Jan 6 Committee SUBORNED PERJURY.. Stunning Information of Closed-Door Testimony Revealed.

No they don't.

You people have worms in your brains.

All the people were lying under oath, when you didn't like what they had to say.

And telling the truth, when you do.

No "facts" behind your statement at all.
Wanna try again?
Rep. Murphy: Ornato Didn’t Have ‘As Clear Of Memories’ From Jan. 6 as Hutchinson Did

So, no transcript……..just bloviating from a hack on the Clown Show Committee.

Thanks for confirming you lied, liar.
So let's review.

The Dems trotted Cassidy out in emergency session, because she supposedly had bombshell new evidence.

Now it turns out the "evidence" is no evidence at all, it's just a bunch of hearsay.

And already we hear the committee and their minions making all manner of excuses for why they fucked up so badly.

These people are SAD. They're a sorry parody of what Americans can and should be.

These fucktards need to go. I think maybe they need a bigger insurrection before they'll get the message.
The story was circulating in the Secret Service ranks for over a year. It happened. Whether you like it or not.
I notice that the Secret Service agents were willing to swear under oath that what Hutchinson testified to was not true....until
Liz Cheney said the committee would welcome testimony under oath (ie called their bluff).

It's gotten noticeably silent. Wonder why? :)

When did Cheney invite the agents to testify?
So let's review.

The Dems trotted Cassidy out in emergency session, because she supposedly had bombshell new evidence.

Now it turns out the "evidence" is no evidence at all, it's just a bunch of hearsay.

And already we hear the committee and their minions making all manner of excuses for why they fucked up so badly.

These people are SAD. They're a sorry parody of what Americans can and should be.

These fucktards need to go. I think maybe they need a bigger insurrection before they'll get the message.
two secret service agents have partially corroborated her testimony.
More under oath testimony is required to corroborate or debunk.
yes the rumors we’re floating. The Committte however knew it was simply a rumor and not true…hence they pushed the false narrative on purpose

Does your statement make any logical sense at all???? Why would the Committee promote a story that they knew wasn't true? Given that the truth would be likely to come out, that would be very unwise of them to do this. The Committee is gathering information on what happened, and in the grand scheme of things, this allegation is small potatoes.

So why would they lie about a small potatoes allegation? The answer is they wouldn't. The Committee has no need to make shit up about Trump, nor does this witness. Again, these are all Republicans that were working in the White House, trying to keep Trump in office, despite his having lost the election.

The story of Trump trying to grab the wheel is far from the most damning thing Hutchison said about Trump so why is Trump so fixated on disproving this ONE thing she said???

The officers may not have mentioned what happened in the car at all in their prior testimony. Certainly Hutchison didn't offer any of the information in her testimony last week, in her 3 prior appearances before the Committee, when Trump was paying her legal fees.
So, no transcript……..just bloviating from a hack on the Clown Show Committee.

Thanks for confirming you lied, liar.

Aww, poor baby. Ignore what the committee member said. That'll prove something.
WTF are you babbling about, Simp?

You just described textbook hearsay, Moron.:laughing0301:

Do you even know you're crazy? :cuckoo:

Dumbfuck, I said all along that comment of hers was hearsay. You act as though I didn't. I'm pretty sure I even said that to you.

But just because it's hearsay doesn't mean it's false. It can be corroborated or refuted by the two agents who were with her at the time; if they were with her at the time.
two secret service agents have partially corroborated her testimony.
More under oath testimony is required to corroborate or debunk.
Interestingly enough, something I see very few Trump supporters actually calling for, despite crying hearsay and focusing on 1 report stating that 2 people are challenging one part of her testimony.

What does it say when people are trying to discredit a witness, while at the same time being resistant against other witnesses who could debunk that hearsay testifying?
So let's review.

The Dems trotted Cassidy out in emergency session, because she supposedly had bombshell new evidence.

Now it turns out the "evidence" is no evidence at all, it's just a bunch of hearsay.

And already we hear the committee and their minions making all manner of excuses for why they fucked up so badly.

These people are SAD. They're a sorry parody of what Americans can and should be.

These fucktards need to go. I think maybe they need a bigger insurrection before they'll get the message.

More idle threats from an Internet warrior...


Oh? What are you gonna do to them?
They've had over a week to produce that. They had the prime opportunity to release that evidence in conjunction with her testimony ON THAT VERY DAY in order to prove its veracity, yet they didn't.
You're FOS.
No, they didn't they were done on a Thursday, announced a new hearing on Friday that would be Tuesday and that's when Hutchinson testified.

Release WHAT evidence?
So, where does that leave us? The committee has no proof Trump acted in the manner described.
No shit, genius.
For now, it's just an accusation, under oath.
Where does that leave Trumptards?
SOAKING in orange Kool-aide, crying Trump is innocent, before any evidence is presented, for or against.

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