July 4th memes

Did you know injuns enslaved weaker tribes too???......No shit

These people don't know shit about centuries ago. Google minded morons
There were four waves of immigration to the Americas. Three from Asia and one from Europe. Each wave replace the previous ones.
Its part of the history of this country that you people deny ever happened.
This country is not as great as you think it is, but don't let me stop you from sucking each others dicks over it.
Chief if you don't like it here..... Leave
With the flaws of our nation, most Americans won the world's lottery. We screw with each other and try to reduce it. But politics makes it into much more an ordeal than it needs to be. There is a difference between "diversity" which Progs have benefitted immensely and assimilation which took each group coming here to become part of the greatest experiment in human history.
Diversity is democrat for segregation.
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