Joe B rates the Democratic Field


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Okay, here's where I see them. Want to make a Caveat that any of these guys would be a vast improvement over Trump.

Joe Biden- My biggest concern about Biden is his age. He'll be 76 if sworn in 2021. I think we can already see the folly of electing Septuagenarians. Reagan was clearly senile at the end of his Presidency, and Trump shows all the signs of dementia. All that said, he's probably the most clearly qualified person the Democrats have in terms of resume.

Bernie Sanders - This guy is a waste. Yes, he has some okay ideas, like Medicare for All, but frankly, he's way too far off to the left. He'll scare the straights. Also- 78 if elected? Really?

Beto O'Rourke- I kind of like this guy. He's young, he's dynamic. He fought Ted Cruz to a draw in Texas with the GOP throwing everything they had at him. A pity he doesn't have more experience.

Kirstin Gillibrand- Can't really forgive her for throwing Al Franken under the bus the way she did.

Liz Warren - Lots of good ideas, but she pretty much self-immolated on that Native American thing.

Pete Buttigeig - Sorry, being mayor of the fourth biggest city in Indiana just doesn't qualify you.
Biden was born 11/20/1942, that puts him at 78 for his inauguration, not 76. He's way too old.
Bernie was born 9/8/1941, that puts him at 79 for his inauguration, not 78. He's way too old.
Beto is a real "pussy cat" if you've seen that photo of him in a dress
Kirstin would not be good going up against China, Russia, and NK
Liz, is a leftist loon, a college professor who knows nothing about the real world
Pete Butterbutt, I don't like his husband, eeeoooowwww
Biden was born 11/20/1942, that puts him at 78 for his inauguration, not 76. He's way too old.
Bernie was born 9/8/1941, that puts him at 79 for his inauguration, not 78. He's way too old.
Beto is a real "pussy cat" if you've seen that photo of him in a dress
Kirstin would not be good going up against China, Russia, and NK
Liz, is a leftist loon, a college professor who knows nothing about the real world
Pete Butterbutt, I don't like his husband, eeeoooowwww
Beto will have the cows waxing his ass, and Pete "butter my muffin" Buttigieg with supply the wax.
So far the only thing they all seem to have much going for them in s they are trying to buy votes with no idea how to pay. So that means promise now forget later.
Reparations, Medicare for all, tear down the border fences, new green deal and all the rest.

Add to that the democrats already in congress talking impeach, investigate. True if those in congress do not investigate and harass they will upset their rabid base so the old guard needs them to stay in.
If they continue independents will see it for the sour grapes it is and feel sorry for Trump. We could very well be seeing the last time democrats will have any power in the White House, senate majority r House of Representatives for many years.
So far the only thing they all seem to have much going for them in s they are trying to buy votes with no idea how to pay. So that means promise now forget later.
Reparations, Medicare for all, tear down the border fences, new green deal and all the rest.

Add to that the democrats already in congress talking impeach, investigate. True if those in congress do not investigate and harass they will upset their rabid base so the old guard needs them to stay in.
If they continue independents will see it for the sour grapes it is and feel sorry for Trump. We could very well be seeing the last time democrats will have any power in the White House, senate majority r House of Representatives for many years.

You work on the assumption that independents (do we still have that many of those) look at the daily crazy coming out of the White House and want four more years of that.

Here's the thing... when a Fox News Audience told Bernie that they were okay with Medicare for All, that kind of tells me that this isn't as complicated as you like to think it is.
Run hitlery again bed wetters, I still enjoy the thought of that hag losing elections...
Okay, here's where I see them. Want to make a Caveat that any of these guys would be a vast improvement over Trump.

Joe Biden- My biggest concern about Biden is his age. He'll be 76 if sworn in 2021. I think we can already see the folly of electing Septuagenarians. Reagan was clearly senile at the end of his Presidency, and Trump shows all the signs of dementia. All that said, he's probably the most clearly qualified person the Democrats have in terms of resume.

Bernie Sanders - This guy is a waste. Yes, he has some okay ideas, like Medicare for All, but frankly, he's way too far off to the left. He'll scare the straights. Also- 78 if elected? Really?

Beto O'Rourke- I kind of like this guy. He's young, he's dynamic. He fought Ted Cruz to a draw in Texas with the GOP throwing everything they had at him. A pity he doesn't have more experience.

Kirstin Gillibrand- Can't really forgive her for throwing Al Franken under the bus the way she did.

Liz Warren - Lots of good ideas, but she pretty much self-immolated on that Native American thing.

Pete Buttigeig - Sorry, being mayor of the fourth biggest city in Indiana just doesn't qualify you.

