Javelin does not destroy Russian T72-B3 or better tanks. Don't take my word for it. Take the US Army's word for it.

I supported Afghanistan at first but turned against Bush when he abandoned the War on Terror to invade Iraq

Why aren’t you opposing Putin?
Afraid of what may happen to you?

So you sided with Sadam? Is that it? You didn't believe the American intel agencies that claimed Iraq had WMDs? My, my. my. (And this likely will go over your head).

I don't give a shit about Ukraine, which the West has been suing as a money-laundering center for decades. Pity the innocent people, but screw Zelensky and hi stupidity.

Putin can't do anything to me unless he nukes America.
Your maps are deceiving
Russians control the roads only not the land surrounding them.
Ukrainians are taking advantage of your stalled offensive to engage in hit and run attacks

Do you support Putin’s failed war?
Is it really worth losing tens of thousands killed and wounded for an unnecessary war?
Is it worth destroying your economy?

Do Trolls like you care when Russians die for no reason?
Prove it.
I haven't watched MSNBC in a decade. Update your insults Russkie.

Looks like the Russians are dying so fast they are calling up Chechen and Syrian terrorist mercenaries and now 124,000 draftees. More grist for the mill.

More Russian fodder to fill Body Bags
Ok, fine. Winger, talk to your people. Whenever we can all get together, someone from both sides torpedoes our efforts as a group.

Good luck, you argue with the troll, I was only trying to help you.
That was quick.
Let me see…

What proof could I give you that you won’t declare fake?
Guess you aren‘t worth the bother
Perhaps something verifiable not rumor, gossip, and speculation from people thousands of miles away. I have seen no evidence of your claims.

4 million people don't flee from the winning side. Nothing you folks is saying coincides with what can be seen on the ground.
Perhaps something verifiable not rumor, gossip, and speculation from people thousands of miles away. I have seen no evidence of your claims.

4 million people don't flee from the winning side. Nothing you folks is saying coincides with what can be seen on the ground.

Russian soldiers are more proficient at killing civilians

They don’t shoot back
I'm so sick and fucking tired of the Democrat propaganda coming out of this Ukraine war.

Page 4

Let me re-emphasize the US ARMY'S OWN STATEMENT about Russian Tanks in actual combat.

Do I make myself clear? You're being FUCKING LIED TO.

And the US Military has paper after paper on this.

Ukraine is getting destroyed, completely, the world can't stop it or is choosing to be helpless. Javelins and anti-tank weapons are generally ineffective. And the whole narrative that Russia's getting its asskicked is a fucking lie.

Read the US ARMY paper on BTG performance in the Donbas against US trained and equipped BEST BATTALIONS of Ukraine and you'll see just how hard a fight it really is and how much what you're being told is most likely 100% BULLSHIT.

If you read the whole paper you'd understand exactly why Russia has taken over parts of Ukraine the way it did and why it is winning 100%, hands down winning.

Russia controls territory and has strike capability against every major city in Ukraine. That's all they want. They don't want to go into the city. They want to surround it and turn it into Mariupol.

Democrats don't know what the fuck they're talking about
Oops, sorry, you misunderstood.

The reason the javelin is effective against modern tanks is that it can attack from a vertical trajectory.

Russian troll fail.
Actually, it does. The report you listed, well I read it. Then I went searching for additional information. First, the war of 2014 was not fought with Javelins. If they had any American Missiles, it was probably older AT-4, or even LAW’s. Those won’t kill a T-72. Either will an old Dragon system. Those are direct fire weapons. In other words, they fly directly into the reactive armor.

However, there is no Reactive Armor on the top of the tank. And no the Javelin’s weren’t being used. They weren’t supplied to Ukraine until Trump was President, and that was the shipment he held up until they announced that Hunter Biden was under investigation, you remember the impeachment from that don’t you?

So Javelin’s weren’t used in 2014, when this report was researched.

It would be like claiming that the LAW doesn’t kill tanks, so any and all shoulder fired missiles don’t. We’ve seen it on YouTube, and all over the net.

As I mentioned above, there is no reactive armor on the top, or bottoms of the tanks. I’m assuming that will change. So the NLAW and Javelins are designed to attack those areas. Specifically, the missiles are designed to pop up and then detonate over the tank driving the explosive force down.

The Armor on top of the tank is thin, and again, there is no reactive armor there. Now, we can expect the Russians to start figuring out how to put it there, but this is the old historical battle. Every generation sees it. Armor versus penetration.

Reactive Armor is great against direct hits, but if the missile doesn’t it it, then the reactive armor doesn’t do anything.

So sorry, you’re wrong. And shouting that you’re right when we’ve all seen it, doesn’t exactly mean you’re right. The Ukrainians didn’t have Javelins in 2014. They didn’t have them until about halfway through Trump’s presidency.
I believe the map shows one heck of a stalemate at present.
Actually, no. Previous time, liberation of Ukraine from "European integrators" took almost two years. Ukraine is big, the Russians want to secure their supply lines, so they are mopping already conquered land. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat. Don't bite off more, than you can chew. They are finishing with Mariupol, so their land way to Crimea will be secure, they are destroying Ukrainian most battle worthy units in Donbass. They are creating new military-civilian administrations, they are going to create local militias on the occupied lands. And, obviously, they give an opportunity to leave Ukraine for most of anti-Russian Ukrainians.
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Slight difference Mr Troll

In WWII, you were fighting off an invasion
In Ukraine, YOU are the invader
Actually, this difference is really slight. The best defense is a good offence, you know. Also, from their point of view, it was Ukraine, who attacked DPR and LPR, and it were western-backed Nazi-militants who spilled the first blood in this conflict on Maidan-2014.

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