Kamala Harris: “How dare they? How dare they tell a woman what she can do and not do with her own body? How dare they?

Whatever a woman is. But yes, how dare they get these women fired for choosing to not get the mystery substance that we now know is responsible for a 25% increase in heart attacks get injected into her body?

Why don't we have a choice with The VAX or Masks or Social Distancing, or Business Closures, Supply Chain Woes, Inflation all because EmperorShitzHizPantz decreed it all?
There’s a reason there’s a spike in athletes dying of heart attacks and the CDC putting out a warning about blood clots out of the blue for no obvious reasons to the unknowing. I have a good friend who’s a surgeon of 30 years. He won’t touch this jab with a ten foot pole. One of the reasons he just retired, gave up a $400k job rather than take it.
Interestingly, there is nothing in the draft decision that says what a woman can or cannot do with her body. EitherKamala doesn't deserve her law degree ( or high school diploma, even) or Kammie's staff blew her up with this speech...
Interestingly, there is nothing in the draft decision that says what a woman can or cannot do with her body. EitherKamala doesn't deserve her law degree ( or high school diploma, even) or Kammie's staff blew her up with this speech...
It’s all drama queen time for the Leftards.
'Giggles' is only parroting what her masters told her to say.

We just witnessed a Vice President questioning the Judicial Branch of the United States authority to interpret law.

What next, the Supreme Court declares to the Biddum Admin "How Dare They" for nominating a new justice to the court who can't even tell what as woman is?
Yeah, but let be clear she has no problem with the government telling her what should be put in her body, so truthfully she is just having fake outrage like all of you on the left with the hope you can reignite the 1970’s again!!!

I am woman hear me meow is today marching song!

The dumpy white chunky leftist feminists are dusting off their pussy hats as we post.

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