Critics React To Trump's 'Fat Pig' Rally Rant

Nope. I don't have a crush on Christie. But, Trump has no right to call anyone a fat pig as fat as he is.

Says who? You? You advocate Hamas butchery of unarmed civilians and using gang rape as a political tactic, so why would we care what you think about Trump ???
Here's the problem.

From the link:

Strategic victimization​

Presenting yourself as a victim is a highly effective technique for generating empathy and deflecting blame. Manipulators exploit this tactic to gain support and compassion, while avoiding accountability for their actions. By playing the victimization card, they get you to lower your guard and offer your help unconditionally. Remain vigilant in the face of stories of repeated victimization that could hide a manipulative maneuver.
^This^ is white liberal DNA precisely is the basis of white liberal ideology, it is taught in our public schools and reinforced through media news and is the crux of the political three card Monte scam that is the engine of divide and conquer...actually a good find
Yawn, more hatred-influenced smearing. Don't you ever get tired of lying? You were raised wrong.

Watch the video. It's there. Trump has never won a tournament on any golf course he didn't own. He's a cheater.

Watch the video. It's there. Trump has never won a tournament on any golf course he didn't own. He's a cheater.

Or a lousy golfer, moron.
I'm going to vote for Trump, because we absolutely must stop Joe Biden and D mocrats from flooding America with the third-world.

But I ask you, why does Trump do shit like this? How does it grow his voting base? When you have voters out there who are undecided, or they are independents, how does this attract them to your side?

Seriously, I desperately want to win this election, but this sort of crap doesn't help, and in fact it can only hurt! This only gives Biden and Dems the opportunity to question his stability and cognitive abilities.

'Deranged': Critics React To Trump's 'Fat Pig' Rally Rant​

Let him say what he thinks!

You are not a are not a bleeding heart... are you?

What's the problem? :dunno:
You still afraid to watch it?

Sure, I believe everything that comes from MSNBC, NOT.

Judge says Maddow, other MSNBC hosts made ‘verifiably false’ statements about doctor suing for defamation


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