"John Solomon: FBI Played ‘Political Dirty Trick’ on Donald Trump over Alleged Russia Collusion"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

John lays it all out so even those low IQ ABNORMALS should understand it@
Who the fuck cares what John Salami says?
Many Patriots that would just LOVE to see some of your treasonous heads of alphabet intelligence agencies being PERP WALKED for a dozen years for the attempted coup...

More America-hating Russia-loving POS Tramp's speed.
You talking about this lady?View attachment 259913
View attachment 259914
Or this guy having donuts with Putin?
View attachment 259915

What are you showing those pictures for, out in the open with Putin, Tramp was behind closed doors and you know what they say what "happens behind closed doors".
OBAMA GOT CAUGHT COLLUDING WITH RUSSIA ON HOT MIC promising them he can do more once HE WAS elected.
Trump speaking to leaders behind closed doors is normal and done with all presidents, but especially important to be done when you have people within your gov't and media leaking & sabotaging the administration and to prevent media missinformation narratives that twist words and situations. Example of something hush hush, talking about removal of Isis in Syria, remember he needs Russias sync in that region so we don't have accidental hitting of their troop incidents.
They also have to talk about the rise of radicalism, terrorism that if openly discussed can be spinned by the propaganda media in the U.S. as being anti Muslim, because the media purposely causes the divisive narrative by blending anti terrorism initiative as being anti Muslim, refusing to seperate the 2 in the same way they refuse to seperate illegal imigration from legal immigration to rile up all immigrants.
So if you had open discussions on sensitive topics, the Left would use it to religion/race bait the topic, proving once again that the left are the hate baitors, stirring up the hate and anger while insulting the intelligence of those they are tring to fool and pander to.

Now since Obama did not have that media issue, why did he try to speak secretly with the Russians and what favors was he caught promising them if elected to his second term?

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