Jim DeMint: Romney will win South Carolina


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Jim DeMint: Romney will win South Carolina
The Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential ^ | January 10, 2012 | Charlie Spiering

Jim DeMint: Romney will win South Carolina | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
On Mark Levin's radio show this evening, conservative Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina predicted that Republican frontrunner Romney would win the state in the upcoming Presidential primary.

"I think Romney's going to win here," said DeMint, "I think that some of the other that might have had an advantage here have really crossed ways with some Republicans as they've criticized free enterprise concepts." DeMint said, clearly referencing Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich's recent attacks on Romney's record at Bain capital.

Demint added that he liked Romney's acceptance speech tonight, noting that, "He’s hitting a lot of the hot buttons for me about balancing the budget, and frankly I’m a little concerned about the few Republicans who have criticized some of what I consider free market principles here,” DeMint said.

DeMint said he was not going to endorse a candidate yet, because he wanted to focus on the Senate.

"I want to help deliver a conservative Senate, otherwise it doesn’t matter who is in the White House.” he said.
It's not about country - it's all about politics. Meanwhile, all the little people are just caught in the crossfire.
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Obama came into office with NO idea of what the fuck he was doing. He took our country from 7.8% on January 21st 2009 to 10.2 by that Summer and holded it above 9 percent for 2 1/2 years. He losted our credit rating and spent another 5.5 trillion dollars in 3 years.

Romney made businesses like staples, ect into workable businesses that make tens if not hundreds of thousands of jobs. 4 out of every 5 businesses want on to be a sucesfully under Romney!

Romney has a thousand times of what Obama had and is a far better choice for America. Obama failed...He had his chance and now it is time to replace him with someone that might know wtf they are doing.
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Romney might be fine for those who only care about maximizing capitalism.

Well, Romney is likely to fix things, but not take things apart unlike Newt, Santorum, Paul. SSi is about ready to blow apart if it is not fixed...Heck with the educational department, epa it could be remade or given to the states, which Romney may support! Like he said the states have the rights to do things that the federal government can't do. We either fellow the consitution or we don't. If WE don't then bad things can happen.

Epa has gone insane and needs to be reformed!
Education needs to be given back to the states!

Some time there are things could going over board.
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Romney might be fine for those who only care about maximizing capitalism.

Well, Romney is likely to fix things, but not take things apart unlike Newt, Santorum, Paul. SSi is about ready to blow apart if it is not fixed...Heck with the education department, epa it could be remade or given to the states, which Romney may support! Like he said the states have the rights to do things that the federal government can't do. We either fellow the consitution or we don't. If WE don't then bad things can happen.

1. Why is Social Security "about ready to blow apart"? It currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus.

2. What's wrong with the EPA - other than it's too weak and wingnuts are trying to make it even weaker? States should NEVER be allowed to regulate their own pollution levels since it affects neighboring states.
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Romney might be fine for those who only care about maximizing capitalism.

Well, Romney is likely to fix things, but not take things apart unlike Newt, Santorum, Paul. SSi is about ready to blow apart if it is not fixed...Heck with the education department, epa it could be remade or given to the states, which Romney may support! Like he said the states have the rights to do things that the federal government can't do. We either fellow the consitution or we don't. If WE don't then bad things can happen.

1. Why is Social Security "about ready to blow apart"? It currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus.

2. What's wrong with the EPA - other than it's too weak and wingnuts are trying to make it even weaker? States should NEVER be allowed to regulate their own pollution levels since it affects neighboring states.

To weak:eusa_shifty: We as a nation can't hardly build coal fire plants or nuclear without the epa putting 10 fucking years of red tape in the way of both. The only reason we can't touch our resources is because of the fucking epa and red tape. Thanks a lot for making us rely on the middle east.

I agree with clean air and water, but some times things go to far.
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1. Why is Social Security "about ready to blow apart"? It currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus.

A surplus requires money. Democrats raided that decades ago.

2. What's wrong with the EPA - other than it's too weak and wingnuts are trying to make it even weaker? States should NEVER be allowed to regulate their own pollution levels since it affects neighboring states.

You mean other than it's completely unconstitutional and destroys peoples lives, livelihood, and freedom.

Not much
Obama came into office with NO idea of what the fuck he was doing. He took our country from 7.8% on January 21st 2009 to 10.2 by that Summer and holded it above 9 percent for 2 1/2 years.
Yeah.....let's just ignore the fact President Obama had nothing-to-do with that "jump" in unemployment.....that unemployment was still under the influence of BU$HCO & Phil Gramm....and, President Obama had NO PROBLEMS rubbing an entire room-full o' "conservative"-noses IN that FACT!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7 - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry, Matty.....you STILL don't get to rewrite historical-facts.


