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Judge declares smoking bans consitiutional


Exactly. When one is on the 'correct side' of an issue, no proof is assumed needed. So slavery would have gone on and on, until the tide turned. Christians are the majority in this country, so they should 'rule'? Such is the new smoking police, 'we are offended, close the venues!'
hot damn... you mean to tell me that this thread is winding down and I'm still the undisputed heavyweight Evidence poster of the world?
review the thread after you put on your "I <3 Shogun" t shirt.
I'm still waiting for "evidence" supporting your claim that the 9th Amendment protects your right to smoke.
I'm still waiting for "evidence" supporting your claim that the 9th Amendment protects your right to smoke.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.



The ninth validates other rights "retained by the people"... Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

Now, would you like to review this thread and see where I posted 10+ links to evidence or are you content sitting on your Shogun (tm) blanket staring up at that Shogun (tm) poster on your ceiling while clutching your Shogun Bear (tm) like lenny clutching his mouse?
ha ha, I knew you'd fall for it.

That's not evidence dip shit. That's one interpretation of a line of text.

I'm talking about evidence supporting your interpretation. Find me one single SCOTUS decision that reflects your position that the 9th Amendment protects the right to smoke. I bet you can't. But you could find several pieces of evidence that it doesn't. Like, for example, all the things for which it is illegal to smoke. As far as I know, there is no special dispensation enumerated in the Constitution regarding tobacco. The 9th Amendment has never been successfully used to strike down any smoking legislation. How much more EVIDENCE do you need before you'll accept that the 9th doesn't protect your right to smoke?
ohh yea... just like the first amendment was MERELY an interpretation of speach and religious freedoms!


the ninth is an accurate statement. There is no ninja-like subterfuge and hidden meaning in the ninth. Feel free to educate yourself as to the reason the ninth is even added to the bill of rights. Given your reputation as a less than impressive thinker you probably hope that hiding behind a strawman on the ninth amendment will reduce the stupidity of your statement

03-31-2008 01:04 PM
manifold Evidence?

I don't think you really know what that word means.

given that all you have to do is scroll up...

which, had you done so instead of trying to rant yourself a tangent you might have seen this giant bowl of hilarity comin atcha..

Evidence that the 9th Amendment doesn't protect the right to smoke:

1) marijuana is illegal
2) crack is illegal
3) free basing herion & cocaine is illegal
4) smoking in public buildings is illegal
5) several state & local bans on smoking
6) crystal meth is illegal

Evidence that the 9th Amendment does protect the right to smoke:

1) Shogun says so.

Ok, now that I see it laid out like that, you're not as retarded as I thought you were. You're completely brain-dead.
Evidence that the 9th Amendment doesn't protect the right to smoke:

1) marijuana is illegal
2) crack is illegal
3) free basing herion & cocaine is illegal
4) smoking in public buildings is illegal
5) several state & local bans on smoking
6) crystal meth is illegal

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

YES, let's DO compare CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES, of which all were legal for the majority of our nation's history, with a LEGAL substance like tobacco!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Holy SHIT you are dumber than a fetal cranium seconds after a partial birth abortion!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

After all.. we sure do know that the NINTH validates MURDER TOO! And, you know, since we have laws against MURDER, well, that MUST mean that tobacco smoking is not a liberty meant by:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Missed the point by a country mile.

I'm saying that there is ample precedent that demonstrates, to any reasonable person, that it's now settled law that the US Constitution DOES NOT protect any right to smoke. Period. The fact that tobacco is merely regulated and not banned is irrelevent. It could be banned and that too would easily pass the consitutionality test.
Missed the point by a country mile.

I'm saying that there is ample precedent that demonstrates, to any reasonable person, that it's now settled law that the US Constitution DOES NOT protect any right to smoke. Period. The fact that tobacco is merely regulated and not banned is irrelevent. It could be banned and that too would easily pass the consitutionality test.

gee, toby.. after watching you have your ass handed to you by a christian in the "patriotism = pride" thread I guess I'll have to pass on what YOU think a reasonable person would think.

yea yea yea... scream irrelevant while I've got my shoe on your throat. Hell, DON"T address that every substance you mentioned was legally consumed for more than half of the fucking lifetime of our nation.. naaaw.. THAT gotta be irrelevant! Mani says so! He also knows what reasonable people think... no need for evidence, this is MANI the Tranny we're talking about!
gee, toby.. after watching you have your ass handed to you by a christian in the "patriotism = pride" thread I guess I'll have to pass on what YOU think a reasonable person would think.

yea yea yea... scream irrelevant while I've got my shoe on your throat. Hell, DON"T address that every substance you mentioned was legally consumed for more than half of the fucking lifetime of our nation.. naaaw.. THAT gotta be irrelevant! Mani says so! He also knows what reasonable people think... no need for evidence, this is MANI the Tranny we're talking about!

cum on her lips buddy !!!!!!!!!! think about it
Hell, DON"T address that every substance you mentioned was legally consumed for more than half of the fucking lifetime of our nation.. naaaw.. THAT gotta be irrelevant!

