Just another all White Jury railroad job with O.J. Simpson trial.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I must say a lot of the White people posting comments seem to feel that O.J.
Simpson is being punished for what happened with his first trial. This man was
not being retried for the murder of his Wife.

If this is the case , O.J. must appeal this verdict. And I would tell all Black men and Women to have nothing to do with White People, we need to separate ourselves from them.They are still trying to convict innocent Black men and Women.We still have the Slave master mentality working in America.
I must say a lot of the White people posting comments seem to feel that O.J.
Simpson is being punished for what happened with his first trial. This man was
not being retried for the murder of his Wife.

If this is the case , O.J. must appeal this verdict. And I would tell all Black men and Women to have nothing to do with White People, we need to separate ourselves from them.They are still trying to convict innocent Black men and Women.We still have the Slave master mentality working in America.

see ya
I must say a lot of the White people posting comments seem to feel that O.J.
Simpson is being punished for what happened with his first trial. This man was
not being retried for the murder of his Wife.

If this is the case , O.J. must appeal this verdict. And I would tell all Black men and Women to have nothing to do with White People, we need to separate ourselves from them.They are still trying to convict innocent Black men and Women.We still have the Slave master mentality working in America.


He wasn't being tried for his past crime but it is nice karma that he was convicted of this crime.

He probably believed he'd get off just like last time...unfortunately for him mr. if it doesn't fit you must aquit is dead and so are several others from his first dream team...

I really think OJ believed he was above the law. Mainly because he literally got away with murder and the people celebrated in the streets afterwards. They didn't care that he was guilty.

The funny thing about his attorney's appealing based on the jury, they approved the jury prior to the trial starting.. that's how it works.... it's like McCain approving Gwen Iffl and then complaining about it the night before the debate... it just don't fly.
On the audiotape, recorded by Thomas Riccio, Simpson is heard saying:

"Don't let nobody out of this room. Motherfucker, you think you can steal my shit and sell it?"[7]

"I'm O.J. Simpson. How am I going to think that I'm going to rob somebody and get away with it? Besides, I thought what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas."[9]

LAS VEGAS -- Shortly after allegedly robbing a pair of memorabilia dealers in a hotel room here, O.J. Simpson asked one of his cohorts if he had pulled out "the piece" in the hallway, according to an audio recording played in court Friday.

"I kept that thing in my pocket till we got inside that room," Michael McClinton assured him, according to the recording.

This has nothing to do with black or white, O.J. Simpson broke the law and got caught and found guilty. There was an OVER WHELMING amount of evidence against him in this case , video tapes, audio tapes, etc. This has not one damn thing to do with race.
you guys just save your breath. It's a forcgone conclusion that "whitey" will be blamed..
I am telling Black men, and Black women, separate yourselves from any kind of personal
relationship with White people. We must boycott the White Race in America and the World.
I call for an immediate Boycott of all caucasians in America.

This O.J. Simpson Trial, is a disgrace to all Black and Brown Americans, we must boycott white America in protest.
Last edited:
I am telling Black men, and Black women, separate yourselves from any kind of personal
relationship with White people. We must boycott the White Race in America and the World.
I call for an immediate Boycott of all caucasians in America.

Does this include latino's who agree with the fact he was guilty as well as my african american friends who thought so too?
I am telling Black men, and Black women, separate yourselves from any kind of personal
relationship with White people. We must boycott the White Race in America and the World.
I call for an immediate Boycott of all caucasians in America.

I am telling Black men, and Black women, separate yourselves from any kind of personal
relationship with White people. We must boycott the White Race in America and the World.
I call for an immediate Boycott of all caucasians in America.

This O.J. Simpson Trial, is a disgrace to all Black and Brown Americans, we must boycott white America in protest.

The impact being...?
O.J. is an asshole that thinks because he was a football great, he can do no wrong now.

Sorry, but it seems he fucked up to much to get away with this one. Nothing to do with blackey or whitey, only with guilty.
I must say a lot of the White people posting comments seem to feel that O.J.
Simpson is being punished for what happened with his first trial. This man was
not being retried for the murder of his Wife.

If this is the case , O.J. must appeal this verdict. And I would tell all Black men and Women to have nothing to do with White People, we need to separate ourselves from them.They are still trying to convict innocent Black men and Women.We still have the Slave master mentality working in America.

