Jesus the alcoholic

roomy, i know you think you were there with Him, but you were not and neither was I.... btw, would love to buy a plane ticket to over the pond and drink guinness beer with you.... (smiley's suck here, so will not give one)

you do realize that you are reshaping Him as you wish Him to be and asking us to accept what you tell us. Oxos (i don't care to call my greek/hebrew theo friends and ask them to fill in here, though maybe i should) is a word that as you said is not definitive....words mean different things in different eras. regardless, when he was on the cross, he avoided the stronger drug.

.......and no where does it say the wine had alcohol.

this is where i most strongly agree with you....for the point that Jesus drank alcohol, not that the wedding was served "magic" booze.

so how are those pubs across the pond muddy one?

If you ever find yourself over here, let me know, we will go on a binge.
LOL, you may drown me under the table, but i will smack your head on top of the table....

My kind of night out, you should know, the pubs I tend to drink in, locals do that for fun:rofl:
My kind of night out, you should know, the pubs I tend to drink in, locals do that for fun:rofl:

nice, so the locals and I will enjoy smacking your head on the table...when should i make reservations?
nice, so the locals and I will enjoy smacking your head on the table...when should i make reservations?

They don't do it to me, they learned the hard way a long time ago:razz:
I have to wonder at this NEED to openly insult Christ by some people here. It is a religious thread and yet look how many truly vicious atheists are populating it. There is a reason they do -and the nature of their comments shows that reason. Your insults don't diminish Christ in the least -they only diminish you. Do you think your hateful comments are somehow worse than what Christ already endured when on this earth? You would have fit right in with those who spat on Him, insulted Him, forced Him to wear a crown of thorns, beaten and crucified Him and placed the sign that He was King of the Jews. Is it those who insulted and tortured Christ who are loved and followed by billions today? They are nobodies history rewarded with total ignominy -as you will be too.

Why not insult Islam and Muhammad I wonder? You never feel this same NEED to go to an Islamic site and insult their religious beliefs, do you? Never insult devout Muslims on an Islamic website and write filth about how their Prophet was a child rapist, murderer and thief, right? Maybe because you know for a fact that no insulted Christian will end up sawing your head off? Or for some other reason? Why not insult Buddha? Just too ignorant about Buddhism to even know where to start? Or for some other reason?

I would ask why you aren't going to the same effort to insult Judaism except I happen to know for a fact that people like you are among the most vicious anti-semitics around so you probably do in other situations anyway. The most vicious anti-semitics I've EVER met were atheists who PRIDED themselves on their anti-semitism. In that regard, American atheists are no different from the European atheists who consider themselves sooo "enlightened". Your misplaced pride for that and your equally obnoxious filth you spew about Christ reveals the nature of your soul. And it is big time ugly.

You ought to be ashamed of such remarks. But that would imply you actually had respect for others - and we know that isn't true. What your hateful spewing really says is that people of religious beliefs, particularly those of Christian and Jewish beliefs - have everything to fear from people like you. We aren't even quite "real" people to you -or you wouldn't go out of your way like this to write such filth.

Your filth can't touch my faith -and sadly, in the end, that filth won't save you. All I feel is pity for how little you sold your soul.

They fear the Truth. Why in the world is there so much negative energy directed to the Son of God and not the other false religions?
The real hate is being directed towards the Truth not the false religions because they hold nothing against God and has had nothing as significant happened like Jesus walk with the people.

We do not need to hate, We need to understand. If you can not understand then you are just as blind as the next one.

Notice how Aethist or Agnostic's religious beliefs are hatred towards anothers belief.

Guys the Words of God our True. The Bibles have been Altered however to fit humanistic and material needs. There is no fire and brimstone. You do not go to hell.
keep telling yourself that.......

There was a time...I reckon I have at least one good one left in me, I still bench 300lbs for 6 reps, used to do 10 but I snapped a tendon in my bicep last year.
There was a time...I reckon I have at least one good one left in me, I still bench 300lbs for 6 reps, used to do 10 but I snapped a tendon in my bicep last year.

please, we don't need to hear about your masterbaaaaaation sessions.....

if you are true, damn, that sucks... and how do lift now? i have never heard of that injury.......well....among people i know. how old are you?
please, we don't need to hear about your masterbaaaaaation sessions.....

if you are true, damn, that sucks... and how do lift now? i have never heard of that injury.......well....among people i know. how old are you?

I am 48 now, I have lifted since I was 15.I can still lift because it was the short head tendon that snapped, it has reduced my capabiity by about 20%.I never lie.:cool: It is quite a common injury and can happen as a result of wear and tear and also in conjunction with rotator cuff injury, which I suffer from in both shoulders, infact most of my joints are fucked to a degree but it comes with the territory.I am also a Bricklayer/Stonemason so being bent double all day long and lifting mishapen heavy shit doesn't help much, but you won't hear me complain:rolleyes: :rofl:
Jeez roomy, I reckon the only job nearly as hard as a brickie (strangely enough here stonemasons are a separate craft, dunno why) is shearing.

Now I'm going to be having "Auf Wiedersehen Pet" moments....but that's not a bad thing at all :D
Jeez roomy, I reckon the only job nearly as hard as a brickie (strangely enough here stonemasons are a separate craft, dunno why) is shearing.

Now I'm going to be having "Auf Wiedersehen Pet" moments....but that's not a bad thing at all :D

They are usually a seperate craft here but in Northumberland the lines have to blur, having said that, a lot of Brickies can't lay stone and vice versa.
Jeez roomy, I reckon the only job nearly as hard as a brickie (strangely enough here stonemasons are a separate craft, dunno why) is shearing.

Just about any dumbass can be trained to lay brick or block. It takes a true artist to lay stone.
Just about any dumbass can be trained to lay brick or block. It takes a true artist to lay stone.

I do both:cool: Does that make me an artistic dumbass?
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Shoulda said "Jesus the Wino"

so that's your old flame? meestah roomy with a viewy?


too funny.

he cane to your defense.

'fuck off' he cried, not knowing I'll eat him up and spit him out of my arse.
so that's your old flame? meestah roomy with a viewy?


too funny.

he cane to your defense.

'fuck off' he cried, not knowing I'll eat him up and spit him out of my arse.

I hope you bump all of my old threads, I thrive on the attention, another thing you useless numpty, I eat five like you for fucking breakfast, bring it on home you thick bastard.:lol:
This thread shoulda been called. "He said Let there be drunkenness; and it was good"

I think it would be better entitled, "fuck them rotten drunken Christians, I hate the fuck out of them."

This thread is nothing more than a Christian bashing fest, which I know is all en-vogue with you Godless, heathen, liberal types.
I think it would be better entitled, "fuck them rotten drunken Christians, I hate the fuck out of them."

This thread is nothing more than a Christian bashing fest, which I know is all en-vogue with you Godless, heathen, liberal types.

Your blasphemous avata roffends me.
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