J. Edgar Holder blocks investigation

Think about it lefties. The rules say a government employee can't accept compensation for a book about his/her experiences but there is no way in the world the government has the power to prevent a book from being published. Get the difference? Only in a fascist country does the government have to power to stop a book from being published. The only power the government has is to go after Dodson to recover the compensation he receives ....after the book is published. Why aren't the mainstream media sources salivating over possible expose of government policies and operations like they were when a confidential informant named "deepthroat" was spilling his guts to two Wash/Post reporters? It's a redundant question. The mainstream media isn't in the information business, it's in the propaganda business.
...it's done all the time.... every ex employee with security clearance or from the intelligence field is subject to scrutiny and or deletion by our gvt intelligence, for anything they attempt to write....it has to be cleared....

I don't know enough to say whether this is a good procedure or not....
Think about it lefties. The rules say a government employee can't accept compensation for a book about his/her experiences but there is no way in the world the government has the power to prevent a book from being published. Get the difference? Only in a fascist country does the government have to power to stop a book from being published. The only power the government has is to go after Dodson to recover the compensation he receives ....after the book is published. Why aren't the mainstream media sources salivating over possible expose of government policies and operations like they were when a confidential informant named "deepthroat" was spilling his guts to two Wash/Post reporters? It's a redundant question. The mainstream media isn't in the information business, it's in the propaganda business.
...it's done all the time.... every ex employee with security clearance or from the intelligence field is subject to scrutiny and or deletion by our gvt intelligence, for anything they attempt to write....it has to be cleared....

I don't know enough to say whether this is a good procedure or not....

Government employees also publish stuff all the time if it's not critical of the government. The point is that J. Edgar Holder has no power to prevent a person from taking pen (or keyboard) in hand and writing an account of his experiences. There was a time when the mainstream media used to welcome such stories. Now they spend time circling the wagons around the administration. The ACLU has even taken up Dodson's case. Radical Mullahs put a contract on Salman Rushdie for publishing a book critical of the Muslem religion. Can we expect the same from Hussein Obama?
The ATF has no right to deny permission to a "Former Agent" the right to publish his book.

Actually they do if he has a security clearance. When you sign the agreement, you give away your First Amendment rights.
The ATF has no right to deny permission to a "Former Agent" the right to publish his book.

Actually they do if he has a security clearance. When you sign the agreement, you give away your First Amendment rights.

It might seem like splitting legal hairs but the government can't prevent a book from being published unless the book contains information critical to American security. It should be noted that the government went after Tom Clancy when his novels contained stuff about American security and weapons that they thought was secret but in fact was in the public domain. In this case there is no National security issue. The only venue the government has is to pursue the administrative procedure and prosecute the author for internal procedure violations after the book is published.

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