Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

You are laughable. Desperate to find fault? Too funny. Only those who believe this angry, vengeful, ridiculous old bastard would buy his story. And, just as important, it's the kind of story used against women to discredit them. Seriously, so ridiculous.

Come on, seriously, you don't believe Willie Brown? Harris doesn't even deny the affair and it isn't important whether she had an affair of not. It is her politics that matter and I probably won't vote for her because I disagree with her fundamentally.
we had a war on crime, then a war drugs, and then a war on terror. we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
Do you mean the constitution? Welfare is called that as to give money to people. You know what the general welfare is? Its protecting the citizens and building a wall! Go get major cities stats on illigitimate children by teenagers. Its insane!
Providing for the general welfare is a General power and must be able to solve any exigency, for the general welfare not the general warfare.
I do not disagree with you on war. When you got to war you go for survival. However. Do you believe the world needs a policeman? And with that comes corrupted politicians and military people who go beyond the call of duty. We are entering a new age with a rising China who can built things much less then us in price and build many of them. Meanwhile we still have massive corruption in our military plannings. Unless the annual 30 to 50 billion dollars we have spent on black projects for the last forty years or so has given us weapons and hardware no one knows about, we will lose our superiority in a couple of decades. Most likely that money was corrupted away.
the right wing refuses to acknowledge our alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror as being really really serious, Because they refuse to pay really really serious tax rates for them. they must be fake. why does the right wing not insist those boondoggles and generational forms of theft be abolished, instead of complaining about social services for the Poor.
What's a "serious tax rate" for a family of four living on $50,000 a year?
let's abolish your alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. there are no really really serious times of War tax rates for them; they must not be very serious under Any form of Capitalism.
Riddle me this: why is it OK for a young black girl to suck a married politicians cock, but...well, let's stop there.

Why are democrats lining up behind Kamala?

Q. Why does CrusaderFrank hate Sen. Harris

A. She is a she, a woman of color, and not telling him what he wants to hear; thus he uses language which is so vulgar, hateful and hypocritical.

In fact every urgane member of this board should report this thread and ask that it be moved to the rubber room.
Of course, we understand you leftist smear merchants can't take what you dished out to Judge Kavanaugh. You're typical bullies that whine and cry when your own tactics are used against you. The only difference is the charges against Harris are TRUE.

There are no "charges" against Harris. And there are huge differences between Kavenaugh and Harris: This affair was never secret, never covered up, and never lied about. The participants were both of age, and while the mayor married, he had been separated from his wife for nearly two decades before the affair started.

The only thing you have here is that you're saying a woman has no right to date an older man, if she plans to run for office at some time in the future. There is NOTHING about this relationship which would or has disqualied Ms. Harris from public office.

There was never any charges against Kavanaugh either, only accusations.

You are both wrong on this

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
These aren't accusations. They are facts, truth. Is Mayor Willie Brown lying?

No, you are lying about went Brown has said

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Riddle me this: why is it OK for a young black girl to suck a married politicians cock, but...well, let's stop there.

Why are democrats lining up behind Kamala?

Riggle me this: why is it OK to spread rumors you can't back up?

How long ago was that now? Still nothing?

But say, since you've planted your flag on this particular island, why is it OK for an orange freak to boink a porn star while his wife is home suckling their new child?

Not that I care but apparently you do.......... :dunno:
Kamala has the extremist rightwing knuckleheads terrified like cowardly snowflakes. Especially the really crude obscene losers who base their political arguments on foul insults. Immature and childlike, following the ways of their immature baby man mentally ill leader Trump.

Shes just another skag ho of the libs. Shes all good though since shes a lib. Her and fluke should team up.
She scares the fuck out of you all. LMAO
that's the conclusion you drew from this thread? folks, one can't make this up. what a stupid fk.
Riddle me this: why is it OK for a young black girl to suck a married politicians cock, but...well, let's stop there.

Why are democrats lining up behind Kamala?

