Jews Vs. the world



As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?
As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?

Are you referring to the days of Mohamed when he was slaughtering Jews left and right for not converting or to the Roman Empire where the Muslims were slaughtering non-Jews left and right?
Please be precise.
As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?

The massacre of 1921, the bloodbath of 1929, the Arab uprising in 1936.

Just, the first things that poped up to mind..
As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?

The massacre of 1921, the bloodbath of 1929, the Arab uprising in 1936.

Just, the first things that poped up to mind..

Those were Jews dressed up as Arabs.
The first Jewish Holocaust, dear Indeependent, was carried out by Muslims, not Nazis.

It's not them who should cry out "Remember Khibar, you Jews". This cry should be made by us. We should remember Khaibar, and know that it's only the tip of the iceberg, if what the Palestinians would have done to us, given the tiniest moment of weakness.
Well Judaism pre-dates Islam by at least 1000 years so you'll have to be more specific.
As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?

Are you referring to the days of Mohamed when he was slaughtering Jews left and right for not converting or to the Roman Empire where the Muslims were slaughtering non-Jews left and right?
Please be precise.

I am precise. I'm asking what percentage of anti Jewish problems there were from Muslims, compared with the rest of the world, pre 1945.
I believe there were almost no problems between Jews and Muslims that led to death, compared with Jews being slaughtered by Christians, or other groups.
[ame=]Hebron Massacre of the ancient Jewish community by Arab killers in 1929 - YouTube[/ame]
See what the Muslim doing to Buddhist IN INDIA.
Jewish were easy to pick on, but now you whine about Human Rights, Hah!
Yeah yeah 'Mossad'/'Shabaq'/'el Mustaaribon'/'Shin Bet', war crimes.
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The first Jewish Holocaust, dear Indeependent, was carried out by Muslims, not Nazis.

It's not them who should cry out "Remember Khibar, you Jews". This cry should be made by us. We should remember Khaibar, and know that it's only the tip of the iceberg, if what the Palestinians would have done to us, given the tiniest moment of weakness.

I think you're supposed to provide links and details to your claims.
Armenian Genocide.................


Another example of Muslim Justice before Israel was created. Against all non believers of Islam.
The first Jewish Holocaust, dear Indeependent, was carried out by Muslims, not Nazis.

It's not them who should cry out "Remember Khibar, you Jews". This cry should be made by us. We should remember Khaibar, and know that it's only the tip of the iceberg, if what the Palestinians would have done to us, given the tiniest moment of weakness.

I think you're supposed to provide links and details to your claims.

I thought you were Muslim?

Your religion and nation practices sand mezmorises the bloodshed of Khaibar and Banu-Qureiza by heart all the time.

I could not possibly tell you something you don't know already. And I stand behind what I said earlier.
Safed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it, Fred - see how many times the Jews of Safed were set upon and murdered, and how many times we came back to our land. That's a pretty typical history for any place under 'protection' of Islamic rule.......

"Safed (Hebrew: צְפַת Tzfat, Ashkenazi: Tzfas, Biblical: Ṣ'fath; Arabic: صفد*, Ṣafad) is a city in the Northern District of Israel. Located at an elevation of 900 metres (2,953 ft), Safed is the highest city in the Galilee and in Israel.[2] Due to its high elevation, Safed experiences warm summers and cold, often snowy, winters.[3] Since the 16th century, Safed has been considered one of Judaism's Four Holy Cities, along with Jerusalem, Hebron and Tiberias;[4] since that time, the city has remained a center of Kabbalah, also known as Jewish mysticism.

Due to its mild climate and scenic views, Safed is a popular holiday resort frequented by Israelis and foreign visitors.[5]

[hide] 1 History 1.1 Biblical account
1.2 Classic antiquity
1.3 Crusader Kingdom
1.4 Mamluk Sultanate
1.5 Ottoman period
1.6 British Mandate
1.7 State of Israel
As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?

there have been problems for the jews from muslim since the career of the rapist
pig of mecca-----not only did the filthy pig invade jewish land in Arabia----the pig
murdered and raped and stole their whole city----to wit Yathrib----then to
make matters worse his followers shoved his carcass into the ground of
the jewish city -----and decided to bar jews from that town forever---the disgusting
thieves, rapists and murderers. After that the followers of the rapist went
on a rampage and continued to steal jewish cities via murder, rape and pillage---
they even CLAIM many of those cities as "muslim cities"-----Baghdad
was among the earliest thefts by the rapists------a cultural center developed
as such by Zoroastrians, Jews and later Christians----stolen by the rapists and
now a stinking filthy shariah cesspit "caliphate" Thruout the time from the
career of the rapist of mecca----to the present time muslims have oppressed
and murdered jews-------to this day
Indofred, et al,

Part of the problem facing humanity today is that the Arab Palestinians are still stuck in the mud and trying to apply solutions to the issues of a pre-Partition era Mandate period --- rather than the issues of today; nearly seven decades later.

