Jews Assassinated by the Tsars


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Jews Assassinated by the Tsars

“Expulsions, deportations, arrests, and beatings became the daily lot of the Jews, not only of their lower class, but even of the middle class and the Jewish intelligentsia. The government of Alexander III waged a campaign of war against its Jewish inhabitants ... The Jews were driven and hounded, and emigration appeared to be the only escape from the terrible tyranny of the Romanovs.”

It did not help matters any that during the reign of Alexander III a terrible famine struck Russia in which 400,000 peasants died. Those who survived were bitter and their resentments grew (which would erupt eventually in an aborted revolution in 1905 and the successful Russian Revolution which ushered in Communist rule in 1917.)
I've always wondered why Jews were so instrumental in the communist revolution which overthrew the Czars. They just ended up trading one tyranny for another.
I've always wondered why Jews were so instrumental in the communist revolution which overthrew the Czars. They just ended up trading one tyranny for another.

Hope for better does not always achieve the desired purposes.
You don't expect the ruling class to take credit for the results of their incompetence?

What do you think the 1% crap is all about? Just Obama trying to rip a page from Alexander's playbook.
Transliteration of Russian can sometimes be difficult, and has never been consistant. In the 19th Century the letter Ц was usually transliterated as cz. Nowadays they transliterate it as ts.

The letter Ж is usually transliterated at Zh. It has been the most consistant.

In the old days the letter В was transliterated as ff when in the final position in a word, wich is closer to the way Russians actually pronounce it. These days it is always transliterated as v, even in places where it is closer to f.

The letter Г is always given the value g by the library of congress these days, despite the fact that when used in a genitive pronoun or at the end of a genitive adjective it has the value of v.

Just figure the Russians be crazy and be done with it.
Tsar or Czar?

Whatever preference you wish Mr. H. Tzar is also on that table of multiple nouns for the identical description.
Tsar or Czar?

That's your call...

...but it indicates the importance of the Roman Empire, in that the name is based on

As is Kaiser....

...and some say Shah, as well.

Oh, pshaw.... :lol:


Caesar is not impressed at the addition of the Shah...

I find it interesting myself. :)

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