Julian Assange Gets Sweet Revenge After Hillary Cuts His Internet

Got any proof what so ever that Hillary cut off internet service for Julian?

If you would ever bother to READ before you post, you would know that Secretary Kerry, as a representative of the Obama administration, went to Ecuador with the "suggestion" that they should cut internet access to Assange While not directly involved, the only one to benefit from that would be Hillary.

When I saw a birthday gift being called an Act Of Treason…I just giggled at you which is what I always end up doing anyway.
I hope you were a better soldier than you are a right wing operative. You suck pal.
Got any proof what so ever that Hillary cut off internet service for Julian?

If you would ever bother to READ before you post, you would know that Secretary Kerry, as a representative of the Obama administration, went to Ecuador with the "suggestion" that they should cut internet access to Assange While not directly involved, the only one to benefit from that would be Hillary.

Yep, just like Bill Clinton met with the head of the DOJ right before the FBI made their ruling.

They don't even try to hide it anymore, and no one cares.

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