James O'Keefe Uncovers Massive Act Blue RICO Money Laundering Scheme For Dem Party


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
James O'Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas (founder) & now with his new company, the O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) has broken his first big story with his new undercover investigation media company.

Official records show thousands of people & addresses across the nation are individually making frequent daily contributions amounting to tens of thousands of dollars to Act Blue, the same organization that collects the money from BLM donations to funnel it to Dems.

James went around to interview multiple people that had supposedly given thousands of donations & dollars over a few years.
None knew what he was talking about though most had given occasional small amounts to Act Blue in the past. They were unaware they were being used as a source of money laundering.
One old dude got upset & said DT should get his head bashed in with a bat.
Nothing unhinged there folks, just the result of typical progbot logic/indoctrination.

This is clear prima facia evidence of a massive money laundering operation allowing Democrats to break the political donation laws at multiple locations in numerous states. Since it stretches across state lines as a money laundering operation, it only makes sense that it be accorded the same scrutiny as any other possible RICO violations.

I'm sure the DOJ & Garland will get to the bottom of this right after they have arrested any parents objecting to his son-in-laws CRT indoctrination materials sold to school districts or rounded up more innocent political prisoners caught up in the Jan 6 Fedsurrection psy-op.
After all, if a local affirmative action Dem DA can go after DT for a supposed $130K non-disclosure agreement with a bimbo through his known liar attorney, this has to be at least almost as bad. :rolleyes:

Now come out with your fake news badges & fake checkers you emo lefties to deny the strong evidence of your masters running felony donation money laundering operations.
As usual, IDGAF about your tender feelers & cognitive dissonance.

Let's make a deal- If you show real proof that this is a false story, I will apologize & stop posting. For ever.
If you call if fake news but offer no proof, you stop posting & promise not to take out your emo rage by sexually assaulting your furry in the basement.

The Demos lie and cheat and the Media covers-up for them.
The American public is kept in the dark.
They are steadily working towards creating a one-party totalitarian police state where people can be censored and arrested for their opinions.
James O'Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas (founder) & now with his new company, the O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) has broken his first big story with his new undercover investigation media company.

Official records show thousands of people & addresses across the nation are individually making frequent daily contributions amounting to tens of thousands of dollars to Act Blue, the same organization that collects the money from BLM donations to funnel it to Dems.

James went around to interview multiple people that had supposedly given thousands of donations & dollars over a few years.
None knew what he was talking about though most had given occasional small amounts to Act Blue in the past. They were unaware they were being used as a source of money laundering.
One old dude got upset & said DT should get his head bashed in with a bat.
Nothing unhinged there folks, just the result of typical progbot logic/indoctrination.

This is clear prima facia evidence of a massive money laundering operation allowing Democrats to break the political donation laws at multiple locations in numerous states. Since it stretches across state lines as a money laundering operation, it only makes sense that it be accorded the same scrutiny as any other possible RICO violations.

I'm sure the DOJ & Garland will get to the bottom of this right after they have arrested any parents objecting to his son-in-laws CRT indoctrination materials sold to school districts or rounded up more innocent political prisoners caught up in the Jan 6 Fedsurrection psy-op.
After all, if a local affirmative action Dem DA can go after DT for a supposed $130K non-disclosure agreement with a bimbo through his known liar attorney, this has to be at least almost as bad. :rolleyes:

Now come out with your fake news badges & fake checkers you emo lefties to deny the strong evidence of your masters running felony donation money laundering operations.
As usual, IDGAF about your tender feelers & cognitive dissonance.

Let's make a deal- If you show real proof that this is a false story, I will apologize & stop posting. For ever.
If you call if fake news but offer no proof, you stop posting & promise not to take out your emo rage by sexually assaulting your furry in the basement.

I got a better deal for you. You keep posting batshit crazy conspiracy theories, and we'll keep laughing at you.
I got a better deal for you. You keep posting batshit crazy conspiracy theories, and we'll keep laughing at you.
OK... so no interest in trying to prove ANYTHING I've posted is a "batshit crazy conspiracy theory"?
I'm surprised a super smart Fembot like yourself didn't take up my offer.

You laughing at me carries no more weight than a toddler in a tantrum because they don't get their way.
Red herrings, gaslights, strawmen & ad hominem attacks don't work when you direct them at somebody much smarter than yourself.
Please keep them coming & continue to prove that you are a dim witted manatee without any real arguments.

Let's make a deal- If you show real proof that this is a false story, I will apologize & stop posting.
You are assuming that Democrats care about truth or falsity. To them, it is all about messaging to gain control over other people's lives. Lies (e.g., Russian collusion), cheating (e.g., unverified voter lists/ballots) and corruption (e.g., Chinese payoffs) are merely tools to be used towards that end.
Democrat propaganda is ccp propaganda.

Democrats like DiFi and Swalwell get their orders from their ccp contacts like fang fang. The ccp runs the dnc and most of American media.
America created the monster that is the CCP through extreme naivete and outright clueless administrations both DEM and GOP. It can't be underestimated how dangerous this regime is to our country. They are doing everything they can to attack and brainwash our young people. They are buying up our land, and they are investing heavily in their military. We have to get the Democrats out of power because as you correctly stated, they are aiding and abetting the CCP in what they do and more importantly, what they DON'T do.
I got a better deal for you. You keep posting batshit crazy conspiracy theories, and we'll keep laughing at you.
Cognitive Rigidity par excellence .

Bulldogs get their jaws locked on ,then cannot remember why and end up having to be euthanised .

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