Jews get to define Anti Semitism.

Not Shaun King.

A central tenet of anti-oppression work is that marginalized communities are the authors of their own experiences. Those who experience a specific oppression get to define it, and how it shows up in their daily life in big and small ways. I cannot possibly grasp all of the ways racism shows up throughout the life of a person of color. As much as I may try, my white privilege will inevitably blind me to how simple daily acts like driving my car, walking my baby in the park, or waiting in a Starbucks can quickly become dangerous. Conversely, my husband as well as male friends and colleagues may struggle to understand how gender shows up in my daily life, so they should listen to me when I describe what my experiences are and how they affect me.

Anti-Semitism, like most forms of systemic oppression, is difficult to see if you don’t experience it directly. If you have never been asked to leave an anti-war protest because you were wearing a Magen David necklace, you may not understand how we are pushed out of movements. If your house of worship does not require 24-hour private security, armed guards, and bag searches to enter, you may not understand how we move through the world. If your family doesn’t include people who were ghettoized, beaten, starved, and gassed to death in concentration camps, you probably don’t experience a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville—or “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators burning the Israeli flag and chanting for the deaths of Jews in Israel—the same way that we do. If a passerby has never screamed at a crowd of worshippers, or drawn swastikas or rats on your spiritual home, or accosted you in your workplace and started screaming about purported Israeli atrocities or “Likudnik” conspiracies, you will not understand our fear of being Jewish in public. If you’ve never spent an afternoon on the phone with an anti-extremism expert discussing whether or not being featured on a neo-Nazi website is cause for alarm, you don’t understand what Jewish writers regularly encounter during their workdays. If you have never been told to tolerate being called satanic or evil, or compared to an insect for the sake of coalition building or political unity, you may struggle to understand why many of us are so angry at the progressive movement. I have experienced all of the above.

Jews Get to Define Anti-Semitism
No such thing as white privilege. Did you get this pissed at Obama when he meddled in Israeli elections? I’m Roman Catholic...many of the various denominations of Christianity say I’m going to hell. Being told to go to hell has never bothered me. Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily.

Bush92 wrote:
"... Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily. "

Thank you,
Your welcome. :113:
Not Shaun King.

A central tenet of anti-oppression work is that marginalized communities are the authors of their own experiences. Those who experience a specific oppression get to define it, and how it shows up in their daily life in big and small ways. I cannot possibly grasp all of the ways racism shows up throughout the life of a person of color. As much as I may try, my white privilege will inevitably blind me to how simple daily acts like driving my car, walking my baby in the park, or waiting in a Starbucks can quickly become dangerous. Conversely, my husband as well as male friends and colleagues may struggle to understand how gender shows up in my daily life, so they should listen to me when I describe what my experiences are and how they affect me.

Anti-Semitism, like most forms of systemic oppression, is difficult to see if you don’t experience it directly. If you have never been asked to leave an anti-war protest because you were wearing a Magen David necklace, you may not understand how we are pushed out of movements. If your house of worship does not require 24-hour private security, armed guards, and bag searches to enter, you may not understand how we move through the world.....

You know, even though I have not experienced it directly, I get it. I can see how it would suck to have to have armed guards at your church. I understand how it would suck to be asked to leave a anti-war protest, ect.

YOu tell me about a threat to your church, and your lives, you don't have to play the "jewish" care, I get it and I will support your dealing with that.

ON the other hand, if you try to tell me that something is discrimination, and I dont' see it, AND, that I should just defer to you, because, I'm not a member of your group and thus can't understand?

Not Shaun King.

A central tenet of anti-oppression work is that marginalized communities are the authors of their own experiences. Those who experience a specific oppression get to define it, and how it shows up in their daily life in big and small ways. I cannot possibly grasp all of the ways racism shows up throughout the life of a person of color. As much as I may try, my white privilege will inevitably blind me to how simple daily acts like driving my car, walking my baby in the park, or waiting in a Starbucks can quickly become dangerous. Conversely, my husband as well as male friends and colleagues may struggle to understand how gender shows up in my daily life, so they should listen to me when I describe what my experiences are and how they affect me.

