Zone1 Stonehenge Vandalism Perpetrated by 21-Year-Old Oxford Bird-Watcher and 73-Year-Old Quaker Previously Arrested for Climate Change Activism

is our climate overstressed already?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
well, it's a good publicity stunt, but does need to spend time on it's messaging and argumentation.
but they got a website, and that's a good start :)
So does the 11 year old down the street lol
I heard on the radio today that some 3,000 climate alarmists have been arrested to date, but only some 4 to 6 have been jailed. Then the conversation was going to go over to what needs done with such a low prison figure but I had turned the channel over to music.

I suggest 50 lashes and 10 years in a Siberian prison for those climate idiots. If the punishment is not sufficient, then there's no deterrent. Sod this human rights crap.
The prisons are full *******. Tories are releasing prisoners every day,

***Mod Edit: Zone 1 rules state there is to be no name calling, flaming, etc.
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that's politically kinda sensitive, with the climate change scare running around in mass media outlet circles, don't you think?
Climate Change Scare

That's exactly what it is and people like you would see us all taxed with carbon credits chase you're too stupid to see what's happening

And what should the punishment be?

Imprisonment and make them clean art or monuments their whole sentence
Climate Change Scare

That's exactly what it is and people like you would see us all taxed with carbon credits chase you're too stupid to see what's happening
that 'scare' is based on peer-reviewed research and computer climate models.
i trust that on most claims, they are correct; most importantly among them :
  • humanity caused a massive spike in heat-trapping gas output (CO2, methane, etc?) since the industrial revolution.
  • humanity has caused mass-extinctions of entire species of animals and plants (Welcome to the Anthropocene - Population Matters)

And what should the punishment be?

Imprisonment and make them clean art or monuments their whole sentence
for how long?
that 'scare' is based on peer-reviewed research and computer climate models.
i trust that on most claims, they are correct; most importantly among them :
  • humanity caused a massive spike in heat-trapping gas output (CO2, methane, etc?) since the industrial revolution.
  • humanity has caused mass-extinctions of entire species of animals and plants (Welcome to the Anthropocene - Population Matters)

for how long?
Same peer reviews that said the vaccine was safe and effective you dupe?

We live on a planet where everyone could eat, everyone can live in comfort and travel freely in their own vehicles

The party has created another way to force inequality and that is this climate hoax so they take away gas cars and force everyone into EVs, that still require electricity to charge that they'll pull the plug on like in CA, they will take away Gas heat for cooking and to warm in the winter, they will take away air travel, they will take away ceiling fans and AC to keep cool. They want everyone to pay carbon tax which only the rich will be able to afford and you morons cheer it on. And I've posted many examples of this but keep ignoring reality idiot

The worst climate year was 536 AD = FACT

From 900-1200 AD there as another climate phenomenon where it snowed it Egypt and was warm for years in England

Point being climate has always changed you simple fuck
Same peer reviews that said the vaccine was safe and effective you dupe?

We live on a planet where everyone could eat, everyone can live in comfort and travel freely in their own vehicles

The party has created another way to force inequality and that is this climate hoax so they take away gas cars and force everyone into EVs, that still require electricity to charge that they'll pull the plug on like in CA, they will take away Gas heat for cooking and to warm in the winter, they will take away air travel, they will take away ceiling fans and AC to keep cool. They want everyone to pay carbon tax which only the rich will be able to afford and you morons cheer it on. And I've posted many examples of this but keep ignoring reality idiot
The rich respond well to what happens in their wallets.

The worst climate year was 536 AD = FACT

From 900-1200 AD there as another climate phenomenon where it snowed it Egypt and was warm for years in England

Point being climate has always changed you simple fuck
The rich respond well to what happens in their wallets.

And how will you respond to not having heat, AC, gas or a car?

I'm not your Google servant go learn something, maybe if you had a history degree like I do you'd know that

Or YouTube or Google

536AD worst year ever

The Medieval Warm Period 900-1200 AD
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