Just another night in Paradise


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Oh what a lovely DEM run place Chicagoland is these days.
The fact that Obama NEVER lifted a fucking finger to do ANYTHING to control his negro 'base' in ANY inner city for fear he would piss off the very people who are slaughtering each other is Obama's real legacy.
What a fucking sick disgrace he is!
Girls, 11 and 12, critically wounded in Saturday shootings
The POS will NEVER spend a fucking day living in Chicago. No fucking golf courses worth playing on without worrying whether he would get his golf cart stolen.
Watch and see the fucking LIBs weep and wail when President Trump sends in 10K NG to confiscate every illegal gun in Chicagoland.
Anyone caught in possession of an illegal handgun, including in their residence gets five years in a Federal prison 'tent city' in S. Nevada. That includes old grannies who allow their thug grandkids to hide their illegal guns in her house.
"HOW DARE HE come into OUR community and steal everyone's guns!!!!!"
'AXE' the families of the thousands of victims of negro on negro shootings in the inner cities if they want their babies shot by subhuman negro thugs.
President Trump is 100% supporter of legal guns.
And a 100% supporter of confiscating EVERY illegal gun in the country.
Within the next 4-8 years 99.9999% of illegal guns WILL be confiscated.
It's easy to find these illegal guns. 99.999% of them are located in inner city negro/Latino gang controlled shitholes.
The WALL will stop 99.999% of illegal guns from being smuggled into the US via Mexico.
The new AG WILL put ANYONE caught with an illegal gun in a federal 'tent city' prison in S. Nevada for a minimum of five years. By the time they have been sodomized so often they can see their flip flops through their asshole and eaten cat food sandwiches for five years in 120 degree daytime temperatures and below freezing nighttime temperatures those who are still alive then released will EVER even think about touching another illegal gun the thought will make them 'reflex puke'.
Get caught twice the sentence is life back in S. Nevada.
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Can't read the article cause they're pay per view. I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with the confiscation of guns.

What about my husband's grandfathers rifle? It's the only one that's not registered. I don't think the thing would fire, but is there some part we can take out of it to make it 'not a gun' anymore? I suppose I should talk to the police and find out :/
Can't read the article cause they're pay per view. I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with the confiscation of guns.

What about my husband's grandfathers rifle? It's the only one that's not registered. I don't think the thing would fire, but is there some part we can take out of it to make it 'not a gun' anymore? I suppose I should talk to the police and find out :/
Just like with illegals in the country President Trump's number one goal is to get rid of illegals with a violent/drug dealing/gangbanging criminal records.
When that's accomplished I guarantee everyone President Trump will then sit down with leaders in the latino community and come up with a solution to accommodate illegals who aren't criminals.
President Trump's approach is two fold: Build a WALL/barrier call it what you want to STOP the tsunami of illegals (how many of which are transporting hard drugs from the cartels?). Second to deport the illegals with felony convictions.
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would be opposed to these measures. Except the 100% corrupt governments south of the border who are OWNED by the drug cartels.
Same with illegal guns.
First remove the illegal guns from fucking gangbangers in the inner city shitholes.
That takes care of 99% of illegal guns.
People living peaceful lives in the more rural areas of the country who happen to have grandpa's old unregistered 10 gauge are NEVER going to have any government men kicking down their door.
I suppose. Still I think I'll ask the police about it. It's going to be a big deal up here in Alaska because we're like 90% carry and have basically zero gun control. I guarantee you people everywhere up here have "illegal" guns :/ Not so much of a criminal problem, but we Alaskan's are generally law abiding folks so we'll want to make sure we're not in trouble.

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