Anti-Semitism, like most forms of systemic oppression, is difficult to see if you don’t experience it directly. If you have never been asked to leave an anti-war protest because you were wearing a Magen David necklace, you may not understand how we are pushed out of movements. If your house of worship does not require 24-hour private security, armed guards, and bag searches to enter, you may not understand how we move through the world. If your family doesn’t include people who were ghettoized, beaten, starved, and gassed to death in concentration camps, you probably don’t experience a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville—or “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators burning the Israeli flag and chanting for the deaths of Jews in Israel—the same way that we do. If a passerby has never screamed at a crowd of worshippers, or drawn swastikas or rats on your spiritual home, or accosted you in your workplace and started screaming about purported Israeli atrocities or “Likudnik” conspiracies, you will not understand our fear of being Jewish in public. If you’ve never spent an afternoon on the phone with an anti-extremism expert discussing whether or not being featured on a neo-Nazi website is cause for alarm, you don’t understand what Jewish writers regularly encounter during their workdays. If you have never been told to tolerate being called satanic or evil, or compared to an insect for the sake of coalition building or political unity, you may struggle to understand why many of us are so angry at the progressive movement. I have experienced all of the above.

Jews Get to Define Anti-Semitism
No such thing as white privilege. Did you get this pissed at Obama when he meddled in Israeli elections? I’m Roman Catholic...many of the various denominations of Christianity say I’m going to hell. Being told to go to hell has never bothered me. Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily.
"Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her."
My God, you are an embarrassment. I really hate how ignorant and gullible my people are. So fucking clueless.

Here, you dunce, you know why you think Israel is our "#1 ally"? Is it because of all the great things Israel does for us? The extra safety and security Israel provides? Of course not. You think that because the Jewish press has repeated it over and over and, like a trained monkey, you simply blink and repeat it.

We all know what we do for Israel, don't we. Billions of dollars we send them while our own people can't access decent health care. On top of that, we are building them a shield against nuclear attack, while Jews in this country agitate for war with Russia--a nuclear power. Does that sound like an ally, you buffoon?

You ever hear of the USS Liberty? Israel purposely attacked a US military ship in 1967 in the hope of tricking us into attacking Egypt. The attack lasted for hours. The Israelis STRAFED THE LIFEBOATS. Ironically, it was the "enemy" Russians on a nearby ship who offered to come to our soldiers' assistance to rescue them from the murderous attack by our "ally".

Why do you think we attacked Iraq in 2003? Why are we bombing Syria and obliterating Yemeni sheep herders. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

Your first paragraph describes you. You’re also a pussy. We attacked the countries you mentioned over oil and personal vendettas. Dumbass.
Not Shaun King.

A central tenet of anti-oppression work is that marginalized communities are the authors of their own experiences. Those who experience a specific oppression get to define it, and how it shows up in their daily life in big and small ways. I cannot possibly grasp all of the ways racism shows up throughout the life of a person of color. As much as I may try, my white privilege will inevitably blind me to how simple daily acts like driving my car, walking my baby in the park, or waiting in a Starbucks can quickly become dangerous. Conversely, my husband as well as male friends and colleagues may struggle to understand how gender shows up in my daily life, so they should listen to me when I describe what my experiences are and how they affect me.

Anti-Semitism, like most forms of systemic oppression, is difficult to see if you don’t experience it directly. If you have never been asked to leave an anti-war protest because you were wearing a Magen David necklace, you may not understand how we are pushed out of movements. If your house of worship does not require 24-hour private security, armed guards, and bag searches to enter, you may not understand how we move through the world. If your family doesn’t include people who were ghettoized, beaten, starved, and gassed to death in concentration camps, you probably don’t experience a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville—or “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators burning the Israeli flag and chanting for the deaths of Jews in Israel—the same way that we do. If a passerby has never screamed at a crowd of worshippers, or drawn swastikas or rats on your spiritual home, or accosted you in your workplace and started screaming about purported Israeli atrocities or “Likudnik” conspiracies, you will not understand our fear of being Jewish in public. If you’ve never spent an afternoon on the phone with an anti-extremism expert discussing whether or not being featured on a neo-Nazi website is cause for alarm, you don’t understand what Jewish writers regularly encounter during their workdays. If you have never been told to tolerate being called satanic or evil, or compared to an insect for the sake of coalition building or political unity, you may struggle to understand why many of us are so angry at the progressive movement. I have experienced all of the above.

Jews Get to Define Anti-Semitism
No such thing as white privilege. Did you get this pissed at Obama when he meddled in Israeli elections? I’m Roman Catholic...many of the various denominations of Christianity say I’m going to hell. Being told to go to hell has never bothered me. Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily.
"Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her."
My God, you are an embarrassment. I really hate how ignorant and gullible my people are. So fucking clueless.

