Why did Crooks shoot Trump?

they are guidance counselors....in the Social worker vein.

BETHEL PARK, Pa. (TND) — The parents of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump on Saturday, are licensed professional counselors, according to Pennsylvania records.

Matthew and Mary Crooks received their social work licenses in 2002. Records show the most recent time they renewed them was last year.
/——/ Still, , they have more training than ordinary people.
No, my poor avatar is NOT one of the Trump Duped and Snookered, nor a Trump Defender Sycophant.
Trust me on that, poster Leo.


Good poster Dudly, can you keep your MAGA-phile card if you are NOT a racist and conspiracy nutter?
Just askin' out of curiosity


How would you know that?
What qualification credentials do you offer the forum that you are in a position to know?
Are you FBI? Or in law enforcement? If you are what is your responsibility and rank?
What credible inside information can you share the forum?
Don't be just another run-o-the-mill AlexJones conspiracy nutter.
Be better than that.
The forum expects you to be better than that.


Prove it.
Lest folks think your avatar is just another fatuous conspiracy peddler who cannot, or will not, or at any rate, does not.....do responsible research to vet his allegations.
Don't be that guy, Dudly. Be better than that.

Your usual idiocy on display. Your peer group will reward you accordingly for being a good parrot. Now you can get back to wanking off to those Hamas vids from Oct. 7.
I don't remember one that was proven false, perhaps you can enlighten me.
Sandy Hook
Obama birther conspiracy
Clinton Murder Inc.
9/11 controlled demo conspiracy..and missile hit Pentagon variation.
Fake moon landing.
Entire Q body of work.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Now..I get that you will take advantage of the difficulty one has in proving a negative--but when you reach a certain point in the absurd cobbling together of pseudo-fact and breathless whispering that idiots engage in, a sane person must make the call--that it's false.
'Anything's possible' is neither affirmation or confirmation.
Obama birth certificate
9-11 inside job
Stolen election

Ok, birth certificate, I'll give you that one.

9-11 inside job is non-political, only full fledged whack jobs (on both sides) believe that. Same with flat earth.

Stolen Election has not been proven false. Even the various election commissions say that yeah, there were "improprieties" but it wasn't enough to make a difference. we won't ever know since they won't let anyone look further.

Since this is off topic, the last thing I'll say on this is to show all of the conspiracies that were proven true:

Hunter Biden's laptop
Spying on the Trump campaign
The Russian Collusion hoax
Sandy Hook
Obama birther conspiracy
Clinton Murder Inc.
9/11 controlled demo conspiracy..and missile hit Pentagon variation.
Fake moon landing.
Entire Q body of work.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Now..I get that you will take advantage of the difficulty one has in proving a negative--but when you reach a certain point in the absurd cobbling together of pseudo-fact and breathless whispering that idiots engage in, a sane person must make the call--that it's false.
'Anything's possible' is neither affirmation or confirmation.

Only the Obama birth certificate was from the right, the rest are non-partisan.

This is off topic, I'll not respond further.
Ok, birth certificate, I'll give you that one.

9-11 inside job is non-political, only full fledged whack jobs (on both sides) believe that. Same with flat earth.

Stolen Election has not been proven false. Even the various election commissions say that yeah, there were "improprieties" but it wasn't enough to make a difference. we won't ever know since they won't let anyone look further.

Since this is off topic, the last thing I'll say on this is to show all of the conspiracies that were proven true:

Hunter Biden's laptop
Spying on the Trump campaign
The Russian Collusion hoax
Is that the best you got?

Pretty lame
Initial reaction seemed to be a radical leftist who was persuaded by liberal propaganda that Trump was a threat to the country who needed to be stopped.

So far there is no link of Crooks to annt-Trump websites, no political social media presence.

What we are seeing is the typical shooter profile.
Young, white male, social outcast, picked on in High School, obsessed with firearms.

Was Trump shot for political reasons or because he was a high profile target for a gun fetishist looking to go out in a blast of glory?

Check it out... First thing I've read that actually fits all of the elements.

It's the same number that you gave except all of mine are relevant, only one of yours was.

Ok, now I'm done with this, lol.
Hunters laptop was originally questioned when reported. It may have been a scam
It was later verified as his

Trump staffers went to prison for their contacts with Russia. They just couldn’t pin it on Trump

Nobody spied on Trumps campaign. They did tap the lines of Russian agents that Trump staff managed to call
/——/ Lee Harvey Oswald. I’m a boomer. His name and initials are etched in my memory.
Oswald is a good comparison

JFK just happened to be driving by his office window
That is why he was chosen as a target

Trump just happened to be speaking nearby

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