jews are evil

People are jealous of us Jews for one reason, and I kinda demonstrate it very well.

No matter how hard we are beaten, held back, ignored, or even attacked ... we always make a profit!
If left with only a torn cloth sew it together and make a shirt and sell it!:clap2:
jews are evil

just look at them....those damn kosher hotdogs....

and they are fucking penny pinchers....those money saving assholes....

they killed jesus....those damn roman jews....who fulfilled god's prophecy...

and, they cut skin off their penis....holy crap...

how dare those jews defy god and mankind!

You forgot that they rule the world and enjoy drinking the blood of children!:evil:

I hate to add actual factual data to this interesting if not informative discussion, but this is from a review of Penn's "Microtrends":

"...the trend most interesting to me was Pro-semites or Philo-semites: the growing number of people who want to date Jewish men and women (11% of J-Date members are non Jews). They no longer view Jews as bearded outsiders as Woody Allen envisioned he was perception in "Annie Hall." Jewish women are no longer stereotyped as just making reservations for dinner (68% of Jewish women aged 25-44 have college degrees, the highest percentage of any religious group in America). Penn points out that in 1939, a Roper poll found that 53% of respondents thought Jews should be restricted; In 2006, a Gallup poll found the 54% had positive views of Jews, higher than any other religious group mentioned; also in a 2006 poll, 40% of non-Jews queried said that they would be interested in dating a Jew."

I'm not sure that it's true, but Mark Penn was the Clinton pollster.
jews are evil

just look at them....those damn kosher hotdogs....

and they are fucking penny pinchers....those money saving assholes....

they killed jesus....those damn roman jews....who fulfilled god's prophecy...

and, they cut skin off their penis....holy crap...

how dare those jews defy god and mankind!

You forgot that they rule the world and enjoy drinking the blood of children!:evil:

I hate to add actual factual data to this interesting if not informative discussion, but this is from a review of Penn's "Microtrends":

"...the trend most interesting to me was Pro-semites or Philo-semites: the growing number of people who want to date Jewish men and women (11% of J-Date members are non Jews). They no longer view Jews as bearded outsiders as Woody Allen envisioned he was perception in "Annie Hall." Jewish women are no longer stereotyped as just making reservations for dinner (68% of Jewish women aged 25-44 have college degrees, the highest percentage of any religious group in America). Penn points out that in 1939, a Roper poll found that 53% of respondents thought Jews should be restricted; In 2006, a Gallup poll found the 54% had positive views of Jews, higher than any other religious group mentioned; also in a 2006 poll, 40% of non-Jews queried said that they would be interested in dating a Jew."

I'm not sure that it's true, but Mark Penn was the Clinton pollster.
Being Jewish is the new black. :lol:

It's trendy to be Jewish or have Jewish roots.

I tried to explain this a few years ago to a friend of mine who is an ethnic Jew from Colorado. She is critical of the Jewish religion and hates being associated with it. I had to explain to her that on the East Coast, in many circles, it's chic to be Jewish.

Madonna studies the Kabbalah. Soon it will be pop culture like Tarot cards and I Ching were in the '70s.
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And when looks at who gets prizes for science, literature and so forth, we find that once again, the Jews are highly over represented on a per capita basis.

And, did you see this:

"U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize'

By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service

An American professor has become the first Jew to win the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine, popularly known as the "Arab Nobel Prize."

Stanford professor Ronald Levy, who heads the university's Oncology department, told Haaretz that as an American Jew married to an Israeli it never crossed his mind that he might win the Saudi-financed competition.

U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize' - Haaretz - Israel News

Who'd a thunk it?
And when looks at who gets prizes for science, literature and so forth, we find that once again, the Jews are highly over represented on a per capita basis.

And, did you see this:

"U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize'

By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service

An American professor has become the first Jew to win the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine, popularly known as the "Arab Nobel Prize."

Stanford professor Ronald Levy, who heads the university's Oncology department, told Haaretz that as an American Jew married to an Israeli it never crossed his mind that he might win the Saudi-financed competition.

U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize' - Haaretz - Israel News

Who'd a thunk it?
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.
And when looks at who gets prizes for science, literature and so forth, we find that once again, the Jews are highly over represented on a per capita basis.

And, did you see this:

"U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize'

By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service

An American professor has become the first Jew to win the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine, popularly known as the "Arab Nobel Prize."

Stanford professor Ronald Levy, who heads the university's Oncology department, told Haaretz that as an American Jew married to an Israeli it never crossed his mind that he might win the Saudi-financed competition.

U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize' - Haaretz - Israel News

Who'd a thunk it?
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.

"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism"
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth."
"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Anti-Semitism and Holocaust

Oh, man, I can't decide whether to believe you or Dr. King!
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.
Jews have lived in Israel uninterpreted for more than 2000 years before the invention of the street gang called Islam.
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.
Jews have lived in Israel uninterpreted for more than 2000 years before the invention of the street gang called Islam.
Seems like this uninterrupted period you claim had a slight interruption in 132-135 AD

Remember when the Romans defeated the Jewish revolt and leveled the entire city to the ground?