Here, you dunce, you know why you think Israel is our "#1 ally"? Is it because of all the great things Israel does for us? The extra safety and security Israel provides? Of course not. You think that because the Jewish press has repeated it over and over and, like a trained monkey, you simply blink and repeat it.

We all know what we do for Israel, don't we. Billions of dollars we send them while our own people can't access decent health care. On top of that, we are building them a shield against nuclear attack, while Jews in this country agitate for war with Russia--a nuclear power. Does that sound like an ally, you buffoon?

You ever hear of the USS Liberty? Israel purposely attacked a US military ship in 1967 in the hope of tricking us into attacking Egypt. The attack lasted for hours. The Israelis STRAFED THE LIFEBOATS. Ironically, it was the "enemy" Russians on a nearby ship who offered to come to our soldiers' assistance to rescue them from the murderous attack by our "ally".

Why do you think we attacked Iraq in 2003? Why are we bombing Syria and obliterating Yemeni sheep herders. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

Your first paragraph describes you. You’re also a pussy. We attacked the countries you mentioned over oil and personal vendettas. Dumbass.
Haha, you people are such liars. We attacked Iraq for the oil, huh? Where is it, dog shit?
Not Shaun King.

A central tenet of anti-oppression work is that marginalized communities are the authors of their own experiences. Those who experience a specific oppression get to define it, and how it shows up in their daily life in big and small ways. I cannot possibly grasp all of the ways racism shows up throughout the life of a person of color. As much as I may try, my white privilege will inevitably blind me to how simple daily acts like driving my car, walking my baby in the park, or waiting in a Starbucks can quickly become dangerous. Conversely, my husband as well as male friends and colleagues may struggle to understand how gender shows up in my daily life, so they should listen to me when I describe what my experiences are and how they affect me.

Anti-Semitism, like most forms of systemic oppression, is difficult to see if you don’t experience it directly. If you have never been asked to leave an anti-war protest because you were wearing a Magen David necklace, you may not understand how we are pushed out of movements. If your house of worship does not require 24-hour private security, armed guards, and bag searches to enter, you may not understand how we move through the world. If your family doesn’t include people who were ghettoized, beaten, starved, and gassed to death in concentration camps, you probably don’t experience a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville—or “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators burning the Israeli flag and chanting for the deaths of Jews in Israel—the same way that we do. If a passerby has never screamed at a crowd of worshippers, or drawn swastikas or rats on your spiritual home, or accosted you in your workplace and started screaming about purported Israeli atrocities or “Likudnik” conspiracies, you will not understand our fear of being Jewish in public. If you’ve never spent an afternoon on the phone with an anti-extremism expert discussing whether or not being featured on a neo-Nazi website is cause for alarm, you don’t understand what Jewish writers regularly encounter during their workdays. If you have never been told to tolerate being called satanic or evil, or compared to an insect for the sake of coalition building or political unity, you may struggle to understand why many of us are so angry at the progressive movement. I have experienced all of the above.

Jews Get to Define Anti-Semitism
No such thing as white privilege. Did you get this pissed at Obama when he meddled in Israeli elections? I’m Roman Catholic...many of the various denominations of Christianity say I’m going to hell. Being told to go to hell has never bothered me. Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily.
"Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her."
My God, you are an embarrassment. I really hate how ignorant and gullible my people are. So fucking clueless.

Here, you dunce, you know why you think Israel is our "#1 ally"? Is it because of all the great things Israel does for us? The extra safety and security Israel provides? Of course not. You think that because the Jewish press has repeated it over and over and, like a trained monkey, you simply blink and repeat it.

We all know what we do for Israel, don't we. Billions of dollars we send them while our own people can't access decent health care. On top of that, we are building them a shield against nuclear attack, while Jews in this country agitate for war with Russia--a nuclear power. Does that sound like an ally, you buffoon?

You ever hear of the USS Liberty? Israel purposely attacked a US military ship in 1967 in the hope of tricking us into attacking Egypt. The attack lasted for hours. The Israelis STRAFED THE LIFEBOATS. Ironically, it was the "enemy" Russians on a nearby ship who offered to come to our soldiers' assistance to rescue them from the murderous attack by our "ally".

Why do you think we attacked Iraq in 2003? Why are we bombing Syria and obliterating Yemeni sheep herders. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

Your first paragraph describes you. You’re also a pussy. We attacked the countries you mentioned over oil and personal vendettas. Dumbass.
Haha, you people are such liars. We attacked Iraq for the oil, huh? Where is it, dog shit?

