Just and Unjust Wars for America


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
JUST: War Of Independence, War Of 1812, Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, the first Gulf War, Afg (sheltered bin Laden)

Sort of divided on the Mexican-American War, Spanish-American War, the war on Indians in general (they were here first) - Vietnam, Irag after 9/11
Spanish-American War (sinking of USS Maine), Vietnam War (Gulf of Tonkin fabrication) Iraq War (WMDs) - all started under false pretenses.

But except for Vietnam - they had good outcomes.
But think of the wars not fought because some diplomats were able to to solve the problems without war.
"Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute. Fifty-four Forty or fight." come to mind, but there many more.
Un-just war: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yeman, Somalia, Vagina, Science and American values.

Lunatic war: War on Terror
Reason: Terror is a tactic in war, not a tangible enemy.

They did not call WWII, "war on blitzkrieg!"
Spanish-American War (sinking of USS Maine), Vietnam War (Gulf of Tonkin fabrication) Iraq War (WMDs) - all started under false pretenses.

But except for Vietnam - they had good outcomes.

The only "good outcome" regarding Korea was that the media called it "the forgotten war". We lost 38,000 in combat in three years and if you count the total American losses during the period like they do in every other conflict including Iraq/Afghanistan it comes to around 50,000 in three years. We were forced to settle for an embarrassing Truce that favored the enemy and we ended up back where we started. George Bush had permission from congress for boots on the ground in Iraq/Afghanistan. Give 'em Hell Harry Truman did not seek congressional approval for Korea and like everything else in freaking pop-history Korea is judged by a different standard. Truman was a popular (at the time) democrat and the only thing the left wing media was interested in was preserving Truman's legacy, the truth be dammed.
Almost any war can be termed just or unjust depending upon a persons views. Rgrdless, whenever this country decides to use force through the armed forces of this country the President and the Congress ahve the moral and Constitutional requirement to make that case to the American peopleand then issue a Declaration of War. The use of our forces sincethe Korean Incursion has been through and by the Presidentusing the War Powers Act enacted by Congress userping the Constitution. Both Parties are at fault and it is only the People/voters that can bring the system back into balance for it is sure neitheer the President or Congress will do so.

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