Joe Biden's 'Ticking Time Bomb' - Another Criminal Dem To Be given Nomination?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As one of the White House Counsel lawyers declared last night, 'The Democrats are not just attempting to steal 1 election through their attempted Impeachment of the president - they are trying to steal 1'.

The Democrats are trying to help Joe Biden as much as possible to be the DNC's candidate. As the WH Counsel pointed out, the timing of the release of the Articles of Impeachment are not by accident but are by DESIGN. Instead of being in Iowa, several DNC nomination hopefuls are stuck in the Senate Impeachment hearings.

Just like in 2016, the Democrats are not trusting their voters with the decision of which Democrats will represent the Democratic Party in 2020 - THEY will once again choose.
- After giving their nomination they had to protect from Indictment, helped cheat in debates, funneled campaign funds earmarked for other state and federal candidates into Hillary's campaign, and finally still having to give her the nomination she could not win on her own, so Democrat voters really trust the DNC's choice of nominees?

The Fact is Joe Biden is a 'dead man walking', carrying the weight of a ticking time bomb around. It is not a matter of 'IF' it will go off. It is just a matter of 'WHEN'

The 'Time Bomb'? Burisma, his son Hunter Biden and his position as Burisma Board member, his own 'conflict of interest' regarding Burisma, and his videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM.

Joe's Story Doesn't Add Up:

1. Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing Shokinā€™s firing in March 2016.
There is no getting around a videotaped confession.

ā€œI said, ā€˜Youā€™re not getting the billion.ā€™ Iā€™m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ā€˜Iā€™m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, youā€™re not getting the money,. Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."

2. Fact: Shokinā€™s prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

"Shokin told both me and ABC News that just before he was fired under pressure from Joe Biden he also was making plans to interview Hunter Biden."

3. Fact: Burismaā€™s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

"Documents released under an open records lawsuit show Burisma legal team was pressuring the State Department in February 2016 to end the corruption allegations against the gas firm and specifically invoked Hunter Bidenā€™s name as part of the campaign."

4. Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his sonā€™s role as a board member.

"The New York Times reported in this December 2015 article that the Burisma investigation was ongoing and Hunter Bidenā€™s role in the company was undercutting Joe Bidenā€™s push to fight Ukrainian corruption. The article quoted the vice presidentā€™s office."

5. Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.

ā€œThe impartiality rule requires an employee to consider appearance concerns before participating in a particular matter if someone close to the employee is involved as a party to the matter,ā€ these rules state. ā€œThis requirement to refrain from participating (or recuse) is designed to avoid the appearance of favoritism in government decision-making.ā€

6. Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidensā€™ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.

"In House impeachment testimony, Obama-era State Department officials declared the juxtaposition of Joe Biden overseeing Ukraine policy, including the anti-corruption efforts, at the same his son Hunter worked for a Ukraine gas firm under corruption investigation created the appearance of a conflict of interest."

7. Fact: Hunter Biden acknowleged he may have gotten his Burisma job solely because of his last name.

ā€œIf your last name wasnā€™t Biden, do you think you wouldā€™ve been asked to be on the board of Burisma?,ā€ a reporter asked. ā€œI donā€™t know. I donā€™t know. Probably not, in retrospect,ā€ Hunter Biden answered. ā€œBut thatā€™s ā€” you know ā€” I donā€™t think that thereā€™s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasnā€™t Biden.ā€

8. Fact: Ukraine law enforcement reopened the Burisma investigation in early 2019, well before President Trump mentioned the matter to Ukraineā€™s new president Vlodymyr Zelensky.

"This may be the single biggest under-reported fact in the impeachment scandal: four months before Trump and Zelensky had their infamous phone call, Ukraine law enforcement officials officially reopened their investigation into Burisma and its founder."

You can RUN, Joe, but you can't hide....and God help you if you are given / win the nomination and Trump isn't Impeached.....

Joe Bidenā€™s ā€˜conspiracy theoryā€™ memo to U.S. media doesnā€™t match the facts | John Solomon Reports
Look at all the trouble the Democrats start and continue to start.
LOL...You support the only president in the US sued for child rape, the only president in history who operated a fraudulent scheme called Trump University, the only President to be barred from ever operating a Charitable Foundation because of his fraud, a president who is being impeached for shaking down a foreign nation state not to mention, 15,000 lies and counting, the law suits against him for sexual harassment and assault and a peculiar relationship with his eldest daughter...and that is only for starters

Try Again.
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LOL...You support the only president in the US sued for child rape, the only president in history who operated a fraudulent scheme called Trump University, the only President to be barred from ever operating a Charitable Foundation because of his fraud, a president who is being impeached for shaking down a foreign nation state not to mention the law suits against him for sexual harassment and assault and a peculiar relationship with his eldest daughter.

Try Again.
Link, please, or it didn't happen. /blinking and blinking...
years, case numbers, convictions, etc. :rolleyes:
I have said from the beginning- Hunterā€™s job with Burisma looks shady at the least. It should have been investigated by BO since it occurred on his watch, but he dropped the ball. If it had been investigated by BO, the democrats would have applauded him for rooting out corruption within his own administration, but since Trump called for the investigation the democrats impeached him. To get to impeachment, the democrats had to assume Trumpā€™s motive for the investigation was to weaken a political opponent. Ergo, if Biden were not running for President, there would be no impeachment. It makes no sense.
LOL...You support the only president in the US sued for child rape, the only president in history who operated a fraudulent scheme called Trump University, the only President to be barred from ever operating a Charitable Foundation because of his fraud, a president who is being impeached for shaking down a foreign nation state not to mention the law suits against him for sexual harassment and assault and a peculiar relationship with his eldest daughter.

Try Again.
Link, please, or it didn't happen. /blinking and blinking...
years, case numbers, convictions, etc. :rolleyes:
If you need a link, you should not be posting on a Politics forum.
I have said from the beginning- Hunterā€™s job with Burisma looks shady at the least. It should have been investigated by BO since it occurred on his watch, but he dropped the ball. If it had been investigated by BO, the democrats would have applauded him for rooting out corruption within his own administration, but since Trump called for the investigation the democrats impeached him. To get to impeachment, the democrats had to assume Trumpā€™s motive for the investigation was to weaken a political opponent. Ergo, if Biden were not running for President, there would be no impeachment. It makes no sense.
The Democrats are using Joe's crime of extortion as an excuse to beat up on Trump for collusion with a foreign government.

Joe thinks he has a get-out-of-jail-free card due to improvisation of his crime investigation being a free-fire-zone for "getting Trump."
LOL...You support the only president in the US sued for child rape, the only president in history who operated a fraudulent scheme called Trump University, the only President to be barred from ever operating a Charitable Foundation because of his fraud, a president who is being impeached for shaking down a foreign nation state not to mention the law suits against him for sexual harassment and assault and a peculiar relationship with his eldest daughter.

Try Again.
Link, please, or it didn't happen. /blinking and blinking...
years, case numbers, convictions, etc. :rolleyes:
If you need a link, you should not be posting on a Politics forum.
If you are too damn ignorant to know Joe Biden is a criminal, you should be rethinking that your lobotomy may have been a serious error of judgment on your part.

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