Joker's Favor: A Trump Adventure


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should 'TrumpUSA' generate all kinds of idiocracy-storytelling?

This parody was inspired by Bulworth.

Signing off,



American President Donald Trump had a secret. He was a huge fan of the original McDonald's Monopoly game (a fast-food rendition of the cherished American real-estate fantasy board-game by Parker Brothers --- now a very popular iPhone video-game app!), and he wanted his son (Donald Trump, Jr. to play it). Trump (Sr.) believed McDonald's Monopoly symbolized the best qualities of American capitalism/consumerism and wanted his son Donald (Jr.) to participate in the sponsored nationwide contest to 'fine-tune' his love of consumerism-culture. Well, miraculously enough, Donald (Jr.) did play and acquired the coveted Park Place game-piece. All you needed was the tandem of Park Place and Boardwalk (the other coveted game-piece) to win the grand prize of $1 million(!). Donald (Sr.) was thrilled his son acquired Park Place.


Donald (Jr.) told all his friends he was able to acquire Park Place and even threw a secret Saturday night party at his father's mansion to celebrate, promising his friends he would somehow acquire Boardwalk and win the $1 million prize to impress his dad. Donald (Sr.) was, of course, a powerful American businessman and though he was not yet an American politician (it wasn't even the new millennium), he wielded a certain degree of social prestige as a very successful entrepreneur (having appeared on the covers of several well-respected magazines). Donald (Jr.) even told his girlfriend that he'd acquire Boardwalk so the two could go on a great vacation-trip to Tahiti in the summer. Everyone, all the friends of Donald (Jr.) were thrilled that he would win and believed in his enthusiastic confidence that he would acquire the Boardwalk game-piece. This would make Donald (Jr.) a great fan of McDonald's(!).


Well, the Boardwalk piece was never acquired by Donald (Jr.). He became frustrated and anxious, having boasted to so many people that he would indeed with the grand-prize. He wouldn't even face his father to tell him the bad news. Feeling unusually humiliated and unsure of what to do, Donald (Jr.) decided to make a deal with the Devil (using a Ouija board he purchased!), and the Devil appeared to Donald (Jr.) as the DC Comics supervillain the Joker (a clown-like anarchist using terrorism to create panic in the name of anti-American mischief). Donald (Jr.) was taken aback by the appearance of the Devil (aka, 'the Joker'), but the 'Joker' assured him he was there to 'answer' his 'prayers.'


JOKER: You called for me, so here I am!
DONALD (Jr.): Why are you dressed as DC Comics' Joker?
JOKER: Do you like my little Harley Quinn cane?
DONALD (Jr.): I suppose, but what's the rationale?
JOKER: Well, I realized you're distressed about not acquiring Boardwalk.
DONALD (Jr.): Yes, I told all my friends I would, and I need to impress dad.
JOKER: Dear old dad...he'll be a great man(!).
DONALD (Jr.): I don't want to live in his shadow...I need Boardwalk.
JOKER: You might need the actual Boardwalk (Atlantic City)...hehe.
DONALD (Jr.): Can you help me?
JOKER: I can give you the Boardwalk game-piece if you promise me something.
DONALD (Jr.): Name it...
JOKER: I want shares in your personal stocks that 'daddy' purchased for you!
DONALD (Jr.): I suppose I can afford a 'partner' (since my stocks should flourish).
JOKER: Indeed they should (and will!); you realize you're challenging tradition.
DONALD (Jr.): Yes, I know...the irony is rich ("Donald, Jr. wins Boardwalk for dad").
JOKER: I will do this for you, and I have one more request --- keep my Harley-cane secret.
DONALD (Jr.): I won't tell a soul you love that old cane (and thank you!).


Donald (Jr.) never acquired the Boardwalk game-piece for McDonald's Monopoly, because two weeks later, while very drunk on champagne with his father, he accidentally blurted out to his dad that he thought Satan (the Devil) would dress up like DC Comics' Joker and even carry a Harley Quinn cane(!). Donald (Sr.) thought the remark was incredibly amusing, but he didn't realize that this blurt disqualified his son from winning the favour of the Joker/Devil. So, Donald (Jr.) never acquired Boardwalk and hence never won the McDonald's Monopoly grand-prize. However, he kept his promise to the Devil and kept playing stocks and nodding to the Devil that in fact, the successes of his stocks ('partly owned' by the Joker/Devil) would be "a symbol of the religious pluralism destiny of America." It was a very odd capitalism-culture forecast. How would TrumpUSA (the presidency of Donald Trump, Sr.) capture this 'pro-capitalism' comedic story?



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