Joe Salazar and Colorado Dem Party Rape Defense Kit


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Joe Salazar and Colorado Democratic Party Rape Defense Kit​

By Winged Hussar 1683

This cartoon/leaflet, which is explicitly placed in the public domain, relates to State Rep. Joe Salazar's (D-CO) statement,

"It's why we have call boxes, it's why we have safe zones, it's why we have the whistles. Because you just don't know who you're gonna be shooting at," Salazar said in the debate last Friday. "And you don't know if you feel like you're gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone's been following you around or if you feel like you're in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop ... pop a round at somebody."

Salazar apologized but, as in a chess game, this is one move he doesn't get to take back. The University of Colorado (Colorado Springs) meanwhile recommended urination and vomiting as a "defense" against rape, the implication being that handguns were not necessary.


The Stentorian ^
How many of you caught the news clip of the Colorado Legislature in session on Fox News when the speaker caught a whiff of marijuana smoke in the air, reached for his gavel, then gaveled everyone to "Please put their 'doobies' out!" When the Colorado legislators now say something a tad bizarre, like vomiting or urinating on yourself to make yourself less attractive to a rapist, or come out with some off the wall legislation, that's Mary Jane legislating instead of rationale, reasoning human beings. Colorado legalized marijuana and as a consequence they're rapidly becoming the joke of the nation, behind our boy in DC 'Choomwagon' Obama, of course.
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