That's not nice. Calling him dog shit.
Not Shaun King.

A central tenet of anti-oppression work is that marginalized communities are the authors of their own experiences. Those who experience a specific oppression get to define it, and how it shows up in their daily life in big and small ways. I cannot possibly grasp all of the ways racism shows up throughout the life of a person of color. As much as I may try, my white privilege will inevitably blind me to how simple daily acts like driving my car, walking my baby in the park, or waiting in a Starbucks can quickly become dangerous. Conversely, my husband as well as male friends and colleagues may struggle to understand how gender shows up in my daily life, so they should listen to me when I describe what my experiences are and how they affect me.

Anti-Semitism, like most forms of systemic oppression, is difficult to see if you don’t experience it directly. If you have never been asked to leave an anti-war protest because you were wearing a Magen David necklace, you may not understand how we are pushed out of movements. If your house of worship does not require 24-hour private security, armed guards, and bag searches to enter, you may not understand how we move through the world. If your family doesn’t include people who were ghettoized, beaten, starved, and gassed to death in concentration camps, you probably don’t experience a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville—or “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators burning the Israeli flag and chanting for the deaths of Jews in Israel—the same way that we do. If a passerby has never screamed at a crowd of worshippers, or drawn swastikas or rats on your spiritual home, or accosted you in your workplace and started screaming about purported Israeli atrocities or “Likudnik” conspiracies, you will not understand our fear of being Jewish in public. If you’ve never spent an afternoon on the phone with an anti-extremism expert discussing whether or not being featured on a neo-Nazi website is cause for alarm, you don’t understand what Jewish writers regularly encounter during their workdays. If you have never been told to tolerate being called satanic or evil, or compared to an insect for the sake of coalition building or political unity, you may struggle to understand why many of us are so angry at the progressive movement. I have experienced all of the above.

Jews Get to Define Anti-Semitism
No such thing as white privilege. Did you get this pissed at Obama when he meddled in Israeli elections? I’m Roman Catholic...many of the various denominations of Christianity say I’m going to hell. Being told to go to hell has never bothered me. Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily.
"Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her."
My God, you are an embarrassment. I really hate how ignorant and gullible my people are. So fucking clueless.

Here, you dunce, you know why you think Israel is our "#1 ally"? Is it because of all the great things Israel does for us? The extra safety and security Israel provides? Of course not. You think that because the Jewish press has repeated it over and over and, like a trained monkey, you simply blink and repeat it.

We all know what we do for Israel, don't we. Billions of dollars we send them while our own people can't access decent health care. On top of that, we are building them a shield against nuclear attack, while Jews in this country agitate for war with Russia--a nuclear power. Does that sound like an ally, you buffoon?

You ever hear of the USS Liberty? Israel purposely attacked a US military ship in 1967 in the hope of tricking us into attacking Egypt. The attack lasted for hours. The Israelis STRAFED THE LIFEBOATS. Ironically, it was the "enemy" Russians on a nearby ship who offered to come to our soldiers' assistance to rescue them from the murderous attack by our "ally".

Why do you think we attacked Iraq in 2003? Why are we bombing Syria and obliterating Yemeni sheep herders. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

Your first paragraph describes you. You’re also a pussy. We attacked the countries you mentioned over oil and personal vendettas. Dumbass.
Haha, you people are such liars. We attacked Iraq for the oil, huh? Where is it, dog shit?

Oil and personal vendettas. Maybe you should read books instead of burning them?
Not Shaun King.

A central tenet of anti-oppression work is that marginalized communities are the authors of their own experiences. Those who experience a specific oppression get to define it, and how it shows up in their daily life in big and small ways. I cannot possibly grasp all of the ways racism shows up throughout the life of a person of color. As much as I may try, my white privilege will inevitably blind me to how simple daily acts like driving my car, walking my baby in the park, or waiting in a Starbucks can quickly become dangerous. Conversely, my husband as well as male friends and colleagues may struggle to understand how gender shows up in my daily life, so they should listen to me when I describe what my experiences are and how they affect me.