Why is it ok for the Potus of the US to bed a porn star and a playboy bunny shortly after his wife gave birth??

There are hundreds of threads about Trump and his private sex that the left have written. This thread is about Kamala. Why is it okay for Dems to have a candidate that slept around with married men?

Where does that exist?
Kamala has the extremist rightwing knuckleheads terrified like cowardly snowflakes. Especially the really crude obscene losers who base their political arguments on foul insults. Immature and childlike, following the ways of their immature baby man mentally ill leader Trump.

Shes just another skag ho of the libs. Shes all good though since shes a lib. Her and fluke should team up.
She scares the fuck out of you all. LMAO
that's the conclusion you drew from this thread? folks, one can't make this up. what a stupid fk.

The conclusion from this thread is easy...the right wing nuts are no different from the left wing nuts

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Riddle me this: why is it OK for a young black girl to suck a married politicians cock, but...well, let's stop there.

Why are democrats lining up behind Kamala?

Riggle me this: why is it OK to spread rumors you can't back up?

How long ago was that now? Still nothing?

But say, since you've planted your flag on this particular island, why is it OK for an orange freak to boink a porn star while his wife is home suckling their new child?

Not that I care but apparently you do.......... :dunno:
what exactly did the orangemanbad get out of that sex? not sure your issue. please share what is the issue. Maybe you wanted sloppy seconds?
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Brown writes: "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I "so much as jaywalked" while she was D.A."

Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris's Career During Extramarital Affair

Too funny for words.

Apparently he was separated at the time of the so-called affair.

Unlike Trunp.

More of the GOP double standard.
The broad smells. Get it through your head. I saw it at the Kavanaugh hearings. With Sparticus Booker and Klobaucher with the Dr. Sardonicus smile. Every one of your candidates are going to get the same treatment. You don't like it? This is your way of politics!

Here we go, it's a popular woman that has the wind at her back, and it's scaring the shit out of the Reich wing of the Republican party. Powerful, successful women always do. They cannot stand the thought of the first woman President of the United States.

In answer to this:

"Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, wrote a 137-word op-ed this weekendabout Kamala Harris with the declaration, “Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago.”If you haven’t been following the intricacies of California politics, this might seem like a bizarre and out-of-the blue confession.

On the day Harris held her kickoff presidential campaign rally in Oakland, long-simmering chatter about her relationship with Brown surfaced. In the wake of Harris’s campaign announcement last week, Brown says he felt compelled to put out a statement about their relationship after getting “peppered” with media inquiries about it.

Brown’s statement, described as a blatant play for the “limelight” by the Nation’s Joan Walsh, has since prompted misogynistic attacks against Harris from the right and the left, with people accusing her of leveraging her relationship with Brown to get plum government appointments.

Brown’s op-ed does a little to preempt such attacks, noting that while he may have helped influence some aspects of Harris’s career, he also played a similar role for powerful California politicians including Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi.

Brown’s relationship with Harris overlapped with his speakership in the mid-1990s, at which point Brown and his wife Blanche had been separated for more than a decade. While Fox News has sought to cast their pairing as an “extramarital relationship,” the San Francisco Chronicle notes that Brown had been “long-estranged” from his wife when he was with Harris. Harris was 29 when they met, while Brown was 60..Harris and Brown dated briefly in the mid-1990s, after Brown had separated from his wife in 1981. They split up in 1995, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, and Harris went on to marry California-based lawyer Douglas Emhoff in 2014."
Willie Brown’s op-ed about Kamala Harris, explained

Everyone should be reminded the Kamala Harris won the election for the California Senate, won the election for Attorney General of the State of California, and none of that had anything to do with someone named Willie Brown--:auiqs.jpg:

And we can't forget who is currently occupying the Oval office, can we?


And here is the infamous double standard of conduct. Men are always forgiven for their behavior, WOMEN never are.