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It's not about country - it's all about politics. Meanwhile, all the little people are just caught in the crossfire.

politics is the way to create a better country.
Gee......I thought you Jesus-freaks (always) insisted The Lord will provide!!!.....at least, that's what my Protestant-upbringing had always attempted to drill into my head!!!

What's most amusing, is......the Evangelicals (and, their Absolutes) are supposed to be so influential in South Carolina politics, yet......when it comes to tax-dollar$....they conveniently jettison any provisions (from The Lord), and grab.....

.....o' tax-dollar$ paid-IN!!!!!

Who knew The Lord was such an iconic-figure to average, ordinary, garden-variety GREEDY RIP-OFFS??!!!!!

1. Why is Social Security "about ready to blow apart"? It currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus.

A surplus requires money. Democrats raided that decades ago.

.....that's what happened.


You and Matthew should have a great time trying to sell your new-and-improved American History books.

Jim DeMint: Romney will win South Carolina
The Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential ^ | January 10, 2012 | Charlie Spiering

Jim DeMint: Romney will win South Carolina | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
On Mark Levin's radio show this evening, conservative Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina predicted that Republican frontrunner Romney would win the state in the upcoming Presidential primary.

"I think Romney's going to win here," said DeMint, "I think that some of the other that might have had an advantage here have really crossed ways with some Republicans as they've criticized free enterprise concepts." DeMint said, clearly referencing Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich's recent attacks on Romney's record at Bain capital.

Demint added that he liked Romney's acceptance speech tonight, noting that, "He’s hitting a lot of the hot buttons for me about balancing the budget, and frankly I’m a little concerned about the few Republicans who have criticized some of what I consider free market principles here,” DeMint said.

DeMint said he was not going to endorse a candidate yet, because he wanted to focus on the Senate.

"I want to help deliver a conservative Senate, otherwise it doesn’t matter who is in the White House.” he said.

YEAH, "obstructing" the Senate :eusa_hand: :eusa_eh:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Well, Romney is likely to fix things, but not take things apart unlike Newt, Santorum, Paul. SSi is about ready to blow apart if it is not fixed...Heck with the education department, epa it could be remade or given to the states, which Romney may support! Like he said the states have the rights to do things that the federal government can't do. We either fellow the consitution or we don't. If WE don't then bad things can happen.

1. Why is Social Security "about ready to blow apart"? It currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus.

2. What's wrong with the EPA - other than it's too weak and wingnuts are trying to make it even weaker? States should NEVER be allowed to regulate their own pollution levels since it affects neighboring states.

To weak:eusa_shifty: We as a nation can't hardly build coal fire plants or nuclear without the epa putting 10 fucking years of red tape in the way of both. The only reason we can't touch our resources is because of the fucking epa and red tape. Thanks a lot for making us rely on the middle east.

You can Thank......

.....for our resumption-of/addiction-to Middle Eastern oil.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEdQRVQtffw&feature=fvw]Solar hydrogen home Michael Strizki - YouTube[/ame]​
Jim DeMint: Romney will win South Carolina
The Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential ^ | January 10, 2012 | Charlie Spiering

Jim DeMint: Romney will win South Carolina | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
On Mark Levin's radio show this evening, conservative Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina predicted that Republican frontrunner Romney would win the state in the upcoming Presidential primary.

"I think Romney's going to win here," said DeMint, "I think that some of the other that might have had an advantage here have really crossed ways with some Republicans as they've criticized free enterprise concepts." DeMint said, clearly referencing Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich's recent attacks on Romney's record at Bain capital.

Demint added that he liked Romney's acceptance speech tonight, noting that, "He’s hitting a lot of the hot buttons for me about balancing the budget, and frankly I’m a little concerned about the few Republicans who have criticized some of what I consider free market principles here,” DeMint said.

DeMint said he was not going to endorse a candidate yet, because he wanted to focus on the Senate.

"I want to help deliver a conservative Senate, otherwise it doesn’t matter who is in the White House.” he said.

After hearing the candidates speak for two hours to questions from the audience in S.C. last night, I tend to agree that Romney will take it. They all sounded very competent, for the job of POTUS, in my opinion.

The South Carolina coast is a heavily populated area that's home to many veterans, active military personnel, moderates and fiscal conservatives whose support Romney and his rivals are counting on as they work to cobble together the diverse voting coalition needed to win the state on Jan. 21

Read more: Republican Candidates Roam The South Carolina Coast For Votes | Fox News

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