So this Joe B thing is just a coincidence?

Run someone named Percy, and we can talk...
Pete Buttigeig - Sorry, being mayor of the fourth biggest city in Indiana just doesn't qualify you.

Why not?
Is he not at least 35 and a natural born citizen? I'm just not seeing anything beyond that under "qualifications".

What were the "qualification" of the current POTUS? In fact what job or position of any kind of responsibility did he ever smell at all?
Okay, here's where I see them. Want to make a Caveat that any of these guys would be a vast improvement over Trump.

Joe Biden- My biggest concern about Biden is his age. He'll be 76 if sworn in 2021. I think we can already see the folly of electing Septuagenarians. Reagan was clearly senile at the end of his Presidency, and Trump shows all the signs of dementia. All that said, he's probably the most clearly qualified person the Democrats have in terms of resume.

Bernie Sanders - This guy is a waste. Yes, he has some okay ideas, like Medicare for All, but frankly, he's way too far off to the left. He'll scare the straights. Also- 78 if elected? Really?

Beto O'Rourke- I kind of like this guy. He's young, he's dynamic. He fought Ted Cruz to a draw in Texas with the GOP throwing everything they had at him. A pity he doesn't have more experience.

Kirstin Gillibrand- Can't really forgive her for throwing Al Franken under the bus the way she did.

Liz Warren - Lots of good ideas, but she pretty much self-immolated on that Native American thing.

Pete Buttigeig - Sorry, being mayor of the fourth biggest city in Indiana just doesn't qualify you.
What on earth makes you think your opinion on politicians means squat ti anyone but you?
Okay, here's where I see them. Want to make a Caveat that any of these guys would be a vast improvement over Trump.

Joe Biden- My biggest concern about Biden is his age. He'll be 76 if sworn in 2021. I think we can already see the folly of electing Septuagenarians. Reagan was clearly senile at the end of his Presidency, and Trump shows all the signs of dementia. All that said, he's probably the most clearly qualified person the Democrats have in terms of resume.

Bernie Sanders - This guy is a waste. Yes, he has some okay ideas, like Medicare for All, but frankly, he's way too far off to the left. He'll scare the straights. Also- 78 if elected? Really?

Beto O'Rourke- I kind of like this guy. He's young, he's dynamic. He fought Ted Cruz to a draw in Texas with the GOP throwing everything they had at him. A pity he doesn't have more experience.

Kirstin Gillibrand- Can't really forgive her for throwing Al Franken under the bus the way she did.

Liz Warren - Lots of good ideas, but she pretty much self-immolated on that Native American thing.

Pete Buttigeig - Sorry, being mayor of the fourth biggest city in Indiana just doesn't qualify you.

Dude, even in a thread like this you have to make shit up.

Texas Elections 2018: Here’s how much Beto O’Rourke and Ted Cruz have raised in their midterm Senate race

The Dems threw far more money into this campaign, and they still lost.
Biden was born 11/20/1942, that puts him at 78 for his inauguration, not 76. He's way too old.
Bernie was born 9/8/1941, that puts him at 79 for his inauguration, not 78. He's way too old.

What age is "too old"?
Jimmy Carter turns 95 this fall. Still building houses, still lucid.

Beto is a real "pussy cat" if you've seen that photo of him in a dress

:dunno: Bizarre non-point.

Pete Butterbutt, I don't like his husband, eeeoooowwww

Again, not a relevant point.
Okay, here's where I see them. Want to make a Caveat that any of these guys would be a vast improvement over Trump.

Joe Biden- My biggest concern about Biden is his age. He'll be 76 if sworn in 2021. I think we can already see the folly of electing Septuagenarians. Reagan was clearly senile at the end of his Presidency, and Trump shows all the signs of dementia. All that said, he's probably the most clearly qualified person the Democrats have in terms of resume.

Bernie Sanders - This guy is a waste. Yes, he has some okay ideas, like Medicare for All, but frankly, he's way too far off to the left. He'll scare the straights. Also- 78 if elected? Really?

Beto O'Rourke- I kind of like this guy. He's young, he's dynamic. He fought Ted Cruz to a draw in Texas with the GOP throwing everything they had at him. A pity he doesn't have more experience.

Kirstin Gillibrand- Can't really forgive her for throwing Al Franken under the bus the way she did.

Liz Warren - Lots of good ideas, but she pretty much self-immolated on that Native American thing.

Pete Buttigeig - Sorry, being mayor of the fourth biggest city in Indiana just doesn't qualify you.
What about Tulsi Gabbards Joe?

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