Jesus is coming back to kill everybody as is says it the bible.

John the apostle was also the apostle that Jesus said he loved. He was the last of the apostle's who died around 99 or 100 AD.
According to early tradition, Revelation was composed near the end of Domitian's reign, around the year 95 AD. Others contend for an earlier date, 68 or 69 AD, in the reign of Nero or shortly thereafter majority of modern scholars accept one of these two dates, with most accepting the later one

That's great. It still doesn't settle the debate. The writer of Revelation certainly didn't identify himself as "the apostle Jesus loved" or any of the other types of nuance that John the Apostle was known for.

All we know is that somone named John wrote Revelation on the island of Patmos.

Why should he have identified himself that way? The people he was writting to knew who he was.
John the apostle was also the apostle that Jesus said he loved. He was the last of the apostle's who died around 99 or 100 AD.
According to early tradition, Revelation was composed near the end of Domitian's reign, around the year 95 AD. Others contend for an earlier date, 68 or 69 AD, in the reign of Nero or shortly thereafter majority of modern scholars accept one of these two dates, with most accepting the later one

That's great. It still doesn't settle the debate. The writer of Revelation certainly didn't identify himself as "the apostle Jesus loved" or any of the other types of nuance that John the Apostle was known for.

All we know is that somone named John wrote Revelation on the island of Patmos.

Why should he have identified himself that way? The people he was writting to knew who he was.

Because he identified himself that way in his other books? The people who actually study this, to include looking at the writing styles, debate this. So in the end, I doubt we are going to solve it here. I am not saying the writer wasn't John the Apostle. I am saying that it is not conclusive that it was John the Apostle.

I am curious as to if the book would have been included in the King James bible in the first place if it wasn't just assumed that the author was John the Apostle.

Also, Revelation has to be viewed in light of what was going on at that time. Most of the earlier Christians took Christ at his word when he said he would return to the world soon and to make matters worse, Christians were being persecuted, morale was low, and the young religion was faltering. In that light, Revelation is, as I perceive it, a fire and brimstone piece to try and get everyone in line. Apparently it worked.

It is so trippy and out of synch with the rest of the bible that I really never know what to make of it. Nor do I put much stock into it and I have read it several times.

I don't get people who put more weight in Revelation than the Gospel. That's just me.
But in Revelations no matter who wrote it, the book predicts things that are happening now. Plagues, wars and rumors of wars, children that are wickeder and wiser. We are living in troubled times, and we need to ask God for guidance.
But in Revelations no matter who wrote it, the book predicts things that are happening now. Plagues, wars and rumors of wars, children that are wickeder and wiser. We are living in troubled times, and we need to ask God for guidance.
These things have always been going on.
I was taught to look at them as birthing pains......time and severity
Actually I wouldn't mind, as the satanists and religious people go around killing each other I would just keep living my life, eating nice food and having a beer. When it is finally over I would be like, meh. But as for the case of this happening any time soon, yeah...they say the world will end every year, it doesn't. :lol:
Actually--some scholars think revelations and the book of John was coined by the same author while others suggest that they were written by different people.

In any case, there is something odd about the book of revelations in comparison to some christen theology, and the intended audience of revelation was not for all of christiandom but for the leaders of the seven (christian) churches of Asia. At the time of its writing, Christianity was slowly being turned into a Judaic mouthpiece that actually encouraged many jewish social teachings to the christian public.

John did not like that and told them to get rid of the rabbis or the churches will get wiped out in the coming "end times". Given this, we must be living in those end times now since a couple of those churches has disappeared!! Now when a city encrusted with Jewels come falling out of the sky, you will then know the truth!!:tongue:
Sorry bout that,

1. Wow Jesus is coming back and going to kill everybody?
2. First I heard about that!
3. Why come back?
4. He can just blow up the whole world with a word.

Obviously, you have never read the Bible. Both Old and New Testaments repeatedly tell of the coming destruction of the Earth, commonly referred to at the "Great Day of the Lord."
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Wow Jesus is coming back and going to kill everybody?
2. First I heard about that!
3. Why come back?
4. He can just blow up the whole world with a word.

Obviously, you have never read the Bible. Both Old and New Testaments repeatedly tell of the coming destruction of the Earth, commonly referred to at the "Great Day of the Lord."

1. No chance.
2. In the title you say Jesus is going to kill everybody, I right?
3. Point is, if Jesus is going to kill evrybody, why come back, he can just desolve the planet, with a word.
4. Wouldn't that kill everybody, and save him a trip back?

