Jan 5 2015 spells out ISIS in date format: 911 remake to launch BIG BANG


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Jan 5 2015 is a possible alternative date to launch the "missing malaysian airliners" alias "Osama alive leads ISIS" theater:
- spells out ISIS in date format.
- midpoint of blood moon cycles.
- in the night there's a grand cross full moon in cancer conjunct Sirius, the celestial representation of the goddess Isis.
Godess Isis stands for enthronement, the First Age (Aeon), resurrection (son Osiris) and rebirth (herself).

Designed to usher the New Age, the Last Aeon.
Grand Master of Ordo Illuminatus enthroned, no longer hidden but in plain sight.
Rebirth of Slavery pushed to perfection:
- how: from harvesting organs among hundreds of millions who supposedly are not yet slaves to organized genocide of billions of formal slaves.
- where: from hundreds of millions in China and India and millions in North Korea or the US to formal GLOBAL slavery.

Godess Isis and the New Age
Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris
Isis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In the religion of Thelema, it is believed that the history of humanity can be divided into a series of aeons, each of which was accompanied by its own forms of "magical and religious expression".
The first of these was the Aeon of Isis, which Thelemites believed occurred during prehistory and which saw mankind worshipping a Great Goddess, symbolised by the ancient Egyptian deity Isis.
Aeon Thelema - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The first full moon of 2015 is exact on sunday january 4th at 8:53pm PST. this marks the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the very powerful and potent solstice new moon in capricorn on december 21st.
This full moon is actually a Grand Cross full moon- which means there are planets in all the cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra and capricorn) and they are all squaring or opposing each other. the full moon in cancer is opposite the sun and pluto in capricorn, square to uranus on the south node in aries and square to the north node in libra.
grand cross full moon in cancer conjunct sirius 8211 9734 Divine Harmony 9734
Sidenote: In fact Jan 5 is a fake Grand Cross, because "planet Pluto" is a hoax, as exposed first by Last Prophet Matt.
Sun Moon and Planets as God showed us ever since Day 1 ASTRONOMY FOR DUMMIES - The ONE BASIC FACT - read and weep about yourself

BIG BANG Script- Start
Missing malaysian airliners crash into Israel's Knesset with mini-NUKES, remake of 11 September 2001 to launch the BIG BANG
Reminder of what was exposed by Last Prophet hours after the first act, March 8, 2014:
Script: Osama Bin Laden's death is yet another treasonous act of the Obama Biden's presidency.
Osama is not only alive and well but he manages to capture airliners, exploiting software flaws to escape radars, flying to Afghanistan's caves for conversion into weapons of mass destruction.
Theater is possible because almost all "governments" recognized by the UN simply execute orders from the Illuminati Grand Master, Alexander Adolf Hitler.
These include not only all the G-20 (from USA, EU, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, South Africa to "enemy Putin" and "communist red" China) to all other "communist" states (North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba).
Why was the act "second missing malaysian plane" postponed from early April 2014 to Dec 28, 2014?
Same reason as Osama Bin Laden's resurrection, postponed from either Easter Sunday on the third year of his death or May 2, 2014, 3 years to the day:
real ukrainian rebels must be annihilated before BIG BANG starts.

ISIS created by the illuminati to fight and discredit the real rebels in Syria and Iraq.
ISIS also plays a role in the start of the BIG BANG, the remake of 911 2001 at Jerusalem:
- missing Boeing 777 crashes with a mini-nuke at the Parliament (Knesset).
- hours or days later Osama Bin Laden resurrects to reveal himself as the real leader of ISIS and the same day Obama is arrested on live TV.
"Obama" stripped of titles, same as "Pope Francis", also arrested, same as "Evil Jews" of the Federal Reserve Bank.
They confess the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Politics, Religion, Finance.
Hillary Clinton declared successor of GW Bush since 2008, Ratzinger alias Benedict the only pope since 2005.
Human cattle stripped of savings and pension funds, supervised race war, compulsory vacinassination (ebola), extermination camps.
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war BIG BANG 2014 for dummies May 4 2014

