Jonathan Turley Says Trump Trial Judge “Lost Control” of Courtroom During Stormy Daniels Testimony

She said under oath her and trump had a sexual interaction. You and I both know trump isnt going to take the stand to deny that under oath. The prosecution is building the case, dipshit.
No one but Daniels has ever denied that they had a sexual encounter. It’s not germaine to the trial.

Because there is nothing to refute little child that is why you appear foolish.

Turley statements remain unchallenged because you are busy spinning evasive bullshit.
His statements are not "unchallenged". I challenged them. He is doing nothing but shilling for Faux Niwz. There is no reality to what he said. There was no loss of control, in fact tRump was called to heel for acting like an ass.

But at least she seems to have remained conscious for a change.
Of course Turley is right and it's clear to see that the Judge lost control of the courtroom!

God what a circus! :mad-61:
You are unhappy that the judge is correct in his conduct and ruling in this case. You, like Trump, are a creature of grievance.
You are unhappy that the judge is correct in his conduct and ruling in this case. You, like Trump, are a creature of grievance.
You lack the slightest ability to support your idiotic claim that the judge “is correct [sic]” in his conduct or ruling.
The mistrial should have been granted. On top of everything else, it was a bigger mess today than previous days, and they were pretty bad. Just doesn't seem to be a courtroom in America.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley accused the judge in former President Donald Trump’s trial of losing control of the courtroom.
Porn star Stormy Daniels testified Tuesday in the trial regarding a $130,000 payout to keep her quiet about an alleged affair before the 2016 election. Trump’s attorney’s pushed for a mistrial by alleging that she brought up information irrelevant to the case, which New York Judge Juan Merchan dismissed.
“The problem with what the judge has done here is that this is an entirely unnecessary witness. It is uncontested that there is a NDA. Whether what happened in their relationship, if there was one, is immaterial to how those payments were denoted by the Trump campaign,” Turley told “America Reports” co-hosts John Roberts and Gillian Turner. “So the court had the opportunity, repeatedly to say, we’re not going to take this courtroom through details of this relationship. If you want to establish a relationship occurred, do so, establish the dates. But likely those facts could’ve been stipulated.”
“So, the prosecutors wanted to get salacious details out and this is a form of punishment,” Turley continued. “They’re trying to use a witness for punitive purposes, and in my view, political purposes, and this is what happens, and it happened because the judge lost control of his courtroom.”


Turley previously said during an April 30 Fox News appearance that Merchan may have erred by allowing prosecutors, led by former Biden administration official Michael Colangelo, to claim Trump was involved in violating federal election laws.
“It will be hard to correct that,” Turley said. “The judge can try to correct some of this in his instructions, but at this point it would be very hard to do it. For example, the judge has allowed this jury to hear over and over again that there were election violations at the base of this case suggesting that Trump committed election violations. There is no evidence of that. There is no evidence of a crime.”

Seems I said the exact same thing just the other day.

And that fucking judge keeps committing reversible errors. None of this smear campaign has a damn thing to do with bookkeeping. It's all about election interference. Daniels had nothing to contribute on how Trumps company kept their books.

One of the first things you learn in Criminal Law class in law school is that the prosecutor may not present evidence that merely makes the defendant look like a bad person. The evidence must be relevant to the specific crime for which the defendant has been indicted.

Today's testimony was so far off the reservation the judge can no longer even pretend to be presiding over a legitimate criminal trials.

After this conviction is overturned on appeal, as it surely will be, I hope the New York State Bar disbars the motherfucker. He is a disgrace to the profession.

But when you're trying to "get trump" anything goes. As we have seen dozens of times. There has been a lot wrong with our legal system regarding a lot of things recently and this will be ignored like all the rest was ignored
The mistrial should have been granted. On top of everything else, it was a bigger mess today than previous days, and they were pretty bad. Just doesn't seem to be a courtroom in America.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley accused the judge in former President Donald Trump’s trial of losing control of the courtroom.
Porn star Stormy Daniels testified Tuesday in the trial regarding a $130,000 payout to keep her quiet about an alleged affair before the 2016 election. Trump’s attorney’s pushed for a mistrial by alleging that she brought up information irrelevant to the case, which New York Judge Juan Merchan dismissed.
“The problem with what the judge has done here is that this is an entirely unnecessary witness. It is uncontested that there is a NDA. Whether what happened in their relationship, if there was one, is immaterial to how those payments were denoted by the Trump campaign,” Turley told “America Reports” co-hosts John Roberts and Gillian Turner. “So the court had the opportunity, repeatedly to say, we’re not going to take this courtroom through details of this relationship. If you want to establish a relationship occurred, do so, establish the dates. But likely those facts could’ve been stipulated.”
“So, the prosecutors wanted to get salacious details out and this is a form of punishment,” Turley continued. “They’re trying to use a witness for punitive purposes, and in my view, political purposes, and this is what happens, and it happened because the judge lost control of his courtroom.”


Turley previously said during an April 30 Fox News appearance that Merchan may have erred by allowing prosecutors, led by former Biden administration official Michael Colangelo, to claim Trump was involved in violating federal election laws.
“It will be hard to correct that,” Turley said. “The judge can try to correct some of this in his instructions, but at this point it would be very hard to do it. For example, the judge has allowed this jury to hear over and over again that there were election violations at the base of this case suggesting that Trump committed election violations. There is no evidence of that. There is no evidence of a crime.”

Weak judge. Trump is America! God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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