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You are laughable. Desperate to find fault? Too funny. Only those who believe this angry, vengeful, ridiculous old bastard would buy his story. And, just as important, it's the kind of story used against women to discredit them. Seriously, so ridiculous.

Come on, seriously, you don't believe Willie Brown? Harris doesn't even deny the affair and it isn't important whether she had an affair of not. It is her politics that matter and I probably won't vote for her because I disagree with her fundamentally.
It's the kind of story used to discredit women who have earned (EARNED) positions of power. There was a movie made decades ago about the first woman running for vice president (hypothetical situation) and how she was attacked with a made up story about being sexually wild as a college student. People will believe anything if they want to believe it. People don't care about the truth anymore.

So. Trump had sexual relations with a porn star while his wife was giving birth to Baron. Why do you find a relationship, more noteworthy than a man having extramarital sexual relations with a porn start or a playboy bunny, and paying them off to be silent?

Explain that hypocrisy, and be honest if you can.
Riddle me this: why is it OK for a young black girl to suck a married politicians cock, but...well, let's stop there.

Why are democrats lining up behind Kamala?

Why is it ok for the Potus of the US to bed a porn star and a playboy bunny shortly after his wife gave birth??

There are hundreds of threads about Trump and his private sex that the left have written. This thread is about Kamala. Why is it okay for Dems to have a candidate that slept around with married men?

Where does that exist?

Sooooooooooooo..... Papageorgio rates this post "funny" yet has no response.

Which is what one expects when one asks for evidence of the nonexistent ------------ no response.
You are laughable. Desperate to find fault? Too funny. Only those who believe this angry, vengeful, ridiculous old bastard would buy his story. And, just as important, it's the kind of story used against women to discredit them. Seriously, so ridiculous.

Come on, seriously, you don't believe Willie Brown? Harris doesn't even deny the affair and it isn't important whether she had an affair of not. It is her politics that matter and I probably won't vote for her because I disagree with her fundamentally.
It's the kind of story used to discredit women who have earned (EARNED) positions of power. There was a movie made decades ago about the first woman running for vice president and how she was attacked with a made up story about being sexually wild as a college student. People will believe anything if they want to believe it. People don't care about the truth anymore.

Not sure a movie is relevant to real life. I have been watching people go down for just accusations, both men and women for many years, it isn't just women. Look at Kavanaugh, nothing but allegations of a high school incident, it is both sexes and it is wrong on both sides. Harris and Brown had an affair, not sure how it is relevant to her running for President.
You can smell her. Watching her at the Kavanaugh hearings anyone where the fans passe downwind were hospitalized. She has no answers if elected. Because only trying to get growth will help to pay for all of our promises to the people. Her agendas are anti growth. And she has STD's.

You need to provide evidence for all of these ^^^ allegations; if you don't have them you are a damn liar, and have lost any credibility you may have once had.
Q. Why does CrusaderFrank hate Sen. Harris

A. She is a she, a woman of color, and not telling him what he wants to hear; thus he uses language which is so vulgar, hateful and hypocritical.

In fact every urgane member of this board should report this thread and ask that it be moved to the rubber room.
Of course, we understand you leftist smear merchants can't take what you dished out to Judge Kavanaugh. You're typical bullies that whine and cry when your own tactics are used against you. The only difference is the charges against Harris are TRUE.

There are no "charges" against Harris. And there are huge differences between Kavenaugh and Harris: This affair was never secret, never covered up, and never lied about. The participants were both of age, and while the mayor married, he had been separated from his wife for nearly two decades before the affair started.

The only thing you have here is that you're saying a woman has no right to date an older man, if she plans to run for office at some time in the future. There is NOTHING about this relationship which would or has disqualied Ms. Harris from public office.

There was never any charges against Kavanaugh either, only accusations.

You are both wrong on this

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
These aren't accusations. They are facts, truth. Is Mayor Willie Brown lying?

No, you are lying about went Brown has said

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What am I lying about?

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