Republicans rally to Trump's defence

You underestimate how corrupt Democrats are. They kept the donations small enough that the law didn't require them to report it or keep records. Clever, but obviously intentionally doing an end run around the law which prohibits foreigners from donating to OUR presidential campaigns.
Well. Stupidity by Trump is also not a legal defense.

It is however a good reason to not vote for him. Who wants an idiot for president?.... Oh wait... I know the answer.
Well. Stupidity by Trump is also not a legal defense.

It is however a good reason to not vote for him. Who wants an idiot for president?.... Oh wait... I know the answer.
Trump was prohibited from defending himself by this biased judge who should have recused himself. Many senior legal experts spent days in this sham court watching this judge shit all over the top of Trump's Constitutional rights while berating Trump's lawyers and siding with the prosecution on almost every objection. It was a kangaroo court that has stained the legal system.

Hell Trump's legal team wanted to bring in a government expert on FECA, a former director of the FEC. Laws so complex even SCOTUS justices bring in the experts to assist them. This asshole judge wouldn't allow the expert to testify, WTF! Why? Because he would explain to the jury why Trump didn't break any federal laws and that would demolish their entire case.
Trump was prohibited from defending himself by this biased judge who should have recused himself. Many senior legal experts spent days in this sham court watching this judge shit all over the top of Trump's Constitutional rights while berating Trump's lawyers and siding with the prosecution on almost every objection. It was a kangaroo court that has stained the legal system.

Hell Trump's legal team wanted to bring in a government expert on FECA, a former director of the FEC. Laws so complex even SCOTUS justices bring in the experts to assist them. This asshole judge wouldn't allow the expert to testify, WTF! Why? Because he would explain to the jury why Trump didn't break any federal laws and that would demolish their entire case.
Again, great. That would make any appeal successful wouldn't it.

Of course those "legal experts" you're talking about are not speaking as actually "legal experts" they're talking as well... talking heads.

As to your question. He was allowed to testify. But only in general terms. Explaining the law to a jury is the judges job. That's why.

Allow me to make a couple of predictions. You can quote me on them later. (Something I'm sure those famous legal experts would not like to be done to them.)

This verdict will be appealed no doubt. That appeal will be rejected. After which you will all claim bias.

Here's what strikes me. Trump has been determined to have committed crimes by 3 separate juries and one judge. 4 separate Grand Juries have decided that he should be indicted.

None of you claim to believe he's done anything wrong. I find that extremely telling. At this time about 100 people have had to sit in judgement on things Trump has done in a legal sense. ALL of them both in conservative as progressive districts deemed at the very least a prosecution warranted and 36 of them outright guilty. Yet all of you without most of you ever seeing or for that matter caring what the evidence was think all these people are wrong or even corrupt.
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Trump was prohibited from defending himself by this biased judge who should have recused himself. Many senior legal experts spent days in this sham court watching this judge shit all over the top of Trump's Constitutional rights while berating Trump's lawyers and siding with the prosecution on almost every objection. It was a kangaroo court that has stained the legal system.

Hell Trump's legal team wanted to bring in a government expert on FECA, a former director of the FEC. Laws so complex even SCOTUS justices bring in the experts to assist them. This asshole judge wouldn't allow the expert to testify, WTF! Why? Because he would explain to the jury why Trump didn't break any federal laws and that would demolish their entire case.
In the last several years in this feasibility study, 99% of the violence is in Prog areas. Progs are a radical extremist party. You scare people into thinking the worse. And it works. You cannot however do anything about the decline in our industrial/tech know how and production. This is getting more and more expensive due to DEI and quotas along with retirees sucking resources. As long as we depend on China, we will promote their growth into the number one nation in the world.
In the last several years in this feasibility study, 99% of the violence is in Prog areas. Progs are a radical extremist party. You scare people into thinking the worse. And it works. You cannot however do anything about the decline in our industrial/tech know how and production. This is getting more and more expensive due to DEI and quotas along with retirees sucking resources. As long as we depend on China, we will promote their growth into the number one nation in the world.
-It is illegal for a person to make donations to a campaign over 5000 dollar without reporting it.
-It is illegal for a person to hide donations to a campaign through the use of a proxy.