Anti-Semitism, like most forms of systemic oppression, is difficult to see if you don’t experience it directly. If you have never been asked to leave an anti-war protest because you were wearing a Magen David necklace, you may not understand how we are pushed out of movements. If your house of worship does not require 24-hour private security, armed guards, and bag searches to enter, you may not understand how we move through the world. If your family doesn’t include people who were ghettoized, beaten, starved, and gassed to death in concentration camps, you probably don’t experience a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville—or “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators burning the Israeli flag and chanting for the deaths of Jews in Israel—the same way that we do. If a passerby has never screamed at a crowd of worshippers, or drawn swastikas or rats on your spiritual home, or accosted you in your workplace and started screaming about purported Israeli atrocities or “Likudnik” conspiracies, you will not understand our fear of being Jewish in public. If you’ve never spent an afternoon on the phone with an anti-extremism expert discussing whether or not being featured on a neo-Nazi website is cause for alarm, you don’t understand what Jewish writers regularly encounter during their workdays. If you have never been told to tolerate being called satanic or evil, or compared to an insect for the sake of coalition building or political unity, you may struggle to understand why many of us are so angry at the progressive movement. I have experienced all of the above.

Jews Get to Define Anti-Semitism
No such thing as white privilege. Did you get this pissed at Obama when he meddled in Israeli elections? I’m Roman Catholic...many of the various denominations of Christianity say I’m going to hell. Being told to go to hell has never bothered me. Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily.
"Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her."
My God, you are an embarrassment. I really hate how ignorant and gullible my people are. So fucking clueless.

Here, you dunce, you know why you think Israel is our "#1 ally"? Is it because of all the great things Israel does for us? The extra safety and security Israel provides? Of course not. You think that because the Jewish press has repeated it over and over and, like a trained monkey, you simply blink and repeat it.

We all know what we do for Israel, don't we. Billions of dollars we send them while our own people can't access decent health care. On top of that, we are building them a shield against nuclear attack, while Jews in this country agitate for war with Russia--a nuclear power. Does that sound like an ally, you buffoon?

You ever hear of the USS Liberty? Israel purposely attacked a US military ship in 1967 in the hope of tricking us into attacking Egypt. The attack lasted for hours. The Israelis STRAFED THE LIFEBOATS. Ironically, it was the "enemy" Russians on a nearby ship who offered to come to our soldiers' assistance to rescue them from the murderous attack by our "ally".

Why do you think we attacked Iraq in 2003? Why are we bombing Syria and obliterating Yemeni sheep herders. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

Your first paragraph describes you. You’re also a pussy. We attacked the countries you mentioned over oil and personal vendettas. Dumbass.
Haha, you people are such liars. We attacked Iraq for the oil, huh? Where is it, dog shit?

That's not nice. Calling him dog shit.
Granted. Still better than war-mongering and lying on behalf of a foreign country.
No such thing as white privilege. Did you get this pissed at Obama when he meddled in Israeli elections? I’m Roman Catholic...many of the various denominations of Christianity say I’m going to hell. Being told to go to hell has never bothered me. Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her. Years ago after my infantry service in USMC I contemplated going abroad and joining the IDF...just to give a few years of my time to a beautiful people who must protect their ancient homeland daily.
"Israel is the #1 ally of the United States in that region. I believe so strongly in Israel’s right to exist I would be willing to fight and die for her."
My God, you are an embarrassment. I really hate how ignorant and gullible my people are. So fucking clueless.

Here, you dunce, you know why you think Israel is our "#1 ally"? Is it because of all the great things Israel does for us? The extra safety and security Israel provides? Of course not. You think that because the Jewish press has repeated it over and over and, like a trained monkey, you simply blink and repeat it.

We all know what we do for Israel, don't we. Billions of dollars we send them while our own people can't access decent health care. On top of that, we are building them a shield against nuclear attack, while Jews in this country agitate for war with Russia--a nuclear power. Does that sound like an ally, you buffoon?

You ever hear of the USS Liberty? Israel purposely attacked a US military ship in 1967 in the hope of tricking us into attacking Egypt. The attack lasted for hours. The Israelis STRAFED THE LIFEBOATS. Ironically, it was the "enemy" Russians on a nearby ship who offered to come to our soldiers' assistance to rescue them from the murderous attack by our "ally".

Why do you think we attacked Iraq in 2003? Why are we bombing Syria and obliterating Yemeni sheep herders. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

Your first paragraph describes you. You’re also a pussy. We attacked the countries you mentioned over oil and personal vendettas. Dumbass.
Haha, you people are such liars. We attacked Iraq for the oil, huh? Where is it, dog shit?

That's not nice. Calling him dog shit.
Granted. Still better than war-mongering and lying on behalf of a foreign country.

Why do you care?

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