"Ukraine: Downed Malaysia Boeing 777" totally staged with actors:
**FAKE** rebels sent by "Putin": Donetsk prime-minister Borodai, military commander Strelkov, Vostok batallion's Khodakovsk
IV Reich lead by Adolf Hitler s great nephew Russia 70 years later Nazis coming again for their Lebens t raum. Impostor Putin opens the gates

Global Slavery
Global Slavery - Transition to Illuminati s Ultimate Goal CHINA Organ Harvesting from slaves - HORRIBLE TRUTH - what illuminati puppets are doing to chinese

Grand Master of Ordo Illuminatus enthroned, no longer hidden but in plain sight: it happened previously but the real extent of his empire was "hidden in plain sight".
IV Reich lead by Adolf Hitler s great nephew Marshall Plan for dummies - largest capital injection a country ever got from another country exposed starting with its name
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I heard that Muhammad was the last prophet. Is that true?
So what are you actually trying to tell us?

Can't you read? According to LP, on 1-5-2015, remotely hijacked commercial airliners loaded with mini-nukes will be flown into the building that houses the legislative branch of Israel's government.
Oh, and apparently the CIA asset also known as Osama bin Laden is still alive and kicking. :rolleyes:
So what are you actually trying to tell us?

Can't you read? According to LP, on 1-5-2015, remotely hijacked commercial airliners loaded with mini-nukes will be flown into the building that houses the legislative branch of Israel's government.
Why, that's tomorrow! Shit, my suit won't be out of the cleaners in time for the Hamas victory parade.
Why, that's tomorrow! Shit, my suit won't be out of the cleaners in time for the Hamas victory parade.

Don't you mean the Mossad's victory parade in the wake of an Israeli Reichstag-like event? Ah, shades of those five dancing Israelis on 9/11/01. Sweet, sweet memories.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, if I were you, Hossy-boy. Like any phony-baloney "prophet" worth his or her salt, the original poster wrote of previous postponements of other aspects of this ushering in of "The Last Aeon", leaving him or her an 'out' when nothing happens - a clear sign of prophetic weakness.
ISIS is nothing but maggots on a pile of shit. When the US gets tired of stepping in shit the jihad will be over.
ISIS is nothing but maggots on a pile of shit. When the US gets tired of stepping in shit the jihad will be over.

Whose asshole do you imagine is responsible for dropping those "maggot-laden shit piles" in strategically-important places all over the globe? :dunno:
ISIS is nothing but maggots on a pile of shit. When the US gets tired of stepping in shit the jihad will be over.

Whose asshole do you imagine is responsible for dropping those "maggot-laden shit piles" in strategically-important places all over the globe? :dunno:
Santa Claus gets around, don't he?
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Shit piles are everywhere. The maggots are the problem.

Even the most cursory examinations reveal that most of the shit piles around the world were imported to their current geopolitically-crucial positions with their mercenary/black ops maggots intact, meaning the importers (the usual list of war-hawking assholes) are the problem.

Covert war by proxy, though far more cowardly than that of the overt variety, is no less profitable to the usual suspects of 'the military industrial complex'. :doubt:
My point is that considering ISIS as an international threat is laughable. ISIS is nothing but an annoying gnat on the backside of humanity. As soon as humanity gets pissed off enough ISIS will be swatted.
So what are you actually trying to tell us?

Can't you read? According to LP, on 1-5-2015, remotely hijacked commercial airliners loaded with mini-nukes will be flown into the building that houses the legislative branch of Israel's government.
Instead of the 5th of Januay, it would be more logical to say insead, May 1st as most people and governments in the world would write the dae as 1-5-15 or 1 May 15.
So what are you actually trying to tell us?

Can't you read? According to LP, on 1-5-2015, remotely hijacked commercial airliners loaded with mini-nukes will be flown into the building that houses the legislative branch of Israel's government.
Instead of the 5th of Januay, it would be more logical to say insead, May 1st as most people and governments in the world would write the dae as 1-5-15 or 1 May 15.

Good eye. :thup:

That's probably why LP referred to January 5th as a "possible alternative date" in the original post.

