Justice Kentanji Jackson says laws banning sex changes for young children are "sort of the same thing" as banning interracial marriage.

This is why having an advanced education doesn't necessarily make you smart. This is the kind of clown show that makes the western world look like a big circus. The idea that we even entertain, let alone allow emotionally driven children to be given drugs to change their body's physiology, which can and have caused long term damaging effects, simply because they feel they are different is shear insanity. We don't allow them to smoke or drink alcohol or get tattoos for a reason. They aren't emotionally mature enough to make responsible decisions, but letting them "change genders" and take pharmaceuticals to physically alter their bodies is perfectly fine.

SCOTUS needs to rule against "gender affirming care" and help put an end to these Frankenstein experiments in minors once and for all. Years from now we're going to look back at these treatments the way we view lobotomies today.

Isn't that the bitch that couldn't define what a woman is? What the fuck does she know about immutable characteristics? I don't think mental illness is an immutable characteristic.

1990s - “We just want the government to stay out of our bedroom”.

2020s - “We just want the government to stay out of our children’s bedroom!”

“Pedophilia is viewed as among the most horrifying social ills. But scientists who study the sexual disorder say it is also among the most misunderstood.

When most of the public thinks of pedophilia, they assume it's synonymous with child sexual abuse, a pervasive social problem that has exploded to crisis levels online. Researchers who study pedophilia say the term describes an attraction, not an action, and using it interchangeably with "abuse" fuels misperceptions.”

Here's how I see it going, this is from the Dobbs decision page 85. Just substitute child sex change procedures for abortion.

Under our precedents, rational-basis review is the appropriate standard for such challenges. As we have explained, procuring an abortion child sex change procedure is not a fundamental constitutional right because such a right has no basis in the Constitution’s text or in our Nation’s history.

It follows that the States may regulate abortion child sex change procedures for legitimate reasons, and when such regulations are challenged under the Constitution, courts cannot “substitute their social and economic beliefs for the judgment of legislative bodies.”

Any bets?

1: Black
2: Woman
You're hired!
And that’s why black women are the most angry over the election. They know now that they will not be shoved up to the front of the line, ahead of much more qualified whites - which is the case in 94% of hirings, based on population statistics: If only 6% of the population are black women, then only 6% of the time would a black woman be the most qualified.

Justice Kentanji Jackson says laws banning sex changes for young children are "sort of the same thing" as banning interracial marriage.​

I hope this was misquoted or taken out of context

If not she’s a moron

And probably a sure yes vote when lawyers for legalizing adult sex with children argue their cause in the Supreme Court
my 2 hour video is overdue. Plan to watch it while recuperating from dental work tomorrow. Figure that pain will mitigate the bullshit I will have to sit through.
Don’t do that. Watch it in its entirety in the middle of the busiest part of your workday. That’s how we got management to stop making us watch two and three hour classes that used to be taught by supervisors in fifteen minutes: “sorry, I can’t do my job right now I have to watch this video”. They stopped their “just squeeze the video in during the day crap “ real fast when everyone started taking the time to do that.
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Yes, putting up with someone's charade, is part of America. You have no right to not be offended.
So first conservatives have no right to speak…..and now we have no right to how we feel about leftist nonsense?

1. You have no right to object to our nonsense
2. You have no right to dislike it in the first place

(Fortunately, we still do have a right to vote. Jan 20 can’t come fast enough!)

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