Just might be the dumbest statement by President Obama yet...

Not raising the debt limit would be the greatest thing to happen to this country since it's founding.

If the debt ceiling is not raised the government would not immediately go into default. Default is purely a political choice. Money still flows to the Treasury every day. As interest payments came due, the money would be there to pay them. As old debt was retired, new debt could be issued up to the current limit. What the Administration could not do is incur new debt, additional debt. They could not spend trillions of dollars more than they take in. An instant balanced budget would result.
Nevermind that business owners were afraid of hiring LOOOONG before the debt ceiling debate was anywhere on the radar.

It's not one "of" the reasons.
It's one "more" reason.

yes its awlays refreshing to hear the same old same old......

here is truth-

-the dems could have raised the debt ceiling anytime they pleased before nov.

-a significant portion of 3 months this year was addressed to reconciling LAST years ongoing budget resolutions....before we got a whopping, drum roll please......38 billion in cuts.

-BECAUSE the dems punted on doing a budget LAST year for THIS year.

- and, we don't have budget for next year in the hopper either, (due by October 1st)because we are stuck on the debt ceiling........

yes, its all those damn gopers....

and now that the dems have lost the ability to hold the purse, how fucking dare the gop not roll over......:lol:

what chutzpah....
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Today...our President stated...you better be sitting down...that one of the reasons businesses are not hiring is because they are afraid the government won't lift the debt ceiling.

no...seriously...he said that.
No...no..not trolling or just making a joke...he actually said this.

How is that unreasonable?

Oh I don't know...because businesses haven't been hiring for almost 3 years now.
Or maybe because consumers are not buying their products.
Or maybe because businesses everywhere realized they didn't need as many people.
Or maybe technology continues to eliminate jobs.
Or maybe because we are still closing plants and outsourcing labor.
Or maybe because demand is not there.

But no...your right...because the government can't borrow more money to giveaway is a much more significant reason - and this is why he said it. :cuckoo:
Today...our President stated...you better be sitting down...that one of the reasons businesses are not hiring is because they are afraid the government won't lift the debt ceiling.

no...seriously...he said that.
No...no..not trolling or just making a joke...he actually said this.

How is that unreasonable?

Oh I don't know...because businesses haven't been hiring for almost 3 years now.
Or maybe because consumers are not buying their products.
Or maybe because businesses everywhere realized they didn't need as many people.
Or maybe technology continues to eliminate jobs.
Or maybe because we are still closing plants and outsourcing labor.
Or maybe because demand is not there.

But no...your right...because the government can't borrow more money to giveaway is a much more significant reason - and this is why he said it. :cuckoo:

The 'debt ceiling' is just another smoke and mirrors trick. SOP for any POTUS and both parties.

It certainly is a concern for business..... but, as you point out, the reasons you listed are much higher up the list.
Their is absolutely no facts behind the notion that the government would default on current debts if the debt ceiling is not raised.
As pointed out earlier, the government will still keep right on receiving 70% of their income everyday just as they do now.
What it would do is provide a real - bonafide - time frame to force government to cut out the tremendous waste, corruption and misuse of taxpayer funds.
Ahhh, our posters know more about the effect of the debt ceiling on businesses than business leaders. This is why I love coming to these boards, we have some of the world's top experts on everything posting right here on these very boards!
God bless USMB! :clap2:

Armchair economists are aplenty at USMB.

political/social pundits too. :eusa_whistle:

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