Jews Say: End The War On Gaza


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The entire world has turned on Israel, including the Jewish world!

Jews Say: End The War On Gaza

On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for solidarity, asking: "How many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient?"

As Jews of conscience, we answer by unequivocally condemning Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza, whose victims include hundreds of civilians, children, entire families, the elderly, and the disabled. This latest toll adds to the thousands Israel has killed and maimed since its supposed withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

In response to this crisis, we urgently reaffirm our support for a ban on all military and other aid to Israel.
Finally, Jews speak out against Zionist aggression.
In the face of incessant pro-Israel propaganda, we heed Malcolm X's warning: “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

Israel's relentless war on Gaza is no more an act of "self-defense" than such infamous massacres as Wounded Knee (1890), Guernica (1937), the Warsaw Ghetto (1942), Deir Yassin (1948), My Lai (1968), Soweto (1976), Sabra and Shatila (1982), or Lebanon (2006).
This is what happens to people who think they're "all that", sooner or later, everyone becomes their enemy.
BTW, it's not the war 'on Gaza'. That's just Palestinian propaganda.
It's war on Hamas.
Don't bomb Israel and there won't be a problem. It's pretty simple. Israel has support.
It is the problem. Israel extends truce and Hamas is still firing.
Israel has broken every ceasefire they've ever entered.

And that bullshit truce Egypt allegedly came up with was a fake.

Bullshit. And that truce? It was more than acceptable.
There is zero reason to accept a truce out of Qatar, major donor to Hamas, is there?
That's not the problem!

The problem is Israel won't stop bombing Gaza.

It is the problem. Israel extends truce and Hamas is still firing.

Any truce's by Israel towards Palestinians are oddly similar to America's truces with Native Americans :cool:

No. No they aren't. Although this has been an inane way to sell Hamas is to put them into Native American gear and have them pose for snapshots , it doesn't work on any level.
It is the problem. Israel extends truce and Hamas is still firing.

Any truce's by Israel towards Palestinians are oddly similar to America's truces with Native Americans :cool:

No. No they aren't. Although this has been an inane way to sell Hamas is to put them into Native American gear and have them pose for snapshots , it doesn't work on any level.

Frankly I think Israel should give up on any pretense of pretending to give a fuck about Gaza and just wipe them all out. It would certainly simplify things on a global scale.

Israel's biggest problem is pretending to give a damn about Palestine. They need to cut that shit out.
Any truce's by Israel towards Palestinians are oddly similar to America's truces with Native Americans :cool:

No. No they aren't. Although this has been an inane way to sell Hamas is to put them into Native American gear and have them pose for snapshots , it doesn't work on any level.

Frankly I think Israel should give up on any pretense of pretending to give a fuck about Gaza and just wipe them all out. It would certainly simplify things on a global scale.

Israel's biggest problem is pretending to give a damn about Palestine. They need to cut that shit out.

I feel sorry for the Jordanians.
I don't know if it's in me to want them wiped out.
Then I read the postings on USMB and I want to wipe them out.

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