Zone1 Breastfeeding A Two and Five Year Old?

Breastfeeding a walking, talking child who’s old enough to go to school is just gross and unnecessary

Yeah sure, breast milk has lots of good vitamins and nutrients. That’s fine. But babies need it because they can’t tolerate much else (besides formula, of course)

But a child old enough to eat and drink more or less the same foods you and I do?….. what on earth is the point of continuing breast feeding that long?

It occurs to me that both of us are mandatory reporters. I will state clearly that I would not report a family just because of this situation--but oh boy, would my spidey senses be on full blast.
If nothing else, by five years old, kids need to start learning the basics of, like, eating food like a normal human being

I can’t even imagine what that poor nine year old girls goes through when her peers discover she is still sucking milk from her mothers breast in third grade…

I would state that unless there's a baby in the house breastfeeding, five year olds should not even be seeing their mother's breast. This is the age where we're teaching kids about "private parts" for goodness sake.
Breastfeeding a walking, talking child who’s old enough to go to school is just gross and unnecessary

Yeah sure, breast milk has lots of good vitamins and nutrients. That’s fine. But babies need it because they can’t tolerate much else (besides formula, of course)

But a child old enough to eat and drink more or less the same foods you and I do?….. what on earth is the point of continuing breast feeding that long?

Opinions vary obviously.

You may get the answers to your questions if you watch the video, it's apparent you didn't.
Opinions vary obviously.

You may get the answers to your questions if you watch the video, it's apparent you didn't.
I don’t need to watch a video to know it’s not right to breastfeed someone older than a toddler. (And even that’s pushing it)

Maybe in some third world countries where children are literally starving there’s a valid incentive for a mother to breastfeed as long as physically possible.

But this is America in 2024. This isn’t the final scene from The Grapes of Wrath.
There is virtually no nutritional benefit to breastfeeding for a FIVE YEAR OLD. Here is a random image of kindergarteners. The percentage of their nutritional needs met by breastfeeding is frankly so low, it's not worth the drawbacks of 5 yo still breastfeeding (!?!). These are not babies, not toddlers, not even preschoolers. These are school aged children ready to read and write, and you think they should still be attached literally to their mother's breast?

View attachment 975129

Never said they should be, I said I don't see a problem with it.

I also said I doubt that it's the only nutrition the 5 year old gets, but you're going to have to prove your first statement. Even adults can get nutrition from breast milk.

Would you think differently if she used a breast pump and the 5 year old drank it out of a glass?

I don’t need to watch a video to know it’s not right to breastfeed someone older than a toddler. (And even that’s pushing it)

Maybe in some third world countries where children are literally starving there’s a valid incentive for a mother to breastfeed as long as physically possible.

But this is America in 2024. This isn’t the final scene from The Grapes of Wrath.

Is it ok for adults to drink cow's milk?

Never said they should be, I said I don't see a problem with it.

I also said I doubt that it's the only nutrition the 5 year old gets, but you're going to have to prove your first statement. Even adults can get nutrition from breast milk.

Would you think differently if she used a breast pump and the 5 year old drank it out of a glass?

View attachment 975143

A five year old child cannot get a "glass of milk" from the mother. The mother's milk supply is all but dried up then unless they are bf a baby. It's a dynamic system; the mother produces what the baby needs.

So the better comparison would be: how much nutrition is a five year old getting from two ounces of milk?

Not enough to justify how frankly creepy this is.
That's your opinion and you can't back it up.

Here is what the child gets when the child is arguably still a BABY--aged 12-23 months. One year olds. Notice this involves about 16 ounces of milk, two full bottles. The five year old is much bigger and the mother is not producing even close to 16 oz of milk for the child.

Again this is not for nutrition.

  • In the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides:
    • 29% of energy requirements
    • 43% of protein requirements
    • 36% of calcium requirements
    • 75% of vitamin A requirements
    • 76% of folate requirements
    • 94% of vitamin B12 requirements
    • 60% of vitamin C requirements
    • — Dewey 2001

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