As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?

Anyone in the forum can open-up the History on the The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917-1988 --- PART I --- 1917-1947 and copy various perspectives on the matter.

Section VI. MANDATED PALESTINE - PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE --- The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem said:
A formal inquiry commission, headed by Sir Thomas Haycraft, Chief Justice of Palestine, found:

"The fundamental cause of the Jaffa riots and the subsequent acts of violence was a feeling among the Arabs of discontent with, and hostility to, the Jews, due to political and economic causes, and connected with Jewish immigration, and with their conception of Zionist policy as derived from Jewish exponents.

"The immediate cause of the Jaffa riots on the 1st May was an unauthorized demonstration of Bolshevik Jews, followed by its clash with an authorized demonstration of the Jewish Labour Party.

"The racial strife was begun by Arabs, and rapidly developed into a conflict of great violence between Arabs and Jews, in which the Arab majority, who were generally the aggressors, inflicted most of the casualties.

"The outbreak was not premeditated or expected, nor was either side prepared for it; but the state of popular feeling made a conflict likely to occur on any provocation by any Jews ..."​

On its causes:

"... After examining this and other evidence and studying the course of events in Palestine since the War, we have no doubt as to what were 'the underlying causes of the disturbances' of last year. They were:

"(i) The desire of the Arabs for national independence.

"(ii) Their hatred and fear of the establishment of the Jewish National Home.

'We make the following comments on these two causes:

"(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the 'disturbances' of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.

"(ii) They were, and always have been, inextricably linked together. The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate under which it was to be implemented involved the denial of national independence at the outset. The subsequent growth of the national home created a practical obstacle, and the only serious one, to the concession later of national independence. It was believed that its further growth might mean the political as well as economic subjection of the Arabs to the Jews, so that if, ultimately, the Mandate should terminate and Palestine become independent, it would not be a national independence in the Arab sense but self-government by a Jewish majority.

"(iii) They were the only 'underlying' causes. All the other factors were complementary or subsidiary, aggravating the two causes or helping to determine the time at which the disturbances broke out."​

On the new Arab hostility towards the Jews:

"... It is indeed, one of the most unhappy aspects of the present situation - this opening of a breach between Jewry and the Arab world. We believe that not in Palestine only but in all the Middle East the Arabs might profit from the capital and enterprise which the Jews are ready enough to provide; and we believe that in ordinary circumstances the various Arab Governments would be ready enough on their side to permit a measure of Jewish immigration under their own conditions and control. But the creation of the national home has been neither conditioned nor controlled by the Arabs of Palestine. It has been established directly against their will. And that hard fact has had its natural reaction on Arab minds elsewhere. The Jews were fully entitled to enter the door forced open for them into Palestine. They did it with the sanction and encouragement of the League of Nations and the United States of America. But by doing it they have closed the other doors of the Arab World against them. And in certain circumstances this antagonism might become dangerously aggressive."​

SOURCE: - See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)

But that does not solve the issues of today. And undoubtedly it will not satisfy the Arab Palestinian which presents the original question. There is a latent agenda behind this interrogative.

What needs to be address today, is the HAMAS agenda (or is that a real need).

HAMAS demands reportedly include:

  • The release of 54 prisoners;
  • The Opening of the Rafah border crossing on the Gaza and Egypt border;
  • Ending the siege on Gaza;
  • Extending the fishing zone off the Gaza coast, currently set at three miles despite a 2012 agreement to double it;
  • Pay the salaries of 40,000 Hamas employees of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.

The last one really gets me. I thought that HAMAS wanted self governance; which would include the responsibility for paying their own staff.

This is blackmail, extortion and terrorism. Every time the Arab Palestinian wants sometime, violence, Jihad, and armed struggle is their first option.

Most Respectfully,
So many answers, all ignoring the question.

Attacks by Muslims Vs. attacks by the rest of the world against Jews before 1945
How do the two compare?
if you do not know Freddie ----just go around the Islamic empire and
As a matter of interest, what major problems were there between Jews and Muslims before 1945 mass illegal immigration into Palestine and creation of Israel, compared to problems between Jews and the rest of the world?

Any ideas?

Legal immigration encouraged by the Ottoman and it was the mufti that spread lies and incited the violence against the jews back in the 20's

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