Kamala curses up a storm. "i'm f*cking moving to Iowa, folks give me sh*t for being a prosecutor"

Kamel Toe is a completely classless bimbo. She shows this every time she opens her mouth.
Class isn't required for the office. Knowledge and a good plan for America is however.
Well, she has little knowledge and NO good plans for America. In her case, it's WHO you know AND blow.
Democrats side with criminals, not prosecutors. What does kamala expect. She's such a brainwashed tool she doesn't realize that to a Democrat, she is the bad guy.
Why is that fucking whore even famous? Her only claim to fame is being a human condom for San Fran's most ridiculous clown of a mayor, Willie Brown. The fact that she was even attracted to the likes of Willie Brown proves she's a degenerate pervert.
Any idiot who pledges to institute "guidelines" to cut down on the eating of red meat will never get elected.
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Kamala needs to wake up. Most criminals are Democrats. That's why Democrats fight so hard to allow criminals to vote.
How does such a talentless person decide they have what it takes to be the President? Maybe it's her turn, like Hillary. Or maybe she has just lost touch with reality.
How does such a talentless person decide they have what it takes to be the President? Maybe it's her turn, like Hillary. Or maybe she has just lost touch with reality.
I think the truth is that the Democrats have nobody better
Class isn't required for the office.

Clearly, or Trump wouldn't be president right now

Did you have any substance to offer or were you just trolling?

Yep, Don't Taz Me Bro DOES appear to be a jackass. The bad part is they're a moderator for the site! They never post anything of intellect, their posts never add anything worthwhile to the thread. In a word, POINTLESS.
I don't understand why the Kamala Harris prostitution whore is punishing the innocent people of Iowa by moving there. Is she planning to stick corn-cobs into her unspeakable nether-regions and pretend it's Willie Brown's dick? I don't get it.

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