He also used his remarks to rally the crowd to ‘demand more of our leaders.’ ‘What has become of us?’ he said. ‘Our children are listening and our silence is complicit.’ He also told the crowd of LBGT supporters that they have a fight ahead of them, point out it’s those against them who have a friend in the Trump. ‘Some of them are the dregs of society,’ Biden said. ‘They, not you, have an ally in the White House.’ ‘Those who try to excuse this kind of prejudice in the name of culture, I say, ‘Prejudice is prejudice and humanity is humanity — it is a crime,’ Biden said, urging those to oppose Trump to stay engaged. ‘Our work is not yet done by any stretch of the imagination. The stakes are much too high.’ ‘This is deadly earnest, we are in a fight for America’s soul,’ he said. Both Bidens were met with tremendous applause and goodwill from the heavily Democratic crowd.
(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...
Please, if there is a GOD, give us Biden as a candidate!
Old Joe forgot to take his meds. He’s the one that depends of the dregs of society for votes.