Joy Behar On Sharon Angle: She Is Going To Hell...That Moron...Stupid...Evil...B*tch


May 29, 2010
This woman is a prime example of political correctness that has infiltrated her liberal mind. There is nothing wrong with the ad against Harry Reid and it speaks the truth about him and what is going on in Nevada. Behar is clearly upset and can't understand why the voters are going for Angle. It is because they want her to take a tough stance against illegal immigration and deport these mexicans that are here illegally. They want this to be a European American culture where people want to come here and learn to speak english and learn American values, traditions and culture.

'The View': Joy Behar tells Sharron Angle to 'go to hell, bitch' |

Joy Behar condemned a political ad by Nevada Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle as fomenting racial divisiveness. The View aired Angle’s latest TV ad on the talk show on Tuesday morning. Looking at the camera, Behar addressed Angle, calling her a “bitch” and concluding that Angle is “going to hell, this bitch.”

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This woman is a prime example of political correctness that has infiltrated her liberal mind. There is nothing wrong with the ad against Harry Reid and it speaks the truth about him and what is going on in Nevada. Behar is clearly upset and can't understand why the voters are going for Angle. It is because they want her to take a tough stance against illegal immigration and deport these mexicans that are here illegally. They want this to be a European American culture where people want to come here and learn to speak english and learn American values, traditions and culture.

'The View': Joy Behar tells Sharron Angle to 'go to hell, bitch' |

Joy Behar condemned a political ad by Nevada Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle as fomenting racial divisiveness. The View aired Angle’s latest TV ad on the talk show on Tuesday morning. Looking at the camera, Behar addressed Angle, calling her a “bitch” and concluding that Angle is “going to hell, this bitch.”


Only the Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd whackjobs couldn't assess Joy Behar aka Queen of Puke as a Moron...Stupid....Evil .....Bitch......Going to Hell as an introduction to her other more obnoxious notoriety.

When one considers The View, the only attractive person is the obviously attractive one. The other negro woman is a stupid LiEberhhoid but a civil one. By other negro woman I mean other than the grossly overrated Whoopie Shitbird, who is so physically revolting that I have to look away whenever she drops her verbal farts.

The most vocal and obnoxious are the trio of BLATANT LIEbturds. Some would exclude Barbara Walters from that category.....I would emphatically disagree. The SAME Obamarrhoidal BULLSHIT from all three.....with nary a discernable degree of perception.

However, Walters did miss out from being a total turd like Whoopie Shitbird and the Joyless Behind in the O'Reilly episode.
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How ironic that Joy Behar is bellyaching that some Nevada voters are not informed. Try living alongside millions of illegals and see how long it takes YOU to become informed.

OMG, Behar did say "Angle is going to hell, that bitch". How can such talk be permissible on daytime tv?

I agree with Zander....this will cost Reid badly, among people who give a damn about this show.
Joy Behar believes in Heaven and Hell? Who knew?
Lol......Revere. One thing though, I can't wait to see the View on Nov 3rd.

Why? The drivel will never change or acknowledge that they are lunatics. Personally, I can't wait for the view to vanish from existence.

I never did see the appeal of it. Four or five women interrupting each other so no one can be heard? It's like listening to chickens squawk.
sheeesh, I didn't know there were people who gave a damn about the View.

Baher is not ONLY UGLY to look at, she also has a ugly mouth, mind and soul.

and she's a damn ignorant idiot to boot.
sheeesh, I didn't know there were people who gave a damn about the View.

Baher is not ONLY UGLY to look at, she also has a ugly mouth, mind and soul.

and she's a damn ignorant idiot to boot.

I agree with you on that Stephanie!!!
How ironic that Joy Behar is bellyaching that some Nevada voters are not informed. Try living alongside millions of illegals and see how long it takes YOU to become informed.

OMG, Behar did say "Angle is going to hell, that bitch". How can such talk be permissible on daytime tv?

I agree with Zander....this will cost Reid badly, among people who give a damn about this show.

I don't either of them will be bothered by it, if they have watched her on a regular basis.
sheeesh, I didn't know there were people who gave a damn about the View.

Baher is not ONLY UGLY to look at, she also has a ugly mouth, mind and soul.

and she's a damn ignorant idiot to boot.

You betcha Steph.

Jeeze. Why the hell would anyone watch that show??

Bayoon is one ignorant dame in my book. If folks have a differrent view from hers they are evil and going to hell??

Woman outta listen to herself once in a while. What a moron.
I love when all the mental giants get together and post in the same thread. It helps consolidate the laughs to one place. All we're missing now is Willow and Rabbi.
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This woman is a prime example of political correctness that has infiltrated her liberal mind. There is nothing wrong with the ad against Harry Reid and it speaks the truth about him and what is going on in Nevada. Behar is clearly upset and can't understand why the voters are going for Angle. It is because they want her to take a tough stance against illegal immigration and deport these mexicans that are here illegally. They want this to be a European American culture where people want to come here and learn to speak english and learn American values, traditions and culture.

'The View': Joy Behar tells Sharron Angle to 'go to hell, bitch' |

Joy Behar condemned a political ad by Nevada Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle as fomenting racial divisiveness. The View aired Angle’s latest TV ad on the talk show on Tuesday morning. Looking at the camera, Behar addressed Angle, calling her a “bitch” and concluding that Angle is “going to hell, this bitch.”


Another well versed liberal. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I am very concerned about Baher. I hope she finds help and recovers quickly. I'll be praying for her and her family tonight.

...ah fuck it. I can't wait to see her have an aneurysm on 11/3.
I hear Behar has just generated quite a bit of money for Angle with her comments.
I am very concerned about Baher. I hope she finds help and recovers quickly. I'll be praying for her and her family tonight.

...ah fuck it. I can't wait to see her have an aneurysm on 11/3.

Jeremy, For a few secs I got worried about you.

But then you came to your senses.

Good on you !

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