Yea, tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest son of bitch in the valley. He that comes to me will be laid down on the battlefield of clover by the wrath of my sickled hands, he shall fall for eternity. And it came to pass that the killing fields were made red by my enemies blood and the heavens quaked in my furry and thunder rumbled through the darkened corners of hell, for lo, I stood and walked away as the last tin soldier.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Wow Jesus is coming back and going to kill everybody?
2. First I heard about that!
3. Why come back?
4. He can just blow up the whole world with a word.

Obviously, you have never read the Bible. Both Old and New Testaments repeatedly tell of the coming destruction of the Earth, commonly referred to at the "Great Day of the Lord."

1. No chance.
2. In the title you say Jesus is going to kill everybody, I right?
3. Point is, if Jesus is going to kill evrybody, why come back, he can just desolve the planet, with a word.
4. Wouldn't that kill everybody, and save him a trip back?


Ahh, you have overlooked the fact that jesus is a saddist who will get great sexual pleasure by watching people explode. He wouldn't miss this trip for nothing. Hell, I bet his dad shows up as well.:lol:

Does it say how many babys he will abort, set fire to in their cribs, throw against the wall, drop from bomb doors over China? What about the children born into sin? Will he spike them on the school walls?:eek:
Jesus is coming back to kill everybody as is says it the bible.

All in all the BeJeebus's track record is pitiful. He let a handfull of guys with spears and swords nail his dumb ass to a cross last go around. What makes you think he'll fair any better in his big comeback bid against machine guns and semi automatic pistols?

What training has he gone through lately? Kung Foo? Navy Seal School?

Is there any talk of who will represent him? Is Don King in the running?
i AM SO EAGER TO SEE THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS. He is going to do some massive killing of those who need to die. Praise God!

Where does it say in your copy-paste that Jesus is going to kill people?

I'm not all that religious, but I'm fairly certain Jesus saves what's left. He never ever takes a life.
Sorry bout that,

1. Wow Jesus is coming back and going to kill everybody?
2. First I heard about that!
3. Why come back?
4. He can just blow up the whole world with a word.

Obviously, you have never read the Bible. Both Old and New Testaments repeatedly tell of the coming destruction of the Earth, commonly referred to at the "Great Day of the Lord."

Gah! These discusting bible rapers are really everywhere. Maybe you should shut up and listen instead of this agitation and bastardise the message. God is Love, not Hate, not fear, not anger, not murder.
Sorry bout that,

1. Wow Jesus is coming back and going to kill everybody?
2. First I heard about that!
3. Why come back?
4. He can just blow up the whole world with a word.

Obviously, you have never read the Bible. Both Old and New Testaments repeatedly tell of the coming destruction of the Earth, commonly referred to at the "Great Day of the Lord."

Gah! These discusting bible rapers are really everywhere. Maybe you should shut up and listen instead of this agitation and bastardise the message. God is Love, not Hate, not fear, not anger, not murder.

It is obvious to me that you have never read the Bible.

It is very detailed in how all of the people of the Earth are going to be killed/slaughtered. Once they are all killed, many in gruesome manner, God is going to burn up the Earth. He will then create a new Heaven and Earth. It is all laid out in great detail, and yet, people refuse to read and continue to deny what all of the prophecies say is coming in The Later Days.
It is obvious to me that you have never read the Bible.

It is very detailed in how all of the people of the Earth are going to be killed/slaughtered. Once they are all killed, many in gruesome manner, God is going to burn up the Earth. He will then create a new Heaven and Earth. It is all laid out in great detail, and yet, people refuse to read and continue to deny what all of the prophecies say is coming in The Later Days.

The Bible lays at my bed and i read every day in it. What´s driving me mad is that you "truth, reborn, superholy" christians only know ONE way to read, understand and to work with the holy word: Making fear to get power over others.

Of course is there a lot of bloody histories, starting from the flood over sodom+gomorrha and so on.But this isn´t the core of the message. God is love, Jesus is the bridge to god, these are the things that should been preached by "bible-knowers" like you. But as long as you read the holy words only with your chicken-hearted eyes and not with a heart full of trust and love, you won´t understand one sentence.
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Children.... This is what we call an idiot!

Jesus is not an idiot. In fact, I think he is very intelligent. I am quite certain that he would qualify for Mensa.

I can only tell you what the Bible says. If you disagree, you really should not call people names, especially, Jesus.

Are we allowed to only pay attention to those parts of the Bible we want to accept and disregard all of the rest?
Bring it on !


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