Just Go Away Teacher Unions!...

Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

Where did you hear that teachers get paid vacations? It is 180 days plus usually another 5 for prep. Period.

So...tell us, how much have you been in the classroom experiencing what teachers do and how they work, Libo?

Most American Workers do not get to enjoy all Weekends off,several weeks of Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off. Get out into the real world and see for yourself. Teachers just whine & complain too much. They have it pretty good. Just look around and see for yourself how most American Workers live. Most of these whiny teachers need a reality-check. How bout less Whining and more Teaching? A novel concept huh?

IF they love the "great deal" that teachers get, why do we have a hard time getting people to be teachers and stay teachers, Libo. Most burn out in 5 years. Doesn't make sense if it's such a great deal, does it? Explain please.
Senate Democrats in Wisconsin failed to show up Thursday for a vote on a "union-busting" bill that has prompted police officers to launch a dragnet for the missing lawmakers.

Republicans hold a 19-14 majority but a vote cannot be taken until at least one Democratic senator is present.

"It's kind of unbelievable that they're elected to do a job and they wouldn't show up to do it," Republican Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald told Fox News.

Police Search for Senate Democrats Who Skipped Vote to Curtail Union Rights in Wisconsin - FoxNews.com
I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?

Look to the average pay for private school teachers compared to public school teachers and their turnover rate. Plus, let me point out that private schools get to pick and choose their clientele. Public schools do not. I have a close friend who has an ED student (emotionally disturbed) student in his class ever day...when he is not suspended for threatening other students, teachers, administrators. He is horribly misplaced but the parents INSIST on him being in the "least restrictive environment". So this student threatens others, makes noises in class and refuses to work. And because this is a public school, the school, the administrators, the teachers have no choice. Tell me a private school that would accept that.

So you're saying a teacher union is necessary to address these problems?

A private school would insist, and rightly so, that the parents get over themselves and put him where he belongs instead of foisting him on everybody else.
Libturds on parade!


They did that once in Texas too, ran away to Oklahoma to avoid voting.

Total fucking asswipes.
The Grass is always Greener on the other side for many. Teachers just need a reality-check. They need to be forced out to see how most American Workers live & survive. I assure you most do not have all Weekends off,several weeks of Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off. If it's all about money & politics for them,they should choose another line of work. The kids deserve so much better.
The Grass is always Greener on the other side for many. Teachers just need a reality-check. They need to be forced out to see how most American Workers live & survive. I assure you most do not have all Weekends off,several weeks of Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off. If it's all about money & politics for them,they should choose another line of work. The kids deserve so much better.

There you have it. Libo does not think that we need teachers. They need to be forced out.
Where did you hear that teachers get paid vacations? It is 180 days plus usually another 5 for prep. Period.

So...tell us, how much have you been in the classroom experiencing what teachers do and how they work, Libo?

Most American Workers do not get to enjoy all Weekends off,several weeks of Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off. Get out into the real world and see for yourself. Teachers just whine & complain too much. They have it pretty good. Just look around and see for yourself how most American Workers live. Most of these whiny teachers need a reality-check. How bout less Whining and more Teaching? A novel concept huh?

IF they love the "great deal" that teachers get, why do we have a hard time getting people to be teachers and stay teachers, Libo. Most burn out in 5 years. Doesn't make sense if it's such a great deal, does it? Explain please.

That has more to do with the human refuse that some kids are these days thanks to shitty parenting. No union in the world is going to address that. Unless of course, the argument is that "we'll get you such great pay and benefits and you'll never get fired so it will all be worth it."
Yeah who needs democracy we just won't show up.

The vote should be held no matter who shows up.
And this is different from a procedural filibuster how, exactly?
I find it hillarious that Conservatives want to do away with Free Assembly.

The point is, teachers have a right to form into unions if they want. And they have plenty of reason to do so. The burnout rate is astronomical, the pay is lousy for the first 10 years or so on the job, the parents are at non-exsistent in their kids lives, and at worst outright hostile, malpractice insurance is becoming a standard part of the job, and the hours are pretty atrocious.

If you don't like the teacher's unions, fire the teachers that unionize and try to replace them. Once you do that though, don't dare complain about the quality of teacher you get for the price you all seem to be willing to pay.
Look to the average pay for private school teachers compared to public school teachers and their turnover rate. Plus, let me point out that private schools get to pick and choose their clientele. Public schools do not. I have a close friend who has an ED student (emotionally disturbed) student in his class ever day...when he is not suspended for threatening other students, teachers, administrators. He is horribly misplaced but the parents INSIST on him being in the "least restrictive environment". So this student threatens others, makes noises in class and refuses to work. And because this is a public school, the school, the administrators, the teachers have no choice. Tell me a private school that would accept that.

So you're saying a teacher union is necessary to address these problems?

A private school would insist, and rightly so, that the parents get over themselves and put him where he belongs instead of foisting him on everybody else.

Of course. That's one reason I send my kids to private schools (like Obama). But I still don't understand the need for the teachers unions.
Most American Workers do not get to enjoy all Weekends off,several weeks of Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off. Get out into the real world and see for yourself. Teachers just whine & complain too much. They have it pretty good. Just look around and see for yourself how most American Workers live. Most of these whiny teachers need a reality-check. How bout less Whining and more Teaching? A novel concept huh?

IF they love the "great deal" that teachers get, why do we have a hard time getting people to be teachers and stay teachers, Libo. Most burn out in 5 years. Doesn't make sense if it's such a great deal, does it? Explain please.

That has more to do with the human refuse that some kids are these days thanks to shitty parenting. No union in the world is going to address that. Unless of course, the argument is that "we'll get you such great pay and benefits and you'll never get fired so it will all be worth it."

INteresting how that misconception keeps popping up.
By forced out i obviously meant they should be forced out into the real world to see how most American Workers live & survive. It would likely give them a whole new perspective. They don't have it so bad. They need to quit with all the whining & political activism. The kids need to be educated. They don't need to be indoctrinated and forced to deal with Teacher Union greed & politics. Teacher Unions need to go. It's the only logical way forward for our Public School System.
Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it's ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.

****Bravely**** taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the braaaave, Sir Robin!
I find it hillarious that Conservatives want to do away with Free Assembly.

The point is, teachers have a right to form into unions if they want. And they have plenty of reason to do so. The burnout rate is astronomical, the pay is lousy for the first 10 years or so on the job, the parents are at non-exsistent in their kids lives, and at worst outright hostile, malpractice insurance is becoming a standard part of the job, and the hours are pretty atrocious.

If you don't like the teacher's unions, fire the teachers that unionize and try to replace them. Once you do that though, don't dare complain about the quality of teacher you get for the price you all seem to be willing to pay.

To me it more seems like the message on this thread is that they should break up for the sake of better educating our kids, I don't think I've read anyone say government should write up a law forbidding unions.

I haven't read every post so I could be wrong.
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