This Is Why Michelle Obama Won't Run For President

Read my post more clearly then

I’ve just said that I would NEVER vote for that Lying Life-Long Con Man named trump

If (R) could put up a reasonable candidate, I easily could vote (R)
I’m voting (R) in the WA Governor race, Inslees time is up and it’s time for a change in WA State. IMO.

But my beliefs, don’t in anyway, align with trump.
The other side says the same shit. YOU ARE BLUE MAGA.
The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017, with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 842457, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.
What was the other crime?
Because any politician cares about you? I'm sure Joe Biden sits up at night worried about Winco and how he's doing. :rolleyes: .
Nope, Joe Biden doesn't give a shit about me either.
Just like trump doesn't care about you or me.

It's pretty simple.

I despise ALL Politicians.
Bidens, Clintons, and Trumps are all corrupt.

Why do you take the words I use to call trump out for what he truly is, so personal?
trump doesn't care about you, he has proven that ad nauseam.
Remember when he was complaining about the heat at a rally, and he said..." I don't care about you, I just want your vote."
I guess this ^^^ was trump being honest, but you will say he was just kidding, or joking, or some lame excuse for trump saying what he does, but this time it was directed at his cult, and he told the cult how he felt, and of course, you have an excuse for trumps words.

I see it, you refuse.
I get it ... Moron.I guess that's how Trump managed to field
one of TV's Most Popular Series.
- The Apprentice - By being an In You Face bully.
NO! that would be Literally ANY Democrat Potus or
Pol.But then your Mommy musta been a Democrat toadie
and that explains why you still live in your Mommy's basement.
Do you know the actual definition of 'incest'?
Clearly you don't.
Incest { the new use } is when Democrats pull a Harvey Weinstein or
Jeffrey Epstein { to name just a couple BiG Democrats }
and how it takes years for No One to come forward and
out them.While conversely No One ever accused Trump of anything
sexual before he ran in 2015.Then hell's bell's all the stops come
out and he's Now the new Hitler.
While conversely No One ever accused Trump of anything
sexual before he ran in 2015.
Your LIES are so easily debunked.
Read the article and especially this quote.

At least 18 women have accused Donald Trump of varying inappropriate behavior, including allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault. All but two came forward with their accusations before or during his first bid for the White House.

There you go again, straying from the written facts. <<<<< Such Weakness.
Show where I said what you claim.
Do you know the actual definition of 'incest'?
Clearly you don't.

Your post. You clearly imply you know the definition. I hope it is not from experience. :boobies:

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