Ok, maybe I am missing something. Why is this relevant? Isn't the other half of the fucking lifetime (up to and including the present) what matters today?

no need for evidence

I've posted ample evidence. The only evidence you've offered is your own opinion on the matter. So unless you can be considered as some sort of expert in the field, that's hardly evidence.

By the way, I'm merely making an observation, not an endorsement. Like it or not, during the second half of our country's fucking lifetime we've passively accepted that the government does in fact have the authority to regulate (and ban) what people put into their own bodies. So far, we've decided that alcohol and tobacco are ok, but cocaine, weed, heroin and sometimes trans-fats aren't ok. But the fact is the government is getting to decide. So again, I don't like it anymore than you do, but this is easily observed and reasoned proof that as I sit here today, the US Constitution does not protect my right to completely govern what I put into my own body. The fact that they'll let me smoke tobacco, restrictions notwithstanding, doesn't change the fact that they are indeed letting me.
Oh, and to finally bring the argument full circle and hopefully provide closure, if the Constitution doesn't protect what an individual can put into their own body, then how could it possibly protect where they do it? Answer: It doesn't. Smoking and trans-fats bans in places of business are not unconstitutional. Perhaps that wasn't always the case, but it certainly is now...

...of course I would think that would be obvious to you when you have to step outside for a smoke, but I guess not.
Ok, maybe I am missing something. Why is this relevant? Isn't the other half of the fucking lifetime (up to and including the present) what matters today?

ahhh... so it's only the historic facts that YOU want to remember that are the significant influence of modern humantiy.. gotcha.


very, uh, scientific of you.

I've posted ample evidence. The only evidence you've offered is your own opinion on the matter. So unless you can be considered as some sort of expert in the field, that's hardly evidence.

YOU haven't posted shit, dude. Again, given how your "expertise" has been manhandled in other threads lately..


By the way, I'm merely making an observation, not an endorsement. Like it or not, during the second half of our country's fucking lifetime we've passively accepted that the government does in fact have the authority to regulate (and ban) what people put into their own bodies. So far, we've decided that alcohol and tobacco are ok, but cocaine, weed, heroin and sometimes trans-fats aren't ok. But the fact is the government is getting to decide. So again, I don't like it anymore than you do, but this is easily observed and reasoned proof that as I sit here today, the US Constitution does not protect my right to completely govern what I put into my own body. The fact that they'll let me smoke tobacco, restrictions notwithstanding, doesn't change the fact that they are indeed
letting me.

Whats funny.. is that you try and dismiss the notion that half of our history is irrelevant... but then go on to continue making weak ass brittle points as if I give a fuck about which half of our history you think is more relevant. As if I give the first rats ass about weather or not you want to make a point about your pet mouse, lenny. We found out that prohibition didn't work either.. The giant rod in your axle being thrown is that TOBACCO IS A LEGAL FUCKING SUBSTANCE so your examples of controlled substances really doesn't matter any which way in the first place. If tobacco were criminalized then it would be a restricted drug that is not protected by the ninth. As it is, we are not talking about heroin. We are not talking about crack. We are talking about a legal product being consumed by legal consumers at businesses that WANT TO CATER TO THIS LEGAL BEHAVIOR. You have no right to arbitrarily decide that tobacco doesn't count just because you don't want to make a choice about giving your business to a non-smoking bar. A business owner's property rights ARE being infringed. If a zealot dogma junky can decide to trade medical treatment for wasted prayer then a business owner should be allowed to cater to smokers while no one is forcing pink lungers into SHS exposure.

So, what other legal activities does the ninth not protect? People always have a way of pointing that finger every which way but at themselves.
Blah blah blah...

You've had your entire position decimated by superior logic and reason and now you're throwing a fit. I've noticed a pattern with you. The more wrong you are, the more jibberish you type, the more bold font and emoticons you use. I'm sorry, but the "if you can't dazzle'em with brilliance, baffle'em with bull shit" technique you've worked hard to develop doesn't work on me.

I'd apologize for making you my bitch, but I'm not sorry. :cool:
Blah blah blah...

You've had your entire position decimated by superior logic and reason and now you're throwing a fit. I've noticed a pattern with you. The more wrong you are, the more jibberish you type, the more bold font and emoticons you use. I'm sorry, but the "if you can't dazzle'em with brilliance, baffle'em with bull shit" technique you've worked hard to develop doesn't work on me.

I'd apologize for making you my bitch, but I'm not sorry. :cool:

I tellya.. nothing says "superior logic" QUITE LIKE "blah blah blah"


It's cool, dude. If I cared enough about deflating your ego more than I already have I'd put more effort into this happy dance.

thanks for the pos rep, btw..

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