OJ was acquitted because of a terrible prosecution job and a black jury that wouldn't have convicted him under any circumstances. personally, i thought the verdict was correct given the failures of that prosecution. but there are a lot of people who are very angry that he walked away and smirked at everyone after. that has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that he pretty much admitted he killed them in that book that never made it to market called "If I Did It"...

so stop whining about the race thing. i think they're incorrect for substituting one conviction for another. but i sure as heck didn't hear any whites who i would consider rational demanding a return to segregation because he was acquitted by a black jury...

i did hear a bunch of kkk'ers say stuff like that. they turn my stomach too...same as you.
I am telling Black men, and Black women, separate yourselves from any kind of personal
relationship with White people. We must boycott the White Race in America and the World.
I call for an immediate Boycott of all caucasians in America.

This O.J. Simpson Trial, is a disgrace to all Black and Brown Americans, we must boycott white America in protest.

You really felt the need to post this twice? Nutzo! :cuckoo:

Are you speaking about all black people proven guilty in a trial, or for all black people that think the way you think?

Didn't OJ's attorney's have the choice of accepting or rejecting a juror, before the trial began? It is kind of late to start bitchin' about who was on the jury now - that the trial is over, and found him quilty on all charges, right? :doubt:

Appeal? Yes, he is allowed an Appeal .... it's not only the law ... it is the American way. Don't matter nuttin what color he was or is. :eusa_boohoo:
And I would tell all Black men and Women to have nothing to do with White People, we need to separate ourselves from them.

I just put the above through an Ebonics translator for you:

an’ meh would tell all Black niggas an’ Women ta haz nuttin' ta do wiff White niggas, we's need ta separate ourselves from dem brace yourself foo'!
I must say a lot of the White people posting comments seem to feel that O.J.
Simpson is being punished for what happened with his first trial. This man was
not being retried for the murder of his Wife.

If this is the case , O.J. must appeal this verdict. And I would tell all Black men and Women to have nothing to do with White People, we need to separate ourselves from them.They are still trying to convict innocent Black men and Women.We still have the Slave master mentality working in America.

Oh I like YOU. The bleeding hearts can't deny you.:lol:

Here's a comprehensive plan I have come up with for to impliment at your leisure, the sooner the better:

Shut the fuck up, idiot.

Now, I can understand if you are too confused with that plan what with all the big words and conflicting instructions. If such is the case, feel free to call 1-800-WAH and see if they can help you out.

And I'll call you an idiot again just because it is my firm belief it cannot be said often enough of you and anyone like you.
I am telling Black men, and Black women, separate yourselves from any kind of personal
relationship with White people.

Or, how about PHYSICAL separation of the races?

I'll tell you this much:

Never again would blacks or whites be able to complain about "racism."

But the genius of this escapes most, I fear.
Or, how about PHYSICAL separation of the races?

I'll tell you this much:

Never again would blacks or whites be able to complain about "racism."

But the genius of this escapes most, I fear.

Because separate but equal worked so well... :doubt:
Ya but now we can give them sub prime loans ! Maybe that will work better !

you know, i'm with ravi on this... i'm waiting for one of the racist types to prove banks weren't just being forced not to redline, but had to give loans to people who couldn't pay the money back

I'll wait.

He wasn't being tried for his past crime but it is nice karma that he was convicted of this crime.

He probably believed he'd get off just like last time...unfortunately for him mr. if it doesn't fit you must aquit is dead and so are several others from his first dream team...

I really think OJ believed he was above the law. Mainly because he literally got away with murder and the people celebrated in the streets afterwards. They didn't care that he was guilty.

The funny thing about his attorney's appealing based on the jury, they approved the jury prior to the trial starting.. that's how it works.... it's like McCain approving Gwen Iffl and then complaining about it the night before the debate... it just don't fly.

Deep-six this karma thing because you white folks sure don't like when it happens to you. For example, even though some blacks died during 911 the religious fundies who cheered the attack felt it was karma for all the years of American biased foreign policy and favoritism toward Israel, but you would never agree that the slaughter of those people are "nice karma" would you? The Bass knows of virtually no one who cheered when OJ was not guilty and if a jury convicted him because of what happened 13 years ago this isn't "nice" karma, its bungled justice, its interesting how you say justice wasn't served 13 years ago, yet call what possibly is bungled justice "nice karma", very hypocritical.

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