouts after that point.

Ummm why are you only blaming a certain segment of the voters?

You do realize other groups vote too right?
The current folks aged 40 - 55 have allowed the government to commit these actions which have resulted in the deficit. Unless we are okay with passing it along to future generations, we need to take responsibility. Up the retirement age to 75. Pass a Constitutional amendment mandating this money (SS tax) be used for deficit reduction only. Once paid back, a much reduced payout can be reinstituted. Social Security funds may not be used for any other purpose than SS payouts after that point.

Ummm why are you only blaming a certain segment of the voters?

You do realize other groups vote too right?

Reread the post dimwit the answer is right in the first part. What does voting have to do with a deficit and SS solution? Feel free to NOT answer the question and just sit there breathing out your mouth.
Y'all can have the 160K paid into SS by me and my employers. And the 37K paid into medicare by and for me.
I won't be needing it.
I generally feel that the left are going to point out that it seem 'hypocritical' to take on healthcare but not these other programs. We should just take that argument away from them and attempt to remove these from the public dole. Don't force politicians to take this on but work on the local level to convince people to knock these down. Stay in young urban areas where there are no old people who will naturally object. Even if we don't succeed at least we can say that it is them that stands in our way of taking these down and not our selective choice over which we hate more.

Loon. This is just too funny.
How can anyone with a moniker of "Ihopehefails" ever hope to be taken seriously?

Kinda like if mine was "Bushsucksgreenweenies".
get convincing

Socialist Security was a plan originally devised by Otto Von Bismark as a tool for controlling the fractious German states as they were absorbed into Prussia's unified Germany. this was in the latter 19th century. FDR saw the power of such a tool and used it when he reached office, even though it is clearly a violation of the constitutional limitations on the federal government. FDR stacked the SCOTUS with his partisans to insure it would be ruled constitutional and everything that has happened since has been a direct result of FDR's destruction of the constitutional system of checks and balances.

Socialist Security is a failed program. Anyone dependent on Socialist security for their retirement is apt to end up working art Walmart to make ends meet.

Do you need more convincing, or are you the sort of idiot who will refuse to be convinced because you cannot change your simplistic mind once you have made a decision?
I dunno my statement says I would be able to draw $2,772/mo.
And were I married to a wife that had wokred she would get a similiar amount.

Not bad if you have your home and such paid for and do not live in a high tax area.
And have medicare for medical.
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While we're at it phase out health care too because we can't pay for it.
I agree.Fuck my parents.
Let'em go out and git ona them thar jobs like a real Amurkin !
Hell far they aint even 90 yet !

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