Jake Paul trains with Dallas Cowboys as Wide Receiver, trying to get signed by the NFL...he has more of a chance to make it than Kaepernick

Try to keep an open mind. It's not the end of the world (or yours)
I have an open mind....and Kaepernick is nothing but a racist instigating POS who will cause turmoil in the locker room.
He's not worth paying to start shit on the team.
it’s not the Championship that makes the man, it’s the man that makes the Championship

Jake Paul: Forever A Champ
Yeah.....I can still play...says the washed up ex-QB.

He wasnt very good before he started kneeling. Everyone seems to forget he lost his starting job to Blaine Gabbart. BLAINE FING GABBART! That all happened before he started kneeling. Why there's a thought that he's somehow better having not played a down of live football in 5 years is insane to me.
He wasnt very good before he started kneeling. Everyone seems to forget he lost his starting job to Blaine Gabbart. BLAINE FING GABBART! That all happened before he started kneeling. Why there's a thought that he's somehow better having not played a down of live football in 5 years is insane to me.
Kaepernick knew his days as a starting NFL QB was about over....he sucked. He was a gadget player like Marcus Mariota.

No GM is going to bring this guy in. Frankly Im surprised the Seahawks even gave him a tryout. We all remember what happened with the Ravens when they did that. The likelihood of Colin being good enough to be a starter pales in comparison to the likelihood of him not being good enough and then acting like a fool because of it. His skill set wasnt worth it 5 years ago when he was under 30. He's now a 34 y/o man who hasnt played meaningful football in 5 years, and really it's 6 since he sat most of his last year with the 9'ers. Honestly I think he does these "workouts" to get his name in the media so he remains "relevant" and that's it.

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