Just Go Away Teacher Unions!...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be salvaged.
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Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

How much time have YOU spend in the classroom Libo?
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

How much time have YOU spend in the classroom Libo?

Didn't you mean "spent"? I don't think "spend" goes well in this sentence.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?

to suck money
The Teacher Unions are the root cause of most of the problems in our Public School System. Too much greed & politics coming from them at this point. They have lost their way. They have neglected the kids for too many years. It's all about them now. Just get more cash and get more Democrats elected. That's all the Teacher Unions are good for these days. They do nothing for the kids anymore. If the Public Schools dropped them,i guarantee things would immediately improve. The kids don't need all this political activism and greed. That stuff never had a place in our Schools. It's actually pretty depressing observing what the Teacher Unions have done to our Public Schools. It really is time for them to just go away.
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Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

How much time have YOU spend in the classroom Libo?

Didn't you mean "spent"? I don't think "spend" goes well in this sentence.

Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

How much time have YOU spend in the classroom Libo?

Didn't you mean "spent"? I don't think "spend" goes well in this sentence.

You are right. Thank you.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?

Look to the average pay for private school teachers compared to public school teachers and their turnover rate. Plus, let me point out that private schools get to pick and choose their clientele. Public schools do not. I have a close friend who has an ED student (emotionally disturbed) student in his class ever day...when he is not suspended for threatening other students, teachers, administrators. He is horribly misplaced but the parents INSIST on him being in the "least restrictive environment". So this student threatens others, makes noises in class and refuses to work. And because this is a public school, the school, the administrators, the teachers have no choice. Tell me a private school that would accept that.
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

Teachers earn far less on average than non-teachers with the same level of education required for the job.
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

1. Teacher's salaries aren't that high. Here in Florida starting is around $35Kish.
2. Most teachers work during the summers. I know a lot of teachers-and I don't know a single one who doesn't work in the summers.
3. Most Americans get the weekends off (or at least two days off a week).

With that said I think the teachers should have some sort of a union/job security (I do agree they're currently too strong).

What if a school's principle is implementing things that go against the school district's code? My highschool broke my district's rules every single day (not allowing late students to attend class-even if they were late by 1-2 seconds, literally). I think a teacher should be able to speak out against this practice without fear of losing their job.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

What educational system are you a product of, besides talk radio?
Ever notice how the Right Wing constantly wants to undermine working people? Eliminate collective bargaining rights, lobby hard for a flat tax, work against workplace safety and environmental regulations.

Conservatives also want to erode other rights. No same sex marriage. No burning a flag in protest. No real science taught, only dogmatic fables.

Every struggle for equality and freedom and civil rights happens with Conservatives in opposition. Makes me wonder what would motivate someone to think Conservatism is actually something worthy of American ideals.
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

Teachers earn far less on average than non-teachers with the same level of education required for the job.

That may be true but they receive other great benefits no other occupations have. All Weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off? That seems pretty nice to most outside observers. Look around America and see how many other Americans enjoy those kinds of benefits. The Teacher Unions are only trouble at this point. They've outlived their usefulness. They only stand for greed and political activism at this point. It's time for them to get the boot once and for all. Our kids deserve better.
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

Where did you hear that teachers get paid vacations? It is 180 days plus usually another 5 for prep. Period.

So...tell us, how much have you been in the classroom experiencing what teachers do and how they work, Libo?
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

Teachers earn far less on average than non-teachers with the same level of education required for the job.

That may be true but they receive other great benefits no other occupations have. All Weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off? That seems pretty nice to most outside observers. Look around America and see how many other Americans enjoy those kinds of benefits. The Teacher Unions are only trouble at this point. They've outlived their usefulness. They only stand for greed and political activism at this point. It's time for them to get the boot once and for all. Our kids deserve better.

1. Teachers work over the weekends sometimes. Maybe not at work-but they grade papers, make lesson plans, etc.

2. Most teachers work during the summers-you didn't address this.

I think we need to pay teachers more. Because most people who're qualified more than current teachers don't want the job. Why not? Because the pay isn't there. Put the money into teacher salaries (not unions, not districts, not to build a new football field).

Any college graduate who makes less than $45K a year-is NOT in it for the money. Try again.
The main point of the teacher's union is money and power and a way for lawyers and lobbyists to grow their resume, the second biggest point is to protect the weakest teachers and make sure they never get fired.

The public education system is the biggest problem, the 2nd biggest problem is the teacher's union.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?

Look to the average pay for private school teachers compared to public school teachers and their turnover rate. Plus, let me point out that private schools get to pick and choose their clientele. Public schools do not. I have a close friend who has an ED student (emotionally disturbed) student in his class ever day...when he is not suspended for threatening other students, teachers, administrators. He is horribly misplaced but the parents INSIST on him being in the "least restrictive environment". So this student threatens others, makes noises in class and refuses to work. And because this is a public school, the school, the administrators, the teachers have no choice. Tell me a private school that would accept that.

So you're saying a teacher union is necessary to address these problems?
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

Where did you hear that teachers get paid vacations? It is 180 days plus usually another 5 for prep. Period.

So...tell us, how much have you been in the classroom experiencing what teachers do and how they work, Libo?

Most American Workers do not get to enjoy all Weekends off,several weeks of Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off. Get out into the real world and see for yourself. Teachers just whine & complain too much. They have it pretty good. Just look around and see for yourself how most American Workers live. Most of these whiny teachers need a reality-check. How bout less Whining and more Teaching? A novel concept huh?

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