Just for Fun, Apparantly

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Originally posted by crazy canadian

We build up inner city capitalism by evenly supporting small businesses, who form an association of combined wealth, which helps the current gov't slip out from under the thumb of the major corporations.
What is an association of combined wealth? And what is even support for small businesses? Would the business have an owner per se? or are all businesses owned by the community? The government is not under the thumb of business. Government officials go into politics expressly for the opportunities for corruption, they SEEK IT OUT. The best thing to do, therefore, is to keep the role of government as small as possible. There will always be corruption, therefore government should have as small a role as possible.
Inner City Capitalism is different, because the needs of a person running a small business are similar to the needs of individuals.
Small businesses are nothing new. I don't think this is a new form of capitalism.
It is possible that some of these small businesses will turn into major corporations, but then we just need more small businesses. I know of lots of 'non-greedy' people who could sit on the Assembly of Nations. Nelson Mandela. Adrienne Clarkson. There would be no stealing involved, if it turns out to be a good idea, rich people would begin donating their wealth to the Assembly. People in the assembly need to be very neutral in every aspect. Perhaps it should be a computer system, not an Assembly at all. I'm sure you can have fun with that idea.

Power always corrupts, to expect otherwise is to expect contrary to all proven human nature.
I get it. In my part of town we call those stores "yuppie stores". I prefer to support the local guy who has been running the same store for 40 yrs over the trendy, overpriced crap you find in stores with names like "10,000 villages" or "My Natural Space" :rolleyes: How nice, a Shirt with Japanese writing on it, that was actually made in Japan!
What do you think about the computer idea?
Originally posted by crazy canadian
I agree. Greed is natural. Gov't is a natural attraction for greed, and also a spawning ground for greed, because it's comprised of individuals who are 'only human'. What do you think about the computer idea?

Are you talking about a computer to redistribute income? Let's just not redistribute income.

Instead of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." I believe in "To each, according to his ability". I view income redistribution and excessive taxation as crime. It's stealing.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
You're right. A redistribution of income would be stealing, plus it would take away from Natural Selection. Perhaps some rich people would simply choose to donate their own excess wealth to be redistributed using computers. I do think using computers could be used in providing free gas and trees after the rights have been reclaimed by the future gov't. What do you think?

I think you're smoking some of BC's finest!
No, I'm not actually. But I think a few more people in this world need to.
But seriously. Charitable giving would increase hugely if taxes were reduced. But government officials don't like private charities, they like to portray themselves as a valid instrument of charity. Forced taxation and redistribution has as much to do with charity as a jackboot in the face, even if it was done by a computer.
Taxes will be reduced if the gov't has the rights to trees and gas. People would have more money to put back into the economy, and excessively wealthy people would ACTUALLY WANT to give away some money to help the cause, and the gov't could claim the fame for making it happen.

Have you ever read about all the wealthy people who are stressed by having too much money?
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Have you ever read about all the wealthy people who are stressed by having too much money?

no. but why don't you get some liberals in academia to whip up a pack of lies for you, then you and your commie friends can use that to justify your computerized tyranny against the bourgeoise!
Do it your way then. Hmmm, nice world you have here.

And don't call me a commie. It's just an individual thought, not who I'm all about.
Are you scared of big change? Because it's too late to fix things with small changes.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Do it your way then. Hmmm, nice world you have here.

And don't call me a commie. It's just an individual thought, not who I'm all about.
Are you scared of big change? Because it's too late to fix things with small changes.

Your "big change" is nothing new. It's called communism. It's a failed ideology. I know you canadians are still big into it. not being a world leader and all, you're conveniently protected from the real world, living in the comfort of our shadow, and judging the methods in which we provide it. How about some gratitude instead of your ignorant and naive judgements.
I do not represent all Canadians. I am an individual, living in your country. Communism failed because it was being run by humans, who can't do it right. Call it communism if you like, I call it tapping into existing technology to fix a broken world.

'not being a world leader and all, you're conveniently protected from the real world, living in the comfort of our shadow, and judging the methods in which we provide it. How about some gratitude instead of your ignorant and naive judgements.'

I'm glad we agree on one thing. You can ask any of my American friends, I thank them everyday for protecting Canada in this world, and tell them to ignore all the people who bitch about the world issues being caused by Americans.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
I do not represent all Canadians. I am an individual, living in your country. Communism failed because it was being run by humans, who can't do it right. Call it communism if you like, I call it tapping into existing technology to fix a broken world.

'not being a world leader and all, you're conveniently protected from the real world, living in the comfort of our shadow, and judging the methods in which we provide it. How about some gratitude instead of your ignorant and naive judgements.'

I'm glad we agree on one thing. You can ask any of my American friends, I thank them everyday for protecting Canada in this world, and tell them to ignore all the people who bitch about the world issues being caused by Americans.

Communism failed for two reasons: corruption of the system, AND the fact that communism even if run without corruption is still a disincentive to hard work and innovation, because any extra profit cannot be kept by the innovative person. I suppose we could replace all the people with robots too. Then it would be a perfect non human system. What an achievement.:rolleyes:
Free gas and trees will help people out, but they will still have to work for a living, they'll just be happier and more productive.
And I'm not talking about communism. People keep their earnings, just people who feel ok about it donate their extra money to the gov't assembly/ computer or whatever makes things tick.
It's hard to imagine things actually improving, I know. Instead of being replaced by robots, why don't we just keep struggling til our death, and let our children struggle til their deaths, and so on til our world blows up.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Free gas and trees will help people out, but they will still have to work for a living, they'll just be happier and more productive.
And I'm not talking about communism. People keep their earnings, just people who feel ok about it donate their extra money to the gov't assembly/ computer or whatever makes things tick.
It's hard to imagine things actually improving, I know. Instead of being replaced by robots, why don't we just keep struggling til our death, and let our children struggle til their deaths, and so on til our world blows up.

This year it's the gas and lumber industry, next year it will be fashion products. Government involvement is death for business and society.

Very few feel ok about all the taxes we're paying now. So you want only voluntary taxation? I could go for that.

Life without struggle is meaningless.
I agree. And we can't take away all struggle, but everyone struggles too much as it is. I don't know about your brain, but my brain needs some relief from this world. I'm going to the pool, that I wish was warmed by power from the wind, but it's not.

And the gas and lumbar industry are raping the world we live in, but I like the fashion industry, I just don't like how it makes poor people feel bad. So let's give them some money and open up some more clothing stores.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
I agree. And we can't take away all struggle, but everyone struggles too much as it is. I don't know about your brain, but my brain needs some relief from this world.

then do drugs. Stealing isn't cool. Just say no to stealing, and yes to drugs.
I'm going to the pool, that I wish was warmed by power from the wind, but it's not.
I personally loved it in the old days when we warmed pools with slave labor.
And the gas and lumbar industry are raping the world we live in, but I like the fashion industry, I just don't like how it makes poor people feel bad. So let's give them some money and open up some more clothing stores.

Lumber companies are replanting like crazy from what I've heard. And gas, well, digging a hole never hurt much.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Give it up.

I have abandoned communism, will you give it up?

I would like to go for a swim.
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