Justin Stanfield Thomas Shot, Killed Accidentally By 4-Year-Old Son In Arizona


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
PRESCOTT VALLEY, Ariz. -- Authorities in northern Arizona say a 4-year-old boy has accidentally shot and killed his father at a Prescott Valley home.

Prescott Valley police say the shooting occurred just after noon Friday.

The 35-year-old man and his young son were visiting from Phoenix and were at a friend's house.
Police say the boy somehow found a gun in the home's living room and accidentally fired it and a bullet hit his father, who was rushed to a hospital where he died. Police identified the man as Justin Stanfield Thomas.




AZ's - liberal gun law
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This thread is not the thread started by me, this thread's title was changed by the "Administrator". The thread I started was a political thread titled AZ's - liberal gun law By changing the title of the thread, the "Administrator" is dictating the parameters and therefore the dynamic of the discussion. Shame-----shame on the "Administrator" for imposing his/her will on what should be an -open- discussion.
"Never let a tragedy go to waste" if you can make a political point.
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This thread is not the thread started by me, this thread's title was changed by the "Administrator". The thread I started was a political thread titled AZ's - liberal gun law By changing the title of the thread, the "Administrator" is dictating the parameters and therefore the dynamic of the discussion. Shame-----shame on the "Administrator" for imposing his/her will on what should be an -open- discussion.

Uh...that's not political either...that's Law and Justice Forum.
The owner of the gun should be charged with manslaughter.
Less then 1000 accidental deaths occur a year due to firearms. But we should ban all guns from 100's of millions cause of that.
Less then 1000 accidental deaths occur a year due to firearms. But we should ban all guns from 100's of millions cause of that.

100s of millions? There are 300 million people living in the US today. are you trying to claim that every man, woman and child in the US is currently armed?
Less then 1000 accidental deaths occur a year due to firearms. But we should ban all guns from 100's of millions cause of that.

100s of millions? There are 300 million people living in the US today. are you trying to claim that every man, woman and child in the US is currently armed?

There are at last estimate 300 million firearms in private hands.I would venture to guess close to 200 million people own firearms. But lets assume it is only 100 million. You would deny 100 million a guaranteed protected right because a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people are killed each year by firearms?

You are aware of course that laws mean nothing to criminals and they will retain their weapons and get more even if by some chance you outlaw firearms?
Keep guns and sharp objects away from children. The father, well the father died because of his own irresponsibility. No sympathy here, except for the child when he grows up and realizes what he did.
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My understanding was the father and son were visiting someone. That someone had a loaded firearm that the kid found. The father did nothing wrong. The owner of the gun DID.
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This thread is not the thread started by me, this thread's title was changed by the "Administrator". The thread I started was a political thread titled AZ's - liberal gun law By changing the title of the thread, the "Administrator" is dictating the parameters and therefore the dynamic of the discussion. Shame-----shame on the "Administrator" for imposing his/her will on what should be an -open- discussion.


That's totally not okay.

Keep guns and sharp objects away from children. The father, well the father died because of his own irresponsibility. No sympathy here, except for the child when he grows up and realizes what he did.

Was it the father's house and gun?
Less then 1000 accidental deaths occur a year due to firearms. But we should ban all guns from 100's of millions cause of that.

100s of millions? There are 300 million people living in the US today. are you trying to claim that every man, woman and child in the US is currently armed?

There are at last estimate 300 million firearms in private hands.I would venture to guess close to 200 million people own firearms. But lets assume it is only 100 million. You would deny 100 million a guaranteed protected right because a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people are killed each year by firearms?

You are aware of course that laws mean nothing to criminals and they will retain their weapons and get more even if by some chance you outlaw firearms?

32,000 die every year in the US by the gun. Less than a 1000 die every year in the US from accidental discharge. That is three people a day. And then there are the homocides, that adds another 9 to 10 thousand to that number.

Where do the criminals get the guns? From citizens that sell the guns without any thought at to how the other person will use the guns. Missouri bought an AR in a Walmart parking lot, gun and ammo, no questions asked. Or from people that have such weapons and store them carelessly. As in how the gun used in the mall shooting in Portland, Oregon, was obtained.

The fetish that is associated with guns is costing this nation dearly. The NRA is pushing the cause of the profits for gun dealers and manufactures above that of the safety of the citizens of this nation.

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