Then they kicked all of the Jews out of the land and declared Jerusalam to be renamed Aeolia Capitolina

Or what about the Christian Crusaders who went to Jerusalam and slaughtered every Jew they came across in the 11th century?

Rounding them up and locking them inside their synagouges. Then setting them on fire.

In reading some of your posts Mr. Fitnuts.

I see that history isn't one of your strong points. :lol:
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And, did you see this:

"U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize'

By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service

An American professor has become the first Jew to win the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine, popularly known as the "Arab Nobel Prize."

Stanford professor Ronald Levy, who heads the university's Oncology department, told Haaretz that as an American Jew married to an Israeli it never crossed his mind that he might win the Saudi-financed competition.

U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize' - Haaretz - Israel News

Who'd a thunk it?
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.

"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism"
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth."
"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Anti-Semitism and Holocaust

Oh, man, I can't decide whether to believe you or Dr. King!

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.
Jews have lived in Israel uninterpreted for more than 2000 years before the invention of the street gang called Islam.
Seems like this uninterrupted period you claim had a slight interruption in 132-135 AD

Remember when the Romans defeated the Jewish revolt and leveled the entire city to the ground?

Then they kicked all of the Jews out of the land and declared Jerusalam to be renamed Aeolia Capitolina

Or what about the Christian Crusaders who went to Jerusalam and slaughtered every Jew they came across in the 11th century?

Rounding them up and locking them inside their synagouges. Then setting them on fire.

In reading some of your posts Mr. Fitnuts.

I see that history isn't one of your strong points. :lol:
Jerusalem is a city, not a country, I see you are fluent in straw man arguments.
Evil resides in all humans its as natural as breathing air. Are Jews evil, probally no more than anyone else. Are Zionist evil yes they are and before people start screaming anti semtic you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Although there may be many Israelis that support the actions of their Government many people do not.

The statement was used against Germans, they are all evil, now its Muslims, they are all eveil, well no they are not but some are.

Some Jews say that all none Jews are envious of them, I don't think its that I think its the clear and deliberate racism and lies that are spread by certain Jews past and present that causes the hatred of the Jews in the first place. There must be a real reason why one group of people have been persecuted as the Jews have and its certainly not envy or jealousy.

For all the people who point at the Koran and call it corrupt and rotten the Talmud could not be more explicit in its racism and hatred for all none Jews. So maybe the answer is Jews are hated because they themselves hate everyone else. There are countless quotes of hatred and racism from the mouths of many prominent Jews and Rabbis past and present, so ye shall sow so shall you reap.
So maybe the answer is Jews are hated because they themselves hate everyone else

Haven't seen much hatred from Jews in this thread. Just anti-Semites spouting their usual bullshit.

Maybe the "answer" is that bigots try to find ways to justify their bigotry so they can continue to spread their poison while still feeling good about themselves.
Jews have lived in Israel uninterpreted for more than 2000 years before the invention of the street gang called Islam.
Seems like this uninterrupted period you claim had a slight interruption in 132-135 AD

Remember when the Romans defeated the Jewish revolt and leveled the entire city to the ground?

Then they kicked all of the Jews out of the land and declared Jerusalam to be renamed Aeolia Capitolina

Or what about the Christian Crusaders who went to Jerusalam and slaughtered every Jew they came across in the 11th century?

Rounding them up and locking them inside their synagouges. Then setting them on fire.

In reading some of your posts Mr. Fitnuts.

I see that history isn't one of your strong points. :lol:
Jerusalem is a city, not a country, I see you are fluent in straw man arguments.
You aren't much at reading comprehension Mr. Fitnuts.

The Crusaders had to travel across the land to get to the prize of Jerusalm.

As I stated; they killed the Jews they came across.

And as I stated; the Romans kicked all the Jews out of the LAND

How you can call historical facts a strawman argument is beyond me :eek:

When basically, all I did was destroy your idiotic comment about the Jews living there uninterruped for 2000 years.

And then try to blame it on Islam :cuckoo:
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My family has documented it's ancestors as far back as early 1600's. My ancesters lived in Sweden for at least 300 or more years. Does that mean I can go there and demand citizenship?
GUDRID, so are you saying that Jews don't hate anyone and they are not racist, perhaps you can back that claim up with some proofs of course. Or are you saying Jews can be racist and hate but as long as no one does it to them. And don't even bother trying to shut me up, people such as always hide behind name calling etc. Thats all you have, you will evade the truth as much as you can.
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.

Islam is not against the Jews. Fair enough, but you seem to be. Why else would you thank Jon Silva for this post:

Every Jew I have worked with or for or have know have always been either an asshole or a ****!!! They are rude fucking people!!!!!

Do I detect a double standard in play here?
As I have stated over and over.

Islam is NOT against the Jews or Judiasm.

It's the Zionists and the rogue state of Israel that Muslims have a problem with.

"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism"
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth."
"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Anti-Semitism and Holocaust

Oh, man, I can't decide whether to believe you or Dr. King!

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority?

Yours can't be a serious response.

Nah, it must be tongue in cheek.

Or are you denying that in the realm of thoughtful moral inquiry, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is somewhat more of an authority than my friend Sunni?

Please, help me to distinguish as to whether you are a clever, humorous fellow, or a dolt.

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