I've noticed that leaving a number of 'outs' seems very important to some of those self-proclaimed prophet types. :doubt:
So what are you actually trying to tell us?

Can't you read? According to LP, on 1-5-2015, remotely hijacked commercial airliners loaded with mini-nukes will be flown into the building that houses the legislative branch of Israel's government.
Instead of the 5th of Januay, it would be more logical to say insead, May 1st as most people and governments in the world would write the dae as 1-5-15 or 1 May 15.

May first is, like, Commie day. Right?

So what are you actually trying to tell us?

Can't you read? According to LP, on 1-5-2015, remotely hijacked commercial airliners loaded with mini-nukes will be flown into the building that houses the legislative branch of Israel's government.
Instead of the 5th of Januay, it would be more logical to say insead, May 1st as most people and governments in the world would write the dae as 1-5-15 or 1 May 15.

May first is, like, Commie day. Right?

Yes but according to the Prophet it's also ISIS day. And he should know, being a prophet and all.
Jan 15 2015 or "I (am) ISIS"
Charlie Hebdo caricaturists shooting hoax: Why was it staged in Paris? why on Jan 7, 2015?
For a start: to celebrate having just rewritten the start of World War II. What better than, 3 days later, a remake of Hitler's victory march in Paris 1940?

Charlie Hebdo shooting hoax - WHY Jan 7, 2015
Jan 15 2015 reads "I,ISIS" in date format, the date illuminati will drop the Shanksville bomb, part of the ongoing remake of 9/11 2001 at Jerusalem.
In other words: black boxes of second missing Malaysia plane will reveal that brave passengers prevented ISIS terrorists from hijacking the plane.
But make no mistake: the main reason for the timing of the "Je suis Charlie" mockery is what happened:
- Jan 6 at Berlin: proclamation of the new "TRUTH" about the start of World War II: Hitler was the victim not the butcher.
- Jan 11 in Paris: crowds finally answer an illuminati call for a march.

Remake of Hitler's 1940 tour of Paris, 75 years later
The celebration of "total victory": this time the treasonous russian gov, represented by foreign minister Lavrov, marchs together with Hiter's younger daughter Angela.
Only a detail: because the detonation of suicide bomber "Obama", alias the launch of the BIG BANG, had to be postponed several times, Hitlery Clinton could not be called on stage to hold her half-sister's Angela hand.

Jan 11, 2015: Paris: march sets milestone for endless deception.
link to image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kHvcyLGvU7c/VLV4SqySNZI/AAAAAAAAATs/52JsKhcPFHY/s1600/FAKE.jpg

Hitler Tours Paris, 1940 - " ... Hitler stood for a long time at the tomb of Napoleon. "
Hitler Tours Paris 1940

Jan 6, 2015: Rewrite History: Soviet Union invaded Hitler's Germany: Berlin Milestone hours before the "Paris shooting" hoax
Rewrite History Not Hitler but soviets started War - Berlin Milestone hours before Paris Charlie Hebdo shooting hoax

Angela Merkel is daughter of Gretl Braun and half-sister of Hillary Clinton,
They both used to appear in public with their REAL mothers.
Illuminati exposed - Basics Who Goal Tactics

Illuminati Celebrations Remake of Hitler s victory march in Paris 1940 or WHY Charlie Hebdo shooting hoax on Jan 7 2015
It looks it will be no more Jan 15 but rather Jan 17, in a 666 parallelism to the Paris hoax
Jan 7, 2015 it's 666 days since Jonathan Pryce, the Hollywood actor playing the role of False Prophet in the anti-Bible, was "empowered".
Jan 15 2015 reads "I,ISIS" in date format.
Jan 17 2015 it's 666 days since actor Obama playued "Abomination of Desolation at the Temple Mount", in Jerusalem, part of the anti-Bible script.
The illuminati will drop the Shanksville bomb, part of the ongoing remake of 9/11 2001 at Jerusalem, at one of these two dates
In other words: black boxes of second missing Malaysia plane will reveal that brave passengers prevented ISIS terrorists from hijacking the plane.
This also hints at the "Boeing 777" hitting the Temple Mount rather than the Knesset.

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