The money for the NDA was both not reported as a campaign donation. And was provided by Michael Cohen and later reimbursed by Trump.

Hope this helps.

The FEC refused to take the case, and the judge didn't point out this "crime" to the jury.

hope this helps
I am sorry you are having such a hard time. Maybe you should have planned better. Be that as it may, it has nothing to do with the jury finding Trump guilty on 34 counts, nor is it a sign of any logical trump supporter defense, as it does not support or defend Trump, nor even represent you, with any intelligence. I am sorry you feel bad for Donny, but like always, this thing was based on his choices and actions, so I am sure he can live with them, as the rest of us live with our choices.

Let me know when you relocate to Memphis. No matter their political leadership, I am pretty sure they need workers there. So, maybe you can find work.

You vote for the policies and people that make Memphis happen, and then gloat over them that You Got Yours.

It's really almost breathtaking, but perfectly Democrat Party.
The FEC refused to take the case, and the judge didn't point out this "crime" to the jury.

hope this helps
Page 30,31...

You are right though. The limit was 2700.

Does this make you uninformed or uninterested?

As for what the FEC prosecuted. If you can yell bias for any act the DOJ or state prosecutor takes while Biden is in office. Wouldn't the reverse bias count under Trump? Nor is it completely true. Cohen sure as hell was prosecuted and went to jail over this. Trump was actually identified as an individual one at the time.
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This verdict is more of a black mark against liberal justice than it is against Trump. The whole trial was a phony fabrication. I just hope that Trump followers don't let their 'this conviction will help Trump' attitude do the same thing to them as the predicted 'Gigantic Red Wave' bullshit did in 2022. We either keep working toward the goal of electing Trump or we lose this country to socialism-communism. Complacency is not an option. MAGA
This verdict is more of a black mark against liberal justice than it is against Trump. The whole trial was a phony fabrication. I just hope that Trump followers don't let their 'this conviction will help Trump' attitude do the same thing to them as the predicted 'Gigantic Red Wave' bullshit did in 2022. We either keep working toward the goal of electing Trump or we lose this country to socialism-communism. Complacency is not an option. MAGA
A jury of his peers disagreed. But please enlighten me why something that has one person go to jail (Cohen) over a crime. Should be forgiven for the person at who's behest the crime was committed?
This verdict is more of a black mark against liberal justice than it is against Trump. The whole trial was a phony fabrication. I just hope that Trump followers don't let their 'this conviction will help Trump' attitude do the same thing to them as the predicted 'Gigantic Red Wave' bullshit did in 2022. We either keep working toward the goal of electing Trump or we lose this country to socialism-communism. Complacency is not an option. MAGA
But the case against Hillary that never went to trial, that was real ? All the gop has left are incompetent lawyers.
You vote for the policies and people that make Memphis happen, and then gloat over them that You Got Yours.

It's really almost breathtaking, but perfectly Democrat Party.
Gee, it is a new day. Yet, I see you are still here being a whiny lil bitch, that cannot sleep, and still the only way you find to rally to Trump's defense is to lash out blindly. Maybe you should go back on "the pill", to even out your mood swings at this time of the month. Or are you just going to be on the rag from now to Jan 6 when Joe is sworn in again? For now, you should just take two Midols, get a hot water bottle and try to get some sleep. I see you were posting this on the "Republicans rally to Trump's defence" thread at 4:52 AM, so you obviously are out of self-control, unable to sleep on your own. It must be rough, being ruled by your raging hormones, totally out of control, clouding your judgement, making you fidgety. If you want to do something with that emotion, you should channel it, into a new project, like getting the Republican convention moved to Mar-A-Lago, so the Orange Donny might be able to attend without an ankle bracelet going off. Besides, some sun might do you good. Good luck with your next life, if you ever decide to get one, again.
You underestimate how corrupt Democrats are. They kept the donations small enough that the law didn't require them to report it or keep records. Clever, but obviously intentionally doing an end run around the law which prohibits foreigners from donating to OUR presidential campaigns.
So now you’